the cycle never ends

1 : Anonymous2021/10/09 10:23 ID: q4imad
the cycle never ends
2 : Anonymous2021/10/09 15:30 ID: hfzorfo

What's the deal with no voices? Like they don't make any sounds?

Even if they couldn't afford real voice acting Nickelodeon has to have a bunch of grunts and sounds or voice lines from all the shows they could just send over right?

ID: hfzxohk

Ah, its like Sword and Shield again.

The Spikemuth gym could have been that game's version of Mario Odyssey's "One up girl" scene. Instead...just dead silence.

ID: hg0bpxq

That’s why it was inexcusable. Not because of a lack of voice - Pokémon’s never had voice acting so I’m cool with that - but it was literally a rock singer, singing a rock song, and they couldn’t come up with some damn music to play. Just weird ambient silence.

ID: hg0aroc

The end game part where Piers starts singing to distract the crowd was it for me. Just complete awkward silence as the game assures you he's singing a cool song so many people would be drawn to.

I was disappointed about no voice acting at first, but got over it until that moment.

ID: hg00kew

my man Jimmy has you covered.

ID: hfzunh2

Just watched gameplay and the silence is super uncomfortable

ID: hfzvhcm

Give me Mikey saying radical! Slams table

ID: hfzzdtw

Even if they couldn't afford real voice acting Nickelodeon has to have a bunch of grunts and sounds or voice lines from all the shows they could just send over right?

Would be very possible, yes. For example this was done in Sega's first recent Sonic racing game (Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing). Character sounds and voice lines were taken from previous Sega games.

ID: hg04ply

It’s the way rights work tho right? Like in this case Nick probably only licensed the rights to the actual characters from their shows. Which constitutes the art/likeness. And not the rights to the voices or voice actor contracts.

ID: hg020i1

The studio that made the game is from Costa Rica and they didn't fly the VAs out to do recording, instead using pretty much the whole budget to pump out the game they have.

Nick has Said that if the game does well, adding character voice lines are on the table.

Also, I'm hoping for a Quailman/Doug, Rocket Power, X-J9, Dora the Explorer DLC pack

ID: hg06ott

Sadly Doug/Quailman wont ever happen. Disney owns all the rights to Doug now. :/

ID: hfzw29k

Is not fun hitting blind girls if they can't scream.

ID: hfzxc14
ID: hg029b5

Toph wouldn't scream either way.

ID: hfzw4w2

That's not the way rights work sadly. Still costs a ton. I believe they're trying to do it in the future if the game is a success

ID: hg091d1

The devs straight up said that their budget was so low that they had to pick between voice acting and making sure the gameplay was great. I think they made the right choice.

ID: hg0439k

The good news is that in an interview with the developers, they said if people want to mod the game to add in voices they will not only allow it but they will encourage it. Their official discord has a channel dedicated to modding. There's a lot of legal trouble with getting voices I'm the game officially right now, and honestly, do you think people would be OK with voices that don't sound exactly like the character?

3 : Anonymous2021/10/09 14:35 ID: hfzhqqt

"No voice acting"

4 : Anonymous2021/10/09 10:51 ID: hfyv9av

Imagine thinking genuine criticism is the same as someone telling you to stop having fun.

ID: hfz0zzw

There's a lot of people today who think genuine criticism is the same as committing physical violence.

ID: hfz1ekt

You beat me to it

ID: hg02ejy

This is how it is with a lot of movies recently. You can't criticize the cast even they're wooden. You can't criticize the writing even if it is bad and full of holes.

Professionals in public works should expect criticism. It is part of being a professional.

ID: hg06tx3

There’s criticism and there’s “this sucks and only an idiot would like it”. I love reading actual criticism of games I enjoy, that can lead to interesting discussions about what makes games good. But I’ve certainly also encountered “stop having fun” type opinions too. They’re less interesting.

ID: hfyvmha

This seems to be the disconnect here doesn't it, people like OP probably think any criticism is purely meant only to shit on the game, or to gate keep. Without realising that actually without valid criticism, games do not get better lol. There needs to be criticism, otherwise game companies will not get held to a high standard. And thus the quality and enjoyment for everyone in the long term suffers as a result.

ID: hfzdew8

It seems we, as a collective, have forgotten how to utilize constructive criticism. or maybe it’s just the loudest people yelling because they want to be the loudest.

ID: hfzy3lw

I always thought of it as a type of projection, like someone might actually be enjoying the game, but the janky animation of the average graphics are annoying them but they want to dismiss those niggles so they can still have fun in the game, while in reality no one really cares what you play or what you enjoy

ID: hg068uv

Exactly. No one is stopping you from paying that 50 dollars, but it’s okay to suggest it’s a bad idea.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/09 13:56 ID: hfzd11l

Well, there are two things to consider.

First, genuine criticism is always good, and criticising something you love is not only possible, bit also quite good.

Second, it would be false to pretend that the actions of others have no impact. If people keep on supporting buggy, unfinished mess, more of these will be released. Which is not a very good thing

ID: hg06it4

The game lacks polish in the presentation area, but a buggy, unfinished mess it is not. The gameplay is incredibly solid and I've barely found any bugs, add to that the fact that the devs are very passionate about the game and have stated many times that they'll improve the game as much as possible, they've already sent out a patch to fix some things and more is to come.

ID: hg0fo3g

That’s on top of the fact that this dev is very small to be making such a high profile game. Considering that, I think they did a great job.

6 : Anonymous2021/10/09 12:53 ID: hfz64zo

I'm all for people to have fun playing whatever games they want, but jesus, $50 for that?

ID: hfze0r2

Yeah, definitely waiting for the price to drop or the game to have more content, in my opinion, if they drop the price to around 20-35 maybe more people will be attracted

ID: hfzi8hv

I mean 50 40 dollars for a platform fighter with:

Rollback netcode & better online than Smash

Can play Spongebob vs Aang and Ninja turtles

Competitive mode

Exists on all platforms

Devs that care about the community

ID: hfznkv1

It is genuinely unsettling to me without any voices. Eerie and off-putting.

Glad Ludosity got their break though. Card city nights is one of my favorite games of all time.

ID: hfzkelc

I am 1000% buying this when it goes half off on Steam. If Smash was on PC, it would be a different story, but my kid is six now and this is the only game I want to play with her for the next 10/20 years. I think people are underestimating how popular these characters are. Ren and Stimpy was almost as popular as the Simpsons - they had 8 and 16 bit games being cranked out like sausages, but the character’s creator had a career meltdown and never really recovered - he wasn’t Dan Harmon who could revive his career like a zombie six thousand times. That’s not even getting into the Rugrats, Sponge Bob, Avatar, and TMNT characters that have been like in a dozen movies. This game will be around forever.

7 : Anonymous2021/10/09 15:17 ID: hfzn2lc

As someone who doesn't own a Nintendo but wanted to play smash is this as good?

ID: hg0i5ol

If you like the 1vs1, conpetitive aspect of Smash then it's a great alternative.

For a more casual aspect, as a party game and as a single player experience, Smash is miles ahead IMO.

ID: hfzytf4

Not yet.

ID: hg0xh1j

No way

8 : Anonymous2021/10/09 11:31 ID: hfyyh3d

I hate this dumb meme

ID: hfztjyh

Yeah, it's the "deflect any critism" format

ID: hg05i2o

One can't make a single criticism about a game anymore without some diehard fanbase posting this and somehow thinking it invalidates whatever criticisms were given.

Any time it's posted in whatever game subreddit, a circlejerk ensues about how anyone criticizing their precious game are "acting entitled" and whatnot.

9 : Anonymous2021/10/09 12:26 ID: hfz3e7q

I don't agree with this because it is very much conflating genuine criticism with... I don't know how to describe it... "Extreme anti-fanboyism"? Where people latch onto the negatives of a product, and completely zone out any kind of positives from it.

The game does look unfinished, and the lack of good music and sound effect choices makes it feel very lifeless. But it does look like the gameplay is fun enough for people to play it, so I don't see why you could complain more than that.

10 : Anonymous2021/10/09 13:47 ID: hfzc0f3

We'd just appreciate it if you stopped encouraging video game companies to pull this crap.

This particular case is different, as the devs are continuing to work on it, but the overall criticism is perfectly valid.

11 : Anonymous2021/10/09 16:00 ID: hfzso67

Yeah this meme is over used and misused.

These are real criticisms, the game could be much better.

12 : Anonymous2021/10/09 16:06 ID: hfzti0a

This comic just excuses low-quality games and enables games companies to keep pumping out low-quality, unfinished games.

13 : Anonymous2021/10/09 17:41 ID: hg06g06

Literally far cry 6 is a mess of a game and I love it so much

14 : Anonymous2021/10/09 17:43 ID: hg06n9k

The thing isn't that it isn't fun, I'm sure it is, it's that it doesn't hold up to modern standards for quality vs price.

Old NES and SEGA games were super expensive and were pretty bad compared to our modern games in term of total content, graphics, sound and music, BUT they were good for the time.

If someone released an NES game for 60$ today, they would also have bad reviews, even if they would have been well accepted in the past.

That said, I suspect the problem lies with the people getting the money in the end, they want to rush a game and get it out to sell it, to the detriment of the quality of the art. The only people that win in this scenario are the greedy fucks, everyone else get scammed.

15 : Anonymous2021/10/09 15:24 ID: hfzo0ca

Honestly a 30 dollar game

16 : Anonymous2021/10/09 16:10 ID: hfzu33x

Nobody cares if you like it or you don't. When people get mad is when you start calling it a "Smash Killer" and talking about it like it's going to change gaming forever.


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