[DF] Resident Evil Village PC – Is Performance Fixed? Plus: AMD FSR Performance/Image Quality Tests

1 : Anonymous2021/07/26 17:01 ID: os30w9
[DF] Resident Evil Village PC - Is Performance Fixed? Plus: AMD FSR Performance/Image Quality Tests
2 : Anonymous2021/07/26 20:25 ID: h6mlh7n

This is a fair video. It makes no sense to me how so many people in here seem to be emotionally attached to their hardware/AMD.

Nobody cares whether you do or don't use FSR. People have differing image quality standards.

ID: h6natvp

Member when GN got called intel shills and received death threats after their 1st ryzen review in 2017? I member

/comments/5xkw1b/gamersnexus_receiving_death_threats_over_ryzen" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.reddit.com//comments/5xkw1b/gamersnexus_receiving_death_threats_over_ryzen

ID: h6ollzs

To be fair, GN was wrong on Zen 1's IPC (Anandtech tested it) and they were wrong that AMD was looking at the sky or whatever during their presentations.

Death threats arent correct for being wrong and an ass on Twitter though. That is true.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/26 17:40 ID: h6lyybq

Kind of disappointed that they didn't compared FSR at lower resolution like 1080p - 1440p with lower end GPUs like GTX 1060 / RX 580. Where these upscaling Techs will be more useful and more relevant,

because as what they already said on high end GPUs like RX 6800XT or RTX 3080, FSR is kinda useless on this game as it already runs so fast on them at Native even with Ray Tracing at 4K.

But still good overall coverage from Digital Foundry, and i still appreciate that they are one of the only big popular tech medias who noticed this particular performance issue with the stuttering from this game since from the start and decided to report it, meanwhile others was dead silent about it.

ID: h6nb0fv

I thought most outlets came to the conclusion that FSR doesn't look good enough to use on a 1080p display.

ID: h6ojv3t

Those outlets are wrong. It is usable at 1080p.

ID: h6onlqr

FSR is worse at 1080p then DLSS but if you have an APU or other low end GPU that does not support DLSS then FSR at 1080p can still look better than non TAA upscaling methods so it is still an IQ or FPS (depending on which way the user came from) uplift for certain users.

ID: h6o0pi3

Its just really bad at low res. Ultra quality and quality only usable ones.

ID: h6ooctk

It really depends what angle you are coming from.

If you have a low end APU and are already running sub native to get your desired FPS then even FSR to 1080p can be an IQ uplift. OTOH if you run native but suffer with low FPS then FSR to 1080p will be an IQ downgrade but an FPS uplift that the user may find as an acceptable trade off where using the built in upscaling is not.

ID: h6mgvst

Kind of disappointed that they didn't compared FSR at lower resolution like 1080p - 1440p with lower end GPUs like GTX 1060 / RX 580. Where these upscaling Techs will be more useful and more relevant,

If they did they'd probably be reamed a new ass for "not showing FSR in the proper light, it looks best at 4K with ultra quality setting!"

In all seriousness all upscaling techs look way worse the lower you go, so it really doesn't create much incentive to spend a lot of time comparing at low resolutions. If you can see differences at 4K, you're sure as shit going to see them and then some at 1080p.

ID: h6o7xs3

Shouldn't the point of upscaler is to get better fps with acceptable quality loss though? the differences are there but now you can reach 60fps (or better fps compared to native) instead with budget graphic card while keeping the native resolution instead of using lower res option stretched to native

ID: h6o7m1n

Test both? And AFAIK they got properly blasted on their launch review for amateurish mistakes and inconsistent claims. Stuff that always raise the fair question "are they biased?" Their partnership with nVidia is also no mystery to most people (they basically ran a ad for the RTX 3000 GPUs before the review embargo lifting, masquerading as a third party early preview).

Also they clearly implied the intent would be to show how much it helps lower end GPUs (hence why also lower res).

IDK it feels like you didn't even bother reading what you replied to and just gave a knee-jerk reaction reply about image quality.

ID: h6m2206

1080p - 1440p with lower end GPUs like GTX 1060 / RX 580. Where these upscaling Techs will be more useful and more relevant,

How is it more usefuly there ? This tech barelly manages 4k ultra and the image is still severy degraded in a very visible way. Using it at 1080 will just offer a smeared image where every detail is lost. Plus, this games own CB solution runs faster and looks better than FSR, so its a pretty useless implementation here

ID: h6m3vec

How is it more usefuly there ?

Because these GPUs lack more rasterization performance to run this game at native target res. You can make a 1080p GPU like GTX 1060 and RX 580 to be more of a 1440p with FSR. Yes, FSR won't look nowhere near as good as native 1440p, but i think it should look better than a native 1080p at least.

ID: h6m3afa

Go turn on checkerboard rendering in Resident evil and tell me it looks good. It looks ok when ur in the brightly lit outside area. As soon as ur in any area with different light levels the CB looks terrible.

Also you get artifacts on the grass moving with CB turned on.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/27 00:18 ID: h6nexo0

That hit to texture quality is pretty dramatic on FSR. One of the draws to higher resolutions is texture quality, but FSR doesn't preserve it all that well. Checkerboarding with more pixel stability would be a nice high performance global solution.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/26 17:38 ID: h6lymsy

Any reason why FSR has a fixed resolution? Why don't they use it with the DRS already in place? Does RE8 not have DRS?

6 : Anonymous2021/07/26 18:41 ID: h6m7dhc

I cant take DF seriously after their original FSR coverage.

ID: h6n6vcz

Everyone is downvoting you for telling the truth so I will back up your claims.

Alex admins his flaw here and claims he updated the article

" class="reddit-press-subreddit-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
/comments/o6sx19/digital_foundry_made_a_critical_mistake_with/h2v0018/" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.reddit.com/" class="reddit-press-subreddit-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

Then he was called out again how he didn't actually update the pictures in his article

" class="reddit-press-subreddit-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
/comments/o6sx19/digital_foundry_made_a_critical_mistake_with/h2w0cww/" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.reddit.com/" class="reddit-press-subreddit-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

He claims he won't update the pictures because of how if he fixes the incorrect pictures people will accuse him of bias even though refusing to post the proper information is clearly bias.

ID: h6nbbdw

They also spent close to 30 minutes talking about it that week on their DF Direct:

ID: h6n56h6

I’m still taking DF content on a case by case basis but they’ve definitely lost credibility with me too.

I see why that FSR coverage - and how they (mis)handled admitting their error - would really rub an AMD superfan the wrong way though.

ID: h6nuzlq

This is one of the most balanced and reasonable responses I've yet seen. Generally, they do very thorough and in-depth work, to discount every video they've ever made or will make from one mistake that might have rubbed the wrong way doesn't really seem like the right answer. Watch the content, make up your own mind.

ID: h6n6prl

I’m not, they’re absolute trash - this ordeal shows they have no integrity whatsoever

ID: h6msbz1

Can't argue with the mediocre results, so you resort to attacking their credibility, classic.

ID: h6mticx

Nah im just looking for actual information, not interested in reviewers who do improper testing like in DFs FSR video. Not sure why you are trying to defend improper testing that spreads misinformation.

ID: h6meoy0

Their original coverage wasn't that bad. This game also has TAA. A bunch of games do and that's what FSR will have to work with, unfortunately.

ID: h6mewit

Their original FSR coverage was completely inaccurate and they admitted it but refused to update their article or video.

ID: h6mbix0

Careful saying that on /

its the most brigaded techsub.

The video is just defending checkerboard rendering claiming how gamebreaking it is. This feature in the game was tested after release and everyone came to the conclusion that it causes artifacts & flickering but Digital Foundry has a hate boner for FSR and will defend anything that isn't FSR.

ID: h6mri6k

This game also has literally the worst VRS tier 2 implementation ever. Turning it on looks horrible.

ID: h6n1oor

Seems like you're the only one with a hate boner here, the video literally does point out all the deficiencies checkerboarding has, like hair breakup, greater shimmering, but none of it is "gamebreaking", bottom line is checkerboarding runs better than even FSR Quality while looking better overall than FSR Ultra Quality, especially around high noise detail like grass.

7 : Anonymous2021/07/27 04:59 ID: h6o9kur

I'll never understand all the talk over a spatial upscaler.

FSR definitely has a place in the PC space, especially for older games or engines where TAA upsampling or other reconstruction techniques aren't an option for whatever reason.

It's easy to implement (as it should be given what it is) and having another option is always a good thing but it's hardly worth all the drama...

8 : Anonymous2021/07/27 00:10 ID: h6ne1kx

It’s fucking pathetic that the only comment thread with any negative commentary (and for which the OP and others provided links to back up his claims for) is being brigaded because of “muh console warz” mentality.

Like there’s nothing inflammatory or “not contributing to discussion” about any of it.

It just goes against the preferred narrative because why? You have an NV card? Grow up.

ID: h6otdxd

It’s fucking pathetic that the only comment thread with any negative commentary (and for which the OP and others provided links to back up his claims for) is being brigaded because of “muh console warz” mentality.

I'm confused. Was this meant as a comment for this post? I'm the OP of this post and I didn't make any comments under this post thus far.

9 : Anonymous2021/07/26 19:10 ID: h6mbep8

Digital foundry became shit some years ago. I knew them, they changed, this is a fact, what they say is meaningless.

ID: h6oqbxk

Care to elaborate?

10 : Anonymous2021/07/26 17:14 ID: h6lvd3j

This is why I don't see FSR taking off in big games and studios that have similar or better solutions.

The checkboard in RE8 is good )at 10:45 it retains more details in texture, however, it does lose detail in hair) and produces more frames.

ID: h6lxt25

in big games and studios that have similar or better solutions.

They almost never do. That's why FSR and DLSS exist.

ID: h6m1of9

They do for a while now. Last gen console targeting forced them too.

Checkboarding is really common on consoles, but they havent been ported to pc to much. RE is one of few.

Most games have hidden or hard to find Upscalers. AC Valhalla has TAAU and you do that by using the resolution scaling

ID: h6m0cxq

They almost never do. That's why FSR and DLSS exist.

I have noticed that most games recently launching nowadays do feature them now, Metro Exodus Enhanced for example features TAAU, and RE Village has their own checkerboarding, most Ubisoft games like AC Valhalla, WDLegion also has TAAU, even Cyberpunk 2077 with AMD FidelityFX CAS, although it isn't FSR, but still considered as some sort of resolution upscaling tech.

ID: h6lxuy5

Checkerboarding/interlacing is a reconstruction technique, while FSR is FP16 Lanczos with edge detection and sharpening. Both have trade-offs, but both won't be available in most games simultaneously, so while you can compare them, it won't matter when you can only choose one.

Here though, if you care about texture detail and resolution, checkerboarding has you covered, and it's built right into the game.

ID: h6lz5bp

I think people are tempted to exaggerate interlaced quality all the sudden.

When Interlacing is enabled, Resident Evil Village showcases more noticeable aliasing and specular artefacts, neither of which can be seen in a screenshot. During gameplay, aliasing becomes more noticeable and some areas of the screen appear to shimmer when players stand still. These artefacts are not dealbreakers, but as a whole, native resolution rendering delivers superior results. That said, the performance gains of interlacing at 4K are colossal.

As has been looked at in the past, yeah it is a big performance boost but not it's not lacking quality issues either. Everything is going to have some kind of quality issue because ditching native resolution for a lower resolution and then doing something to that lower resolution is a hack no matter what method.

ID: h6o39dq

Dlss is just magic at this point

ID: h6lxrt4

The usefulness of FSR for legacy hardware is undoubtedly good. Depending on devs to implement their own unique upscaling method is not guaranteed. FSR is applicable anywhere.

The effectiveness of FSR, in every day use, not so much. Checkerboarding and TAAU techniques provide similar performance gains with arguably similar Image Quality. FSR Ultra Quality and Quality at 4k are FSR's best IQ/Perf settings. However, most legacy GPUs and APUs cannot run games which would benefit from FSR at UQ (1662p) or Q (1440p).

ID: h6lytp5


ID: h6m14t1


ID: h6m09jv


ID: h6m1nph


ID: h6m15kq


11 : Anonymous2021/07/26 22:54 ID: h6n4xx8

I just beat the village last night using a RX6700xt oc and it looked beautiful all the way threw with the exception of trees looking out from castle

13 : Anonymous2021/07/26 19:29 ID: h6mdvh7

LOD bias AMD? A slider, plis?


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