Letting Leon hold 2 weapons at once feels right (RE4 VR)

1 : Anonymous2021/10/27 16:04 ID: qh01ij
Letting Leon hold 2 weapons at once feels right (RE4 VR)
2 : Anonymous2021/10/27 17:05 ID: hi9ooaj

I would love to do this one day, first I need a vr head set

ID: hia4b0k

I have a VR headset, but apparently the wrong VR headset according to facebook

ID: hia4iij

That sucks, which vr are you supposed to have?

ID: hiavxvn

It's kind of bullshit that there's pc exclusive vr games that require different headsets honestly. As much as I'd love to play this I'm in no way shilling out money for a VR headset that forces me to have a Facebook account.

ID: hib0fx8

I'll adopt VR when Steam gets VR RE4, I'm not giving Facebook money on purpose.

ID: hi9ux14

Not gonna lie, these are really convincing me to get one.

ID: hia4lh8

Blade and Sorcery alone was enough for me to get a VR headset. Unfortunately, I got the Rift S last summer which means I can't play RE4. Thanks Oculus.

ID: hiael9q

Yeah I'm a big fan of how Facebook singlehandedly fragmented both the Oculus user base and the entire VR community with its exclusive titles. Good stuff.

ID: hiaia62

B&S is on my list. Medal of Honor is on Steam but I guess that’s the outlier when it comes to Oculus exclusives. I’d like the same to happen to this (and the rest of their catalogue) or at the very least be playable with Revive if it hits PC.

3 : Anonymous2021/10/27 17:00 ID: hi9o0lt

pov: you're john wick visiting rural spain

ID: hia1p3x

He's trying to find the guy who hurt that wolf with the bear-trap.

ID: hibe9zq

RE4 is basically if John Wick showed up to the Wickerman village and started fucking shit up for all the cultists.

4 : Anonymous2021/10/27 18:14 ID: hi9zenf
Uppercut Shotgun to the face Knife the flying axe Backup pistol'd a fool while the Shotgun is unloaded


5 : Anonymous2021/10/27 16:13 ID: hi9gwc9

You basically uppercuted that lady with a shotgun blast.

ID: hiacagr

Just like that trick in the classic games

ID: hiaham8

I thought the same. Wait till they get close while aiming upwards. Except here I ran right for them lol

6 : Anonymous2021/10/27 18:48 ID: hia4ob0

It irritates me to no end end that I can't play this on my index. But no fuckin way am I giving Facebook any money.

ID: hibrmrv

It hurts my heart so bad seeing gameplay from this.

7 : Anonymous2021/10/27 16:40 ID: hi9kydi

That was the tightest shit I've ever seen

8 : Anonymous2021/10/27 16:22 ID: hi9i8no

I wonder if you can shoot two pistols at once… probably not possible but that would be really cool.

ID: hia14xf

2 pistols at once? Throw in a longsword too

ID: hi9zcqr

Why wouldn’t it be possible?

ID: hia0xs8

You can only have 1 one handed weapon and 1 two handed weapon equipped at a time. So you can't double pistol, but the TMP is two handed so you can mix that with a pistol. Tmp spreads real bad one handed though.

ID: hia0pk2

Idk how the game controls work lol. Can’t really say for sure but it wasn’t a thing in the normal game and I doubt any effort was put into this beyond just making it work properly.

9 : Anonymous2021/10/27 19:23 ID: hiaa2ay

Fucking horseshit exclusivity deals.

Fuck Facebook, and Capcom I'm pissed off at.

I want to play this...

ID: hibdp60

I hate to be the one to say this because I hate exclusivity, but this just wouldn’t exist without the funding from Facebook paying Armature to make the port, they want it to be the Quest 2’s system seller :/

ID: hibzb2d

It worked. This game is the probably the only reason why I bought this in the first place, but now I’m having a jolly good time with some other games as well.

10 : Anonymous2021/10/27 17:31 ID: hi9slrh

This sequence looks so sick. Congrats

11 : Anonymous2021/10/27 18:37 ID: hia2wm5

Oh man i need re5 Vr for now

12 : Anonymous2021/10/27 21:25 ID: hiat1ge

It’s so stupid that this isn’t on PCVR, man. VR exclusivity has to end.

13 : Anonymous2021/10/27 19:07 ID: hia7k2d

This is animated movie Leon

14 : Anonymous2021/10/27 20:01 ID: hiag04i

Really making it hard to not drop $300 to play one game.

15 : Anonymous2021/10/27 19:13 ID: hia8e82

Having RE 6 Leon doublefisting pistols and roundhouse kicking was a good choice.

16 : Anonymous2021/10/27 20:19 ID: hiaivht

This game needs a remake like they did for RE 2 & 3.

ID: hic5x3m

It’s coming...

17 : Anonymous2021/10/27 16:53 ID: hi9mzj6

I can't stop watching this

18 : Anonymous2021/10/27 17:21 ID: hi9r443

Do this but the hallway scene from Re: Vendetta

ID: hiaj4wd

“Pretend to be CGI Leon” is a goal and it’s not easy lol. Going to have to upgrade some weapons so enemies go down quicker

19 : Anonymous2021/10/27 17:51 ID: hi9vsv6

Yoooo my man just shoots axe out of the air and is so casual about it. Nice moves bro

20 : Anonymous2021/10/27 19:39 ID: hiacgsa

and people say re4 killed the franchise.

21 : Anonymous2021/10/27 19:43 ID: hiad5mz

I discovered the tmp and punisher combo last night I didn’t know I could fall in love with the game even more than I already had and I haven’t even beaten the castle yet

22 : Anonymous2021/10/27 19:49 ID: hiae1zs

Leon “Badass” Kennedy

23 : Anonymous2021/10/27 20:28 ID: hiak9ac

facebook really taking the piss by not having this AT LEAST on the rift

24 : Anonymous2021/10/27 19:49 ID: hiae09c

I can't wait for RE4 VR COMBO MAD videos.

25 : Anonymous2021/10/27 20:20 ID: hiaiwr6

Oh how smooth the aiming is. This fixes my beef with the original.

26 : Anonymous2021/10/27 17:46 ID: hi9uzqz

Actually feel like a beast, I need to by the headset now

27 : Anonymous2021/10/27 17:47 ID: hi9v4im

I need this!!! I can only imagine the smile on your face as your doing this lol

28 : Anonymous2021/10/27 19:10 ID: hia80rl

I love lil touches like that. The only other game I could ever think of that did that was max pain 3

29 : Anonymous2021/10/27 19:10 ID: hia827i

Idk how this looks so cinematic. The game is fantastic but mine doesn't look this good lol

30 : Anonymous2021/10/27 19:11 ID: hia834b

I really need to get in the VR


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