Do you prefer Jill or Chris in Resident Evil 1 (Remake)? Both Gameplay and Story wise.
I personally think that Chris' playthrough is much more fun, because of the higher health and importance on routh planning, but I would like to have some good replacement for the grenade launcher. Story wise I would say that Jills playthrough is better, because "more is going on" -[Spoiler/ Barry plot twist).-
As far as I'm aware most people prefer Jill, because of the higher amount of item slots.
As much I love Chris and his Route. Jill is definitely better gameplay and story.
i do prefer jill when i use to play as a kid she had more slots so it made it easier because of that i never really played as Chris and almost 20 years on i still don’t pick him lol, i might pick it back up and run through it again this time with chris
Jill is a badass. Not that Chris isn’t. But there’s something cool and special about Jill!
Jill. I don't really care about the inventory slots or lockpick; Jill has just always been a cooler character to me.
I like Jill more as a character
Having to get Rebecca to solve puzzles always made me like Chris less. But he is fun to play with sometimes. He's a little more frustrating on the first playthrough or if you're returning after awhile and don't remember the perfect routes. Plus his playthrough doesn't have Barry. I love Rebecca, but she just doesn't have the same cheesy-goodness that Barry does.
I've been a Jill fan since '96. Don't get me wrong I love Chris as well but Jill is a bette
complete experience. -
Jill. Story, gameplay, and of course, easier on the eyes. As long as you give Chris a chance to play nice guy at the end. That's all he really needs.
I prefer to play as Jill. I liked looking at the back of her in revelations.
Jill’s story is great to ease new players into the game and is great if you’re trying to get the best time possible, but I find Chris’s more fun because it’s more of a challenge, and while barry is great I like the dynamic between Chris and Rebecca more
Both routes are great. I usually pick based off of which side character I want to hear in the game. Like do I want "you were almost a jill sandwich" or do I want "look at those monsters!!!"
jill is the more fun way to play the game. shes challenging without being completely ridiculous like chris runs are on the harder difficulties. i find it hard to play through chris' campaigns above normal difficulty while jills feels very balanced
I prefer Chris for the challenge of having to manage my stuff better. Plus I always felt that a Jill playthrough was a bit too generous since you could get a shotgun + grenade launcher for free
I really like both characters, but I'm gonna go with Jill!
My favorite Chris was RE5 and RE8. I didn't really like him in 6 and 7.
Chris playthrough is better for me. I like his costumes more, it has Rebecca in it, and grenades will never not entertain me.