
1 : Anonymous2022/01/10 21:00 ID: s0ufhn
2 : Anonymous2022/01/10 23:36 ID: hs4t6rt

So they think that a guy who will go to no end to save his daughter is a villain.

He is still better than Miranda, as he didn't kidnap and butcher a kid just to resurrect his own.

As for the townsfolk, they will never recover from the parasite.

The lords are interesting. The lady had killed her servants and had abducted countless people to feed on. Donna didn't do much of anything. Morreau tried to kill him. Karl was going to likely abuse a child.

Aside from eliminating Donna, I don't think any of Ethan's actions in Village could be described as more villainous than any of the other characters.

ID: hs5yzvh

Donna drugged Ethan and attempted to kill him, also hid his daughter from him (kidnapping).

Morreau also did horrible experiments on the townies too.

All of Ethans actions would probably be covered under duress if someone wanted to bring him to court.

ID: hs77gd3

Excellent. Ethan Winters now has 2 lawyers.

ID: hs837iq

Karl wanted to end Miranda and their family. He wasn't interested in hurting Ethan's daughter.

ID: hs8cmc3

Karl was interested in Rose, he wanted to use Rose as a weapon against Miranda and the Family, and eventually just Miranda cause Ethan had taken out everyone else by the time we get the exposition dump in his factory.

He saw Rose as a weapon to be wielded against anyone he didn’t agree with.

ID: hs84sfh

What do you think he wanted to do with his insane army then?

ID: hs8nesa

"Rose's power is mine! Right after I murder Miranda!"

"You and me, Ethan. Together, we go save Rose, and then we use her to grind Miranda into paste."

Does he look like somebody who would show restraint using Rose against Miranda?

3 : Anonymous2022/01/11 00:07 ID: hs4xhe8

Why this article is bullshit:

Takes on not one but two different families of mold/virus infected monsters ranging from psychotic immortal hillbillies to superhuman vampire monsters with absolutely no military training whatsoever Becomes father of the fucking year saving not only his wife but his daughter Putting the likes of Chris "Boulder Destroyer" Redfield in his place by doing his fucking job for him Rides a goddamn chainsaw/minigun atv into battle with no hesitation Is one of the more iconic looking RE characters with his dope ass RE8 coat drip AND WE STILL HAVEN'T SEEN HIS FACE Spends most of RE7 having absolutely no clue what the fuck is going on (relatable af)

Need I go on?

ID: hs56am5

Not sure if I had a fever dream but wasn’t Ethan’s face revealed? Maybe not in the game, but I remember people having a field day with it.

*edited to make more grammatical sense

ID: hs56wfg

Someone found it using mods, yeah.

ID: hs74bmz

His face has a model both in RE7 and RE8, it's just really funny that RE8 tries desperately to hide his face, especially in the model viewer and final cutscene

ID: hs6zwte

You could also kind of see it in a cutscene in RE7

ID: hs51dn5


Ethan does get training from Chris before RE8. But yeah Ethan is a badass and generally the most relatable protagonist. He is a family man and went through hell to get his daughter back. That's cool.

ID: hs7cg3l

Just a dad doing dude shit and I’m here for it.

ID: hs76cli

I agree with you but after RE7 Chris did take him to military training and you can hear him say it at the beginning of the game before Miaranda (yes that’s what I’m calling her) got shot. If I remember correctly this is how the line went. (Ethan: Chris moving us here, military training it all happened so fast. Miaranda: I don’t understand why you are so gets shot)

ID: hs4zxcc


ID: hs7auox

No military training? Didn't Chris train Ethan up after re7?

ID: hs6h88k

Spends most of RE7 having absolutely no clue what the fuck is going on (relatable af)

I find nothing about how he got in that situation relatable. In response to an email from someone who had been missing for years, he trespasses, commits b&e, ignores evidence relating to missing person cases, ignores classic serial killer trophy keeping, ignores video evidence of a murder and goes deeper into murder house. It is the biggest idiot ball in the franchise since S.T.A.R.S. left all their good guns at the precinct and got surprised by a dog attack in the woods. While investigating the disappearance of Bravo team, who went missing while investigating dog attacks in the woods . . .

Edit: Also ignore Texas Chainsaw Massacre style cow art while trespassing. Really should have called the cops sooner.

ID: hs73jp0

Excuse me, it's Chris ' Boulder-punching Asshole' Redfield, and I'll thank you to remember it

4 : Anonymous2022/01/11 06:25 ID: hs6cj7c

The article actually claims that Ethan is bad because of the non canon ending to RE7 where you save the other woman. I guess Cole Phelps is a villain because you can get an evil ending in Infamous. This smooth brained tool got paid money to voice this opinion.

ID: hs82jpm

…I think you mean Cole MacGrath, Cole Phelps is the protagonist of LA Noire

ID: hs8e706

Even then Cole phelps isn't a villian. He's more of a fucked up hero with a skewed sense of morals. Yet he'll try and do the good thing in the end.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/11 04:48 ID: hs61s1x

That reeks of Kotaku.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/10 22:20 ID: hs4hv3i

Gigachad Winters

7 : Anonymous2022/01/11 01:08 ID: hs56a01

Worst is harsh but I didn’t really care for him.

ID: hs7ueuc

Yaaaa I don’t understand the comments here either…Ethan’s kind of a blank state. He has a loved one in a scary place and he goes and finds them and he yells and gets hurt a lot

8 : Anonymous2022/01/11 05:44 ID: hs68el0

I really could not give a fuck less about Ethan. He is the weakest RE protagonist in my opinion. I love the games he's in but as a character he's meh at best

9 : Anonymous2022/01/11 00:45 ID: hs52xry

If it were about 7, sure. He was extremely whatever.

But if you come after my boy RE8 Ethan, I will cut you.

10 : Anonymous2022/01/10 22:03 ID: hs4f9s3

I used to hate him, but after village I actually like him a lot

ID: hs4uut7

That’s interesting, it went the complete opposite way for me. I liked him in 7, but in Village they tried to make you care about him which just didn’t work for me. Ethan was designed as a blank slate for the player to put themselves in his shoes. So his dry humour and very quiet personality worked really well In 7. But when they tried to make me care about him in 8, I just couldn’t because Ethan never really was developed enough as a character in the first place.

ID: hs586an

Exactly, everything you said about Ethan is how I feel about him as well. Enjoyed him in re7 way more

ID: hs6u9hj

Just really like the B movie line delivery in Village.

ID: hs57z74

I liked him in re7 more because he use to be a simple man

11 : Anonymous2022/01/10 22:30 ID: hs4jew0

Can’t they let a (nice fella) Rest In Peace?!?

12 : Anonymous2022/01/11 08:27 ID: hs6mvun

Ethan is like an empty usb drive. There isnt much there. He has some funny comments but they are so few and far away. There is no personality and his reactions are so... out of place and unnatural.

ID: hs8j3on

Ethan is designed like that because you’re supposed to put the player in his shoes. He doesn’t have much personality because it doesn’t want Ethan to be a character as much as it wants Ethan to be you

13 : Anonymous2022/01/11 12:28 ID: hs75w2i

reads article grabs S.T.A.K.E

14 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:07 ID: hs8j4is

Everyone saying Ethan has no training forgets he is litterally Mold. The way I see it, his will manifested the mold into his bidding so he can do everything he does while being an "everyman" because he isn't, he's probably closest to superhuman than any RE protagonist. He is litterally a bioweapon. I feel like we'll see people trying to exploit what happend to him in 9

15 : Anonymous2022/01/11 04:30 ID: hs5zfty

I honestly have no idea how this community LIKES ethan. Hes such a charisma black hole and all of his dialogue is terrible. He is easily the worst part aboit both re7 and 8

ID: hs6kshj

I play Re games for gameplay , story is just bonus , it is nothing grand and characters arent that unique. I wouldnt mind if it was just Tofu you played with.

16 : Anonymous2022/01/11 11:00 ID: hs6y8h8

I do not care about Ethan whatsoever. Fuck him. I want Capcom to stop neglecting the og characters.

ID: hs7ic0j

Yeah it's pretty funny in a series that is DRAMATICALLY oversaturated with characters (15 playable characters in the main series alone, not even counting spinoffs like ORC or Revelations), Capcom's big idea was to introduce a new faceless guy to serve as the series' "main character", with Chris showing up to yell at him once in a while.

17 : Anonymous2022/01/11 01:17 ID: hs57m08

I actually kinda agree with this article… Ethan is really really really annoying in RE8. He comes up with wanna be Leon Kennedy lines, without the charisma. In RE7 he was much better, because he was an every man.

18 : Anonymous2022/01/10 22:47 ID: hs4m1nr

They're right though. Dude is literally a blank slate to the point of us never even seeing his face.

19 : Anonymous2022/01/11 00:27 ID: hs50d4a

I mean he kinda is, not saying he’s a bad character but all the characters we’ve played as except for Jake, Sherry and all the new characters from 6 are waaaayy better even side characters like Hunk are better

20 : Anonymous2022/01/11 08:48 ID: hs6oiex

Why tf does Ethan get THIS much hate? Is it cool to hate him? I thought the full cast of village was brilliant except Miranda and Chris tbh

21 : Anonymous2022/01/11 06:28 ID: hs6ct5b

He literally became arguably the best character by the end of Village.

22 : Anonymous2022/01/11 04:52 ID: hs62d18

That is so true, Ethan Is such a plain character that does not create any conection with the players. I am pretty sure that Capcom wont keep up with the Winters story. To be honest RE7 & 8 were a huge dissapointment, mostly because of the main character.

23 : Anonymous2022/01/11 05:18 ID: hs65gwg

lets all be real; Ethan's a little bit too vanilla, doesn't appropriately respond to dangerous situations and has some cringey one liners. If he's not worst, he's second worst.

24 : Anonymous2022/01/11 03:43 ID: hs5sx0t



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