Did anyone else think Castle Dimitrescu was the main setting of the game?

1 : Anonymous2021/09/21 17:33 ID: psnnsg

I thought a majority of the game would take place in the castle. Similar to Outlast or Amnesia TDD.

Especially as it looks so huge when looking at it from below in the village

2 : Anonymous2021/09/21 19:01 ID: hdr39sk

My original assumption was the setting would switch between the village and castle, back and forth several times like you did with the Baker House/Old House/Guest House in RE7. With more parts of the village/castle being accessed each time you revisit it.

ID: hdrklbp

I think I was of this idea too. Ended up spending most of my times in that foundry. Lol

ID: hdrotw2


ID: hdrrl43

The different places in RE8 to me seem to be developed separately of one another. They have no connection to each other and you never get to go back to some locations. It feels like they split each part of the game into pieces and have different teams develop them like a divide and conquer game development strategy. Just my perspective on how it feels to me.

ID: hds02mq

I thought the same. Like similar to how the keys and sorta metriodvania feel of the game but with those two settings. I was really looking forward to slowly exploring that castle over the game, such a shame it didn't last very long.

3 : Anonymous2021/09/21 18:29 ID: hdqyn0z

I thought it would be a big section but I knew there were other areas, and it does end up being one of the largest sections of the game so I didn't mind.

4 : Anonymous2021/09/21 18:30 ID: hdqyr2j

I did think it would play a much larger role and thought we'd come back to it after leaving.

ID: hdrok0d

It would be cool if, after killing the daughters, she captures us and we escape, coming back to a new area of the castle or something later in the game to finally face her.

ID: hdrpk47

If I never have another story with a repetitive capture plot it will be too soon.

I cannot stand stories where you become an idiot in cut scenes as a plot point. It robs you of all control if you're character is hamstrung like that too often. It can work in small doses like in Far Cry 3 but you run the risk of going Far Cry 5 where you get kidnapped 12 different times in 25hrs.

ID: hdrr9z4

Remember you explore the castle/kill the daughters right after you get captured and escape the first time. It would not be a wise move to take away the players agency again so soon after that first time. I have a strong feeling ppl would not like that.

ID: hdrkagm

Same here. I'm disappointed we didn't go back at all. Maybe there will be a DLC?

ID: hdrkonz

They already announced a DLC however they haven’t said what will be on it

5 : Anonymous2021/09/21 19:57 ID: hdrbhoc

I knew it wasn't all there was, but I think it was dumb to use it first, and especially not allow you to come back. It's like it was made specifically for Trailers or something.

6 : Anonymous2021/09/21 19:06 ID: hdr3yyc

Yeah the castle looks absolutely huge, and could honestly been a whole game by itself (like the Spencer mansion and the Baker estate).

7 : Anonymous2021/09/21 19:13 ID: hdr507z

Yes, and I also assumed, like many people, that there would be a super high-tech laboratory beneath the castle. Capcom threw us a curveball, those naughty devils.

ID: hdr5ckt

Yeah. I was imagining that Rose would eventually be found in some underground chamber or something along those lines towards the end of the game

ID: hdrxuez

That would’ve been based ngl

8 : Anonymous2021/09/21 19:13 ID: hdr4z7b

I expected it to go beyond the castle thats just how RE works however i didnt expect certain events to take place so early.

9 : Anonymous2021/09/21 18:34 ID: hdqzfcg

I mean, the game is called Village.

ID: hdrj1fn

If we're being honest, it's called "some letters that cutely go with roman numeral eight if you write them a certain way-" connection to overall theme was secondary, I imagine.

ID: hdrj8n3

Fair lol.

They probably came up with that before they had any other ideas and the whole goofy story is based on that.

10 : Anonymous2021/09/21 20:05 ID: hdrcmci

I was VERY PLEASED it wasn't!!! The way Village was set up was really good in my opinion. I loved how it went full circle and one boss was left till the end.

ID: hdrdnf1

Oh yeah definitely. Not saying I would have preferred the whole game to be in the castle, just that early in the game I got that impression

ID: hdre1y4

Me too my friend! I really enjoyed the variety of locations and that final section, my GOD!!!! It feels appropriate to say that I felt like Samus at the end of a Metroid game in that final hour!!!

11 : Anonymous2021/09/21 21:06 ID: hdrlc0x

I thought the game revolved around the castle. Would of felt like 1 were the whole game focused on the mansion, or how 2 focused on RPD building.

But i am glad they broke the game up, we would of missed benevietos level which i thought was genius.

12 : Anonymous2021/09/21 19:07 ID: hdr42ku

Not really. Resident Evil ads typically hype up the first stage while leaving the rest a mystery. With Resident Evil 4, Capcom focused heavily on the village at the expense of the island.

ID: hdrntoc

Same with the train in RE0, the police station in RE2 and the Baker house in RE7.

Most games come front-loaded as you would expect from a marketing perspective. RE1 and RE5 are the most consistent in this regard I think.

13 : Anonymous2021/09/21 21:19 ID: hdrn5ks

I was a bit sad it wasn't - I got mega RE1 Spencer Mansion vibes from the trailer and really hoped the castle would be on par with that.

Don't get me wrong, the village was awesome and the whole map was superb. But I'd really have loved more castle and more puzzles in the castle! (I'm aware 8 was more akin to 4 hence more action, less puzzles.)

14 : Anonymous2021/09/21 21:10 ID: hdrlzfy

My original thoughts after seeing most of the trailers was that we’d been thrown into this regal, Victorian, luxurious cult, controlled by some man and woman(Heisenberg and Lady D), with the woman’s kids(and potentially his because we didn’t know they were siblings at the time). Like we start off the game in the village, meet lady protagonist, end up having to go to big fancy ball, get dragged away by vampire lady and daughters, maybe meet the lord, and then at some point during the ball/after ball, we choose our protagonist and get ready to face our classical goth literature protagonists in hopes of getting a child or old man back.

15 : Anonymous2021/09/21 21:24 ID: hdrnut5

In the begin yes, but the last 2 trailers and all the Capcom reveals show the main thing old be the village with others sections connect to it.

16 : Anonymous2021/09/21 21:29 ID: hdroiws

I just don't think they knew how that segment would be the fan favorite

17 : Anonymous2021/09/21 22:00 ID: hdrstl6

I definitely thought I'd be spending more time in the castle. I was pretty bummed out when it was pretty much the first bit of the game after the first village section.

18 : Anonymous2021/09/21 22:08 ID: hdrtv0d

No, but I thought we might come back to it. Although I loved the other areas as well, I thought the castle was the most impressive visually in terms of all the detail and scale of the rooms, furnishings etc – it looked near photo-realistic.

19 : Anonymous2021/09/21 22:44 ID: hdrygjj

The game has some strange pacing, at least when you look at the separate bosses and how long you spend with each of them. Also, the game has lots of definitions of bosses. Like Dimitrescu and her siblings, are technically below their mother. And Dimitrescu has her own people below her, her daughters. But Moreau doesn’t have that nor does the doll girl (afaik). Heisenberg has Sturm and some other increasingly advanced enemies, but still lacks the structure that Dimitrescu seems to have. Can’t fault RE for some unevenness, because overall I’d say the game is even, just not in the clear cut ways you’d probably expect (which would probably get boring tbh, fighting 3 Moreau underlings, then off to heisenberg for a predictable three fights before you see him…)

20 : Anonymous2021/09/21 22:46 ID: hdryqex

I truly enjoyed and loved the game. However I do agree with some of the criticism like the one... I think it was Angry Joe that said this? That it felt like one giant boss gauntlet. Too little exploration and fighting and such.

I too felt like there should have been maybe a bit more exploration areas. Maybe make the village even bigger. A bit more combat or places where you have to sneak around, puzzles, etc.

I didn't feel the game was TOO short though, just very dense. If anything I just wish they had made the actual village a bit bigger.

21 : Anonymous2021/09/21 22:52 ID: hdrzl4q

When you get out and think that each of the other sections revealed will be as big as the castle, your mind is blown. They aren’t, lol.

22 : Anonymous2021/09/21 23:44 ID: hds685s

Yeah looking at the castle from the outside made it look huge

23 : Anonymous2021/09/21 20:17 ID: hdreem8

I wish it was because everything after the castle is kinda boring.

24 : Anonymous2021/09/21 20:23 ID: hdrf7en

As soon as I saw the trailer close to launch feat. the four Lords I kinda knew what to expect. Then read another “spoiler free” review which confirmed as much. It is what it is and I definitely enjoyed the game. But after getting an A+ stalker type in Mr X in RE2R, to then a C- in Nemesis in R3R, to then just a C+ in Lady D in Village, that was ultimately a little disappointing to me. To see how good that feature can work a and then not properly go back to it over the next two games irked me. Especially after the marketing around Village, w Lady D appearing as the main antagonist. Playing the game and having her only feature in 20% or so of the game was very underwhelming.

ID: hdrnnpw

That's why I don't watch too many trailers these days--they spoil too much. They showed licker Nemmy in one of the RE3R trailers. Man I would have been so pissed if I had seen that before playing the game!

ID: hds23in

I was looking forward to getting chased by Lady D, and while I think she was perfectly fine for chasing, it's just so underutilized. She actually chases you what, 3 times? Maybe 4? Most of which is during a fairly linear puzzle sequence. Still better than the glorified cut scenes in 3R though.

25 : Anonymous2021/09/21 21:19 ID: hdrn7t4

Nope the game was called Village not castle. Didn't really have any reason to assume the Castle would be the dominate setting.

26 : Anonymous2021/09/21 19:23 ID: hdr6h1n

So did I, dear boy. So did I.

27 : Anonymous2021/09/21 20:16 ID: hdre7ds

I think it was pretty obvious that it was only the first stage. However, I would have prefered if all or most of the game was set there. I really enjoyed the whole game, but it went a bit worse after the castle

28 : Anonymous2021/09/21 21:49 ID: hdrr9qj

They had a tonal issue with the whole game. It is a good game, don't get me wrong, but it couldn't decide on whether it was going to be camp horror or the continuation of an ongoing mythology.

They should have revealed Ethan's true nature early on and turned him into Resident Evil Wolverine as he walks off fatal wounds like they are paper cuts if they wanted to focus on action.

29 : Anonymous2021/09/21 21:56 ID: hdrs8yp

Village did not live up to the hype in my opinion. The developers even boasted that it was the best survival horror game ever. Lots of misleading previews for a very linear game that didn’t feel like much of a survival horror at all. I definitely expected to enjoy it more considering the elements from RE4. Biohazard was a masterpiece, and one of my all time favorites now.

30 : Anonymous2021/09/21 21:53 ID: hdrru2x

Legit once I finished the castle section the rest of the game was just boring. I was so hyped with Lady Dimitrescu and her castle only to be a lame rushed bossfight. I only encountered her like 3 times... so disappointing.

I haven't finished the game, I left it at the factory bc I just lost interest after the castle and the rest just felt like a chore.

31 : Anonymous2021/09/21 21:12 ID: hdrm8g6

No? They said there were 4 areas in the promos.

ID: hdro0lj

Not everyone watches every traile

32 : Anonymous2021/09/21 21:19 ID: hdrn6n8

Nah. First of all the name of the game is Village, so it's natural to assume the village is the main location--which it is, it's the main hub and you keep coming back to it. Second, looking at the way RE games are usually structured, you would know the castle would be a largish location but not not the 'main' one, as there would be others of similar size. RE games don't really have a 'main location', although the village here qualifies as that for the most part. I guess the Spencer Mansion and the RPD could be kind of classed as that. But RE usually offers variety.


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