- Who else is still excited for this game? Amazing how far we’ve come.
Rule #1 is don't get excited.
ID: hofjjnzID: hofs7clThis is rule number 1. Getting excited is rather fine. Getting your expectations super high is dangerous.
ID: hofkr78Rule #3, always use OpenCritic over MetaCritic
ID: hofsqqpRule #3: Wait for a sale.
ID: hofdyelCyberpunk taught a hard lesson to the youngest gamer generation.
ID: hofllv4No it didn't, they haven't learned it
ID: hofuyvvI'm pretty sure everyone is allowed to get excited. Just don't like excitement turn into an inability to curb your expectations.
Nothing beats PS1 Hagrid though..
ID: hof5i89Peak male physique
I’m beyond pumped for this game, but managing my expectations. It definitely won’t be a day 1 buy as I feel like there’s such a high probability it won’t be what I’m expecting. That said, it’s one of my most anticipated buys of 2022.
ID: hoezfj8I’m with you. I want it to be so much more than it could possibly be, and it’s irresponsible for me to realistically think it could ever have half of what I want.
ID: hof358oRight?! If they had average fight mechanics, but the open world/exploration and Quidditch was done with excellence, that would be enough to sell the game for me. I’m imagining Quidditch tournaments, House competitions, discovering hidden/lost passageways, centuries-old artifacts.
I’m pretty much guaranteed to be disappointed lol.
ID: hoeiwzjWell it won’t be 2022 for you, since it’s probably a December release (We didn’t even see gameplay yet) and you don’t want to pick it up day one lol
ID: hoekfgzI have a lot of questions. Number one, how dare you???
ID: hof29hoDidn't the game director or somebody critical leave the project recently? I don't think it's going over well right now
ID: hof3mx1Beyond pumped
Managing my expectations
Doesn't sound like you're managing them very well
ID: hof7tyxCorrect lol
ID: hoeuyakI hope there is a Ultra Hard mode where you have to dodge spells and can get randomly hit with a Avada Kedrava curse so i can still rage at the game. The curse also has a 25% chance to delete the save file.
ID: hof0sabLMAO masochist
Just imagine walking to transfiguration class or something in 5th year and getting blasted back to the start screen by some death eater wannabe.
ID: hofk21kUnless you have a horcrux save file!
Known in the muggle world as "backup"
Not a single shred of excitement until I see "Actual" gameplay "by" trusted YouTube reviewers.. those who rarely get a free copy that is.
ID: hoedax5These days gaming makes me excited to be let down and lied to in new and spectacular ways with each release!
ID: hoeazaoMy go-to litmus test for AAA titles is if both Yahtzee and Videogamedunkey like the game. Then odds are it's worth checking out.
ID: hoec6jlACG is also a good sauce
ID: hoebj6rMy go to litmus test for any game that I'd consider buying in the first week is reddit comments.
And yea, I'm serious. Just like Amazon reviews, or hotel reviews, you eventually get really good at weeding through all the bullshit and finding the good/bad things that you actually care about.
I just have absolutely no faith in any type of review on any website of any kind. I want to hear from real people that are playing the game to play the game. Not people playing the game specifically with the goal of giving their opinion.
ID: hoeud45I love Yahtzee but I wouldn't really consider him great as a reviewer more as comedy. Most of the time his criticism is about tiny things in the game and it can make you not want to play a game you would have loved.
ID: hof2xa8I love Dunkey but a lot of games he likes I don't at all and a lot of games I love he dislikes.
Dunkey is one of my favorite guys on YouTube but yeah, I can't use his opinions as any sort of gauge. We clearly have very opposite interests.
ID: hoes7geI still watch zero punctuation as entertainment but he is so negative I’d miss out on a lot of games I really enjoy because of minor sticking points he has.
ID: hoeke46Dunkey has some horrible taste in games though sometimes. He is insanely biased and only likes certain genres, and will not give games outside of his preferred genres a chance.
Not saying he’s not funny though
ID: hoetgv0Baah been burnt too many times with a shiny Photoshop render and manipulated footage
How far have we come? Right now it’s just an image
ID: hoezgh7Clearly you do not build hype based only on your imagination and delusions!
Time for me to become become Enoby Darkness Dementia Raven Way.
hope it's not epic exclusive on PC and have it really moddable.
ID: hoes4ogCame here to say this
I'm not excited about any games anymore. Fallout 76, Anthem, Cyberpunk, Battlefield 2042 ruined game hype for me.
ID: hoeov73Anthem still confuses me to this day. That was some hella solid gameplay on a game that just flopped.
Remember peeps, no preordering
I want to know more about it
I'm excited to hear some god damn news about it. Been a year now..
Forgot this game existed since we get barely any news. I’m more excited for Little Devil Inside. In front of that, is Elden Ring and HFW
Lol I thought the third pic was the game then I was like tf is this shit
Eh, I just remember one of the old games you spend almost 1/3rd of the time just cleaning up messes like broken chairs.
Might as well have been called Harry Potter and the Tragedy of the Commons.
This feels like an insider hype thing. The game has gone too quiet to be doing well.
I'll get it when it's used for $40
Naw hype train started WAY too fuckin early. It's died out. Shoulda waited for the reveal.
I dunno, to me it seems like anything Harry Potter that comes out is now 10 years late.
I'm just hoping its on PC first and foremost.
Every one whose excited about this game, are exited about the picture only.
Rule #2: don't preorder.