Fifa 22 will not have a free upgrade to next gen like it did last year.

1 : Anonymous2021/07/13 15:26 ID: ojhx6x
Fifa 22 will not have a free upgrade to next gen like it did last year.
2 : Anonymous2021/07/13 16:08 ID: h51tjdt

I played FIFA on my PC with integrated GPU around 2006. I was not impressed with graphics, so I upgraded my graphics card to "Nvidia 6200" at that time. After installing it, I was so happy to see the game with improved graphics and players more defined with polygons. That feeling was the last "new feeling" regarding FIFA. Even with latest 4K and graphics improvements, it does not inspire any feeling in me. It looks and plays identical across all versions.

ID: h52t6l6

You know what's funny? The FIFA 07 and 08 that came after that had the PS2 graphics on PC, while the "next-gen" graphics were only available on PS3 and 360 (played a ton of FIFA back then at one my mate's house). EA is beyond scum with these FIFA releases and especially so during cross-gen periods.

ID: h5307xh

That's the same case with Fifa 22. PC users won't get the next gen version. They will pretty much get a game similar to previous Fifa 21 version.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/13 15:32 ID: h51on8h

Likely because the new gen is out now. Oh and because of money, EA likes money.

ID: h51ruyp

You don’t like money?

ID: h52c55y

I‘m sure the majority of people like money. Some are just more greedy than others.

ID: h51pbjj

Every company likes more money but in the end it's because enough people are willing to pay for the upgrade

ID: h51rg37

it's because enough people are willing to pay for the upgrade

Soooo, money

ID: h52xaek

Theoretically there should be less people that legit need the upgrade since early adopters got Their systems already. You should just get the current gen version over the last gen...

ID: h527ynb

That's generally how for-profit businesses work. I'm guessing you do things to make a profit? And not just break even?

ID: h52aho9

So the the numerous companies giving free next gen upgrades aren't for-profit or don't like money?

4 : Anonymous2021/07/13 16:19 ID: h51v1zs

They should have bundled a few cosmetics or some DLC in with the upgrade and made it $10. Everyone here would have eaten it up.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/13 20:40 ID: h52uifa

E A's out of touch

6 : Anonymous2021/07/13 15:45 ID: h51qgnl

It really amazes me that despite being completely aware of their shitty reputation, they refuse even the most menial opportunities to build up some good will. What is there even to gain from doing this?

ID: h51qw1l

People will always buy Fifa, so I really don’t think they care to garner good will. There arent any other great soccer games out there I can think of, they pretty much dominate that space of gaming. Same exact thing with NBA 2K

ID: h526g2z

There arent any other great soccer games out there I can think of

Well there is Pro Evolution Soccer. I personally play Fifa but PES has its fans.

7 : Anonymous2021/07/13 15:40 ID: h51prt3

I guess this year we come back to reality as it used to be with previous gens where you had to buy twice, it was nice to have the free upgrades and even the 10$ ones (better than buy it again for sure), a shame that publishers don't have the will to continue the trend.

ID: h51q2od

Actually you are still buying it again when you’re paying for the ten dollar upgrade.

8 : Anonymous2021/07/13 17:25 ID: h5243ce

Idk why people even share sports game posts on this sub. It's always the same low-effort "iTs ThE sAmE gAmE aS lAsT yEaR1!!" shit in the comment section. FIFA, madden, 2k, etc. all need to innovate and improve but the games are very noticeably different year to year in terms of gameplay. If you pretend otherwise you're either a casual or you haven't even played the game and are just posting nonsense. Now if you're talking about features then by all means, go in.

ID: h52e3a7

At the end of the day these sports games outsell all their favourite games and companies only care about profits. They are laughing all the way to the bank

ID: h52btye

I play pro clubs and 21 was the first time they changed it in a few years and now it's looking like they changed it again for this year, they've took some features from the NHL clubs mode like custom stadium

9 : Anonymous2021/07/13 15:32 ID: h51onc6

FIFA 21 is fifa 22- That’s the free upgrade. Even the same cover athlete- prob reused pictures from the fifa 21 cover photo shoot.

ID: h51p6qy

Yep, using that logic my copy of FIFA '94 on the Megadrive will look and play the exact same.

ID: h51qdrm

How does that follow from his logic?

ID: h51t12z

This is how fat nerds treat sports games.

The sport doesn’t change year to year that’s the core gameplay there isn’t a ton to change.

I want my players to match the teams, I want the young guys in the game, I’m going to put 100 hours into these games every year. I want these games to happen because I want to put a ball in a hoop or goal with my friends. A lot of games people love mean nothing to me but I’m not going to shit on a game I have little interest in.

ID: h51xwhf

What an idiotic strawman lmao.

ID: h51qo64

Exactly why I stopped after FIFA 11. Haven’t noticed a difference since then. Ctrl C Ctrl V

ID: h520951

Can you genuinely say that with a straight face? I criticise FIFA and EA as much as anyone but if you think FIFA11 and FIFA21 are identical I dunno what to tell you, that's outrageous.

10 : Anonymous2021/07/13 17:10 ID: h5223zj

Is it because of the “new” tech stuff they are using)

11 : Anonymous2021/07/13 21:12 ID: h52yod5

If I get the ps5 version, will I also get the ps4 one?

12 : Anonymous2021/07/13 15:44 ID: h51qcsr

It’s kinda annoying having to see people in these comments sections bash EA for doing this when 2K has done this exact same thing before them just last November. I hate that this is to be the case, even if I’m not into sports games much, but best not to forget who started this first.

ID: h51tfnv

2k is 10x worse than ea. I really love the game and have so many good memories playing it but I haven’t bought in 2 years. Progressively gets worse every year

ID: h51tb3b

So it's okay when someone else does it?

Nice defence.. Your honor I know I murdered that guy but I find it super annoying that another person killed someone 24 hours earlier so don't forget him!!! ... Most Europeans don't give a fuck about NBA games.

ID: h520553

I never even said that to begin with. Don’t you dare start putting your words into my mouth.

While the preference in sports differs from region, that doesn’t matter when it comes to whose done the most anti consumer options first.

The point of the matter is remembering who started the trend first and foremost, regardless of the sport in question.

ID: h5319gy

It’s kinda annoying having to see people in these comments sections bash EA for doing this when 2K has done this exact same thing before them just last November.

Sony did it with MLB earlier this year.

13 : Anonymous2021/07/13 18:10 ID: h52aa44

People should do what I do: buy FIFA 21 now for around $10, play it for an hour, get bored and move on.

14 : Anonymous2021/07/13 18:14 ID: h52aqxt

I don't think we can get too annoyed about paying for an upgrade on this sub but f*ck EA

ID: h52bnyv

Seems like reasonable business practice to me. None of these companies had to give the free upgrades last year. I think it’s pretty awesome that it happened at all.

That being said… EA still sux

ID: h52c2ku

I got the free upgrade last year but with very small numbers playing the next gen version due to the lack of consoles I just seemed to be playing the same people over and over. (Pro clubs) so idk if I should risk getting the next gen version this year

15 : Anonymous2021/07/13 15:46 ID: h51qjs0

Don’t they release on the same day though? So you only really need both versions if you wanna play with your mates who still have a PS4?

ID: h52bbpv

You have to buy the most expensive version to get both versions

16 : Anonymous2021/07/13 15:55 ID: h51rswf

No one will ever compete with sds/Mlb the show

17 : Anonymous2021/07/13 18:24 ID: h52c78h

The morons will continue to buy this shit and love it. There’s no point in reasoning with these people. They are soccer fans after all

18 : Anonymous2021/07/13 17:45 ID: h526tsz

Didnt they say last year it would be free???

19 : Anonymous2021/07/13 18:08 ID: h529zlg

Really looking forward to how this will go given the amount of backlash even a 10 dollar upgrade of an actual good product like Ghost of Tsushima caused

20 : Anonymous2021/07/13 18:09 ID: h52a2ac

I mean, they should just be releasing one version of it for PS5 + PS4, but then PS4 players would be getting a bum deal. And where are most of the users? Still on PS4, with probably less than half expected to upgrade over the next 12 months. So you would just get the other argument of PS4 players being ripped off with a game at the same price with less features. Plus why would you pay for the PS5 version if you did upgrade your console between releases? Just wait for the next one if it is a game you are buying each time, and continue playing the PS4 version until then.

21 : Anonymous2021/07/13 18:55 ID: h52ga3w

Is at least cross party?

Like can I play with my ps4 friends...?

ID: h532h13

You would need the ps4 version to play with ps4 friends

22 : Anonymous2021/07/13 21:03 ID: h52xkd1

Meanwhile PES is going free to play. I haven't touched PES in ages, that's gonna change now.

ID: h53doxt

Going free to play isn't a good thing...

24 : Anonymous2021/07/13 23:35 ID: h53g32r

Will this game have the Alex Hunter mode? Because that’s the only thing that’ll entice me back.

25 : Anonymous2021/07/13 23:47 ID: h53hgx0

I think a lot of people will have easier time with this if they looked at it as a yearly subscription. And a free disc if you get a physical copy 😉

26 : Anonymous2021/07/13 15:32 ID: h51ommr

Who even still play fifa? duh

27 : Anonymous2021/07/13 15:34 ID: h51ovua

It is one of the best selling franchises and on top of that they earn a fortune with the Ultimate Team mode every year

So probably a lot of people play it

28 : Anonymous2021/07/13 15:34 ID: h51p0hq

One of the best selling games in the world....

29 : Anonymous2021/07/13 16:09 ID: h51tp0v

Yeah, it used to be fun. People play fifa cuz there is no alternative for fut tbh. Most of them complain anyway. Shit ton of overhyped cards, good players are mosty unplayable unless they got 90+ pace... cmon, this game is shit.

30 : Anonymous2021/07/13 15:39 ID: h51pnsn

Just so you know, outside of the USA, soccer is a very popular sport. Just FYI.

Soccer is the most watched sport in the entire world. Would make sense that the video game counterpart gets a lot of sales.

31 : Anonymous2021/07/13 16:11 ID: h51tzly

Just so u know, im polish, I play football at leats twice a week, watch most of the la liga matches as well. I used to play fifa a lot, but its more and more shitty.

32 : Anonymous2021/07/13 18:42 ID: h52en76

Soccer is also getting popular in the US. FIFA game sales have been increasing over there recently

33 : Anonymous2021/07/13 18:41 ID: h52eemz

Anyone want to show this guy the sales for FIFA or do I?

34 : Anonymous2021/07/13 16:13 ID: h51u9r1

All of Europe... it’s the no.1 reason for European casuals to buy a PlayStation console.

That’s the reason why Sony is giving EA and the UEFA a shitload of money for advertisement rights.

35 : Anonymous2021/07/13 16:17 ID: h51uv6o

Fifa is the no1 reason to buy fifa? Oh man xd

36 : Anonymous2021/07/13 16:55 ID: h51zzah

Where are the people who were saying EA better than Sony, free upgrade blablabla. There you go lol

37 : Anonymous2021/07/13 18:19 ID: h52bfst

Well they did offer a free upgrade for FIFA 21 and Jedi fallen order

38 : Anonymous2021/07/13 16:57 ID: h520csb

FIFA.... Upgrades.... LMFAO


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