Finally accomplished my childhood goal. This is my favorite RE game, and used to be my overall favorite game.

1 : Anonymous2022/02/03 02:45 ID: sj7r7i
Finally accomplished my childhood goal. This is my favorite RE game, and used to be my overall favorite game.
2 : Anonymous2022/02/03 02:50 ID: hvd9p6r

This game is rough. I remember looking up guides on gamefaqs as a kid to try to get the A rank on this. I had the method down pretty good for the first half, up until the dreaded plane fight. However, the real challenge comes from the second half of the game. There are several moments at the end of the game that are just straight up bs oneshot and you die, making you lose hours of progress on a run like this. First is cracking the Crystal for a keycard. You can instantly die if you’re not careful. Second is the axe man, don’t have healing items? Too bad. This guy can kill you while you’re in yellow. Finally, right after those two oneshot events, you get a boss fight who can oneshot you if she gets too close. Once you get past those three, it’s smooth sailing, but honestly there’s only like 10-15 minutes left of the game after that. I truly have the utmost respect for anyone else who has sought this specific game’s A rank.

ID: hvfhvsb

Great job. This is my favorite to

ID: hvdc6vn

The most far away i have back tracked in this franchise was remake and zero, I've played every resident evil ever until that point

I tried code Veronica and holy shit... What a misereable experience, those games haven aged well at all to me, i will never manage to finish OG 2, 3 and code Veronica.

Suzy the sphere hunter has a really good video about this game, the plane fight with tyrant, the cristal ball puzzle and the steve mutated fight can literally end whole playthroughs right away

ID: hvdi94m

I remember renting CV when I was 12. I had no memory card, but I made it to the tyrant plane fight and died. I returned the game.

ID: hvgo9im

Just watched her video on CV because of your comment, and I have to say I agree pretty strongly with all of her criticisms of the game. The character swapping in particular and screwing yourself out of items, and cheap instadeaths is extremely bad game design. That said, it is the game that first allowed for quick retry. I might watch her other videos some day since she makes some very good points but they are pretty long videos.

ID: hve2ggi

Especially OG2 is probably the easiest RE game out there. 3 is also not that hard except Clock Tower Nemesis boss fight and the second Gravedigger boss fight. Code Veronica is way harder than original trilogy. (Still not that hard though)

ID: hveublp

Seriously, am I just bad or is there legitimately no way to avoid taking damage during the Steve segment.

I just run and munch herbs.

ID: hvdv00e

There’s a speedrun strat for doing Steve chase with no damage but well, you would need a save state just to practice it. Even then it’s still quite risky.

ID: hve30pw

Yeah I heard you can get by him by like running around him in circles clues first but just having a couple healing items is much safer. I’m not trying to beat any world records or anything like that, just wanted the rocket launcher. Also, I’m playing on PS4 so no savestates.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/03 03:00 ID: hvdb3s9

What's your overall favorite game now and why did it take the crown?

ID: hve3act

Honestly several games have surpassed Code Veronica over the last 20 years. Currently The Last Of Us 2 has the throne. Game gets a ton of flak but honestly I’ve never played such an amazing experience through and through.

ID: hvev7wu

Tlou2 :/ you need to play more games my friend

4 : Anonymous2022/02/03 03:20 ID: hvddqfs

Excellent, nice work on the A rank! The pile of insta-kill moments towards the end of the game make it hella tense lol

5 : Anonymous2022/02/03 03:40 ID: hvdghiw

It's a fantastic game. I am currently playing through the whole series in order and after platinuming Code Veronica on PS4 I actually instantly replayed it and got all trophies on PS3 as well. It's my kinda thing - inventory management, puzzles and lots of backtracking. Super cheesy dialogue, but somehow or perhaps even thanks to that the game has that old Resident Evil creepy vibe. As a contrast I am playing through RE5 Desperate Escape DLC right now. Perhaps the worst RE scenario I played so far. I don't care about all the stupid action, man. Give me my puzzles and slow burning horror.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/03 04:06 ID: hvdjwy7

WOW, that is truly amazing TBH. I played CV late last year, I think it took me 15 hours.... Well done

ID: hvdvxnd

CV is a game I started and stopped a ton of times because it never grabbed my attention or it got too hard. Last summer I decided to play every resident evil in chronological order and I think it took me around the same time to beat too. Still one of the tougher RE titles today, shame it’s so silly, but I think that’s what gives it its charm.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/03 05:13 ID: hvds0sr

I’m playing it now for the first time in years and I am just screwing myself left and right. I’m at the end but I kind of want to play through it again already.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/03 12:25 ID: hvetppx

"Look at your 10, Claire. He's hot. He can continue the bloo--"

"OMG Chris wtf, no! Haha!"

ID: hvfezqp

This result screen always seemed a bit off to me.. This does not look like a sibling relationship

9 : Anonymous2022/02/03 03:00 ID: hvdb3ze


10 : Anonymous2022/02/03 04:49 ID: hvdpa00

I’m proud of you bro!!

11 : Anonymous2022/02/03 05:09 ID: hvdrnct

Good job and I'm glad you liked the game so much.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/03 11:08 ID: hvemqkz

Code Veronica! ❤

An absolute masterpiece. Definitely my favorite! Congratulations for getting A-rank!

13 : Anonymous2022/02/03 12:31 ID: hveuf6h

Nice! Just beat this game for the first time recently.

I got an E...and that's with infinity herb lol.

ID: hvgmpxo

I just found out about this glitch after I finished the run actually, I think it’s a super cool glitch but the game honestly gives you enough healing items. Really for A ranking it just depends on not saving, not using retries, not using first aid sprays, and doing it quickly. Once you learn what key items go where and have a good memory of what enemies spawn where and how to run past them it’s not too hard. Just takes some practice.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/03 12:51 ID: hvewjuf

Niiiiiiice ZERO SAVES!!!! Well done!

ID: hvgmzpx

You get one free save after the plane fight. I definitely used that save lol. The game doesn’t count it though, it still says save 00 Starting part 2.

ID: hvgpywy

Still, either way, well done. Not something I'll be tackling anytime soon lol I'm stuck on the RE3 Remake atm.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/03 15:28 ID: hvfhjxb

I don't think I ever noticed the old couple behind Chris. The Redfields are not done killing monsters I guess.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/03 18:35 ID: hvgc9h9

This was the only reason I boight the Dreamcast! Remake them shits!!!

17 : Anonymous2022/02/03 04:13 ID: hvdkt5m

If they remake CVX, I want it original af, with fix camera

18 : Anonymous2022/02/03 04:07 ID: hvdk0cc

I'm glad you and many others enjoy it. I personally hated my 1st playthrough and just haven't revisited the game. Same with re0

ID: hvdw3ng

I’m with you there with both titles. They’re not my favorites, particularly CV tho seeing that fan remake from ROE looks preeetty sweet.

ID: hvdwcou

Oh yeah it's nothing with like the story or even setting that I have an issue with just gameplay. If CVX is made RE engine I'll hop on that right away. I'd love it actually

19 : Anonymous2022/02/03 08:58 ID: hvecomq

Congrats! Soft-save runs stress me out and I tend to crack under the pressure, always getting hung up on some tricky part later in the game.

I've screamed in a rage so many times trying to kill that mutant-lion looking form of Birkin near the end of Leon's run. If he nicked you sometimes you'd just get snagged and he'd deal damage like every frame!

Last time I played CV Steve must've killed me like 10 times before I did it right. I can only imagine how many runs he'd destroy without being able to practice.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/03 09:34 ID: hvefeds

Congrats on beating it. I absolutely love CVX it’s one of my favorites in the series

21 : Anonymous2022/02/03 12:53 ID: hvewp4o

i once heard a rumor that the lady in the background with the blue dress is actually jill looking for chris

22 : Anonymous2022/02/03 20:17 ID: hvgsq38

Definitely one of the harder re games

23 : Anonymous2022/02/03 23:10 ID: hvhjnhc

Nice job! Just finished this for the first time myself a few days back, and it's excellent. The A rank wasn't too rough for me but the conditions are unforgiving. Bravo!

24 : Anonymous2022/02/03 10:28 ID: hvejju0

Pisses all over 4,5,6,7,8

ID: hvgndjh

Hard disagree. CV is my favorite, followed by 2 remake, but 4, 7, and 8 are fantastic games as well, and 5 and 6 are still good, heavily flawed games.

ID: hvh3o8x

You don't have to hard disagree. Just disagree. You use 'hard' there and makes me feel like there's oceans between us. 🙁


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