Resident Evil Heath Status Pixelart created by Myself

1 : Anonymous2022/01/11 10:57 ID: s1abud
Resident Evil Heath Status Pixelart created by Myself
2 : Anonymous2022/01/11 13:40 ID: hs7ducc

There is a "Virus" state in the games?

ID: hs7e0a6

Yep in the OG RE3. During the nemesis clock tower boss fight. Jill is infected at the start of the fight with her health showing virus so you couldn’t tell what your health state was

ID: hs7gom0

Ah ok thanks, I didn't had this in mind.

ID: hs8kxod

Oh man, I totally forgot about that. It’s been too long, bros.

ID: hs9ot5o

Man I wish they did that for the remake that would’ve been so cool and you had to pay attention to Jill’s stature instead of the health bar

3 : Anonymous2022/01/11 12:49 ID: hs781ux

Nicely done! If you want to make another theres a lighter green fine as well with a spike somewhere between fine and caution...

ID: hs78djp

I’ve made that one since. It’s just not in this clip. You can find the full range hereRE Health animations

ID: hs7h7pd

Nice. Thanks.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/11 17:55 ID: hs8h1qg

This idea came to my mind a few days ago. But for small profile backgrounds in steam. Fine for available status, caution for away, poison/virus for busy and danger status for offline.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/11 16:50 ID: hs86ayr

They look great. Now, if someone can implement these in a smartwatch theme, it would be nice.

ID: hs9eux2

I think a user did it not some time ago, and it looked GREAT

6 : Anonymous2022/01/11 19:20 ID: hs8v018

The Dreamcast owns everyone having those in the VMU! But it didn't matter for me anyway since that thing didn't had light and I always played RE in the dark lol

I miss my Dreamcast

7 : Anonymous2022/01/11 17:41 ID: hs8er3z

these would be kinda cool as streamdeck icons

8 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:52 ID: hs8qgm5

This reminds me of a mod that has different words for caution and danger. I think caution was "gonorrhea" and danger was another STI that I forgot lmao

9 : Anonymous2022/01/11 20:59 ID: hs9b78t

PARASITE! Worms start crawling across the screen*

10 : Anonymous2022/01/11 21:20 ID: hs9eps2

Really nice. The virus one gave me such good memories… Keep up the good work!

11 : Anonymous2022/01/11 20:05 ID: hs92eq7

Why do I want the Romeo & Juliet double suicide scene with EKG overlays for them? You're weird, brain.


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