Based roblox

1 : Anonymous2022/01/14 01:52 ID: s3g0e6
Based roblox
2 : Anonymous2022/01/14 02:36 ID: hskqtvv

Let's see what you got

ID: hslwbrz

Very conservative dad, who thinks an old school couple with the wife at home cooking is the only way to go. They are unhappy, but unwilling to admit it. Your mom secretly wants a divorce, but is afraid of your dad.

ID: hsnasoz

Did you check on him for suicide ?

ID: hsntva8

Well my folks are still together, you got that much right. Thanks gor the entertainment.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/14 02:00 ID: hsklv7j

Okay, lets go

ID: hslh6xr

Based on username? Dead

ID: hsne7kt

Stepdad who "doesn't get you"

ID: hsl2h8f

Open relationship

ID: hslxbnu

polyamorous cult leader

ID: hsmrsdu

Married but separated

ID: hsmusfi

ID: hsn1b6c

Neither of your parents bothered to show up to your birth.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/14 02:27 ID: hskplx9

Wise, he is.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/14 04:31 ID: hsl5qd8

I mean that answers gives him a 50/50 chance of being right.

ID: hsn1ii0

Remarried to other people would make divorced OR married a correct answer. And “never married” would make divorced OR married incorrect.

ID: hslq9ec

I would add never married to the obvious married/divorced choices.

I know more than one couple with kids that are together happily but haven't married yet. It isn't a much different family dynamic, but it's one that exists either way.

ID: hsmyw8h

Widowed. One night stand. Unknown father. Dead. There's a few.

ID: hsnhk9b


6 : Anonymous2022/01/14 07:59 ID: hslqgx8

gocommitdie subreddit has breached containment

7 : Anonymous2022/01/14 11:04 ID: hsm4y79

I feel old as fuck but what the fuck does based mean? I've seen it in posts all over and there is absolutely no consistency to its use.

ID: hsm54js

the accepted definition is, that you agree with something, but everyone uses it diffrently

ID: hsm57sx

Thanks kid, I remember when this was all fields.

ID: hsn1alj

Based means being yourself. Not being scared of what people think about you. Not being afraid to do what you wanna do. Being positive. When I was younger, based was a negative term that meant like dopehead, or basehead. People used to make fun of me. They was like, 'You’re based.' They’d use it as a negative. And what I did was turn that negative into a positive. I started embracing it like, 'Yeah, I’m based.' I made it mine. I embedded it in my head. Based is positive.

It means you say and do whatever the fuck you want and don't give a shit what people have to say about it.

ID: hsm7vfz

People use it ironically sometimes too. It means “true” or “facts”.

ID: hsmikmr

It's always used ironically. Used to refer to an opinion that goes strongly against the popular narrative/opinion on something. It was introduced by a rapper, I think but no one really cares for that.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/14 03:05 ID: hskutc3

hes right 🙁

9 : Anonymous2022/01/14 09:52 ID: hslzd7l

I loled pretty hard

10 : Anonymous2022/01/14 11:05 ID: hsm50qx

my avatar is randomly generated, what you got?

ID: hsmko1y

Complicated. Your dad is a quiet carpenter, mom is a Jewish virgin, and biological father is a giant sky daddy who plans on having you murdered.

ID: hsn3m51

you got the carpenter part right

11 : Anonymous2022/01/14 07:45 ID: hslpbdm


ID: hslskur

Check the title of the post.

ID: hslslux

no shit what game on roblox

12 : Anonymous2022/01/14 10:10 ID: hsm0qbl


13 : Anonymous2022/01/14 12:46 ID: hsmeb4s

I used to play roblox when I was really young. Came back to it to be ironic but now I can’t stop. So many fun games and funny moments like this.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/14 04:03 ID: hsl2a4u

Misandrist = daddy issues

15 : Anonymous2022/01/14 14:38 ID: hsmshik

literally just cringe edgelord

16 : Anonymous2022/01/14 08:46 ID: hslu8tz

Hmm interesting

17 : Anonymous2022/01/14 08:58 ID: hslv7bp

Will he also get turned on by gambling?

18 : Anonymous2022/01/14 13:22 ID: hsmiffz


19 : Anonymous2022/01/14 13:40 ID: hsmkpkh

This is amazing.

20 : Anonymous2022/01/14 14:40 ID: hsmsrvv

Wildstyle? Are you like a DJ or something?


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