Exactly bro

1 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:12 ID: smalwq
Exactly bro
2 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:14 ID: hvvgj3s

I usually leave it on default but if it gets too obnoxious I’ll switch to easy. I don’t want to hate the thing I am playing for fun.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:13 ID: hvvge8l

I almost always play it on the lowest difficulty. I'm a working adult with limited time for fun.

ID: hvvktrs

I call it "dad mode"

ID: hvvibaa


ID: hvvlq1y

I am also a working adult with limited time but always play on hard. I dont feel like I'm having fun if a game feels like I'm walking through it till the end /: Every gamer to each their own.

ID: hvvky1z

This is me. Between game hopping thanks to my gnat-like attention span, and only really playing ~5 hours a week, I'd rather not waste a ron of time retrying one section for hours on end.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:20 ID: hvvh97k

I wholeheartedly agree, however bear in mind it is subjective considering everyone has a different idea of what is fun. Some people enjoy being the hero facing some challenges but still performing far above all the rest. Others may delight in having their reproductive organs stomped on with golf cleats while being told that they are not good enough.

To each their own!

ID: hvviwst

Gosh, I need to play more darksouls, that one got me going.

ID: hvvj8av

It wasn't until I played Nioh that I understood that masochistic pleasure. Granted I haven't played games like that in a while now. Not really my thing.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:13 ID: hvvgdl0

Depends on the game. I’m not going to pay for a shitty experience tho.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:17 ID: hvvgxoa

I always go for the harder difficulty. Not nightmare or insane or whatever the ridiculous difficulty is but I'll definitely go for a step above regular.

ID: hvvisdn

Because that's fun for you, right? That's torture for me because I'm crap at games and hate dying and replaying everything 10X. Easy is generally hard for me 😀

ID: hvvk6ge

If you find easy hard enough for you it’s okay. But when you are good, easy mode is really not fun, it’s like you don’t even play. Everything is so easy.

ID: hvvjiwb

Same here. I like to be challenged. Not to a point where I can't progress but it would lack some satisfaction if it's too easy

ID: hvvkdz3

It can completely change a game experience. On easy, you might just be able to run through, blasting enemies out of your way, but then on hard, you have to strategize. Plan your attacks, manage resources, use stealth, etc.

That's why I generally prefer hard, but if I get stuck on something, I do appreciate when there's an option to drop the difficulty for a bit.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:15 ID: hvvgmih

I personally dont go straight for souls level of pain in everygame but i do love some good ol mid tier difficulty

8 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:24 ID: hvvhw9f

I only play on easy because I'm more interested in the story and escapism than I am learning new control coordinates

9 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:47 ID: hvvkzv8

I tend to go for one under hardest because the hardest difficulty...most of the time...makes zero fuckin sense. It's not hard as much as it is tedious.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:48 ID: hvvl322

Except that's not true. As a whole, they're supposed to be experienced, and that's all. If it's supposed to be fun or not depends entirely on the game itself. Some games are supposed to be stressful and hard. Some are supposed to be scary. Some are supposed to be outright uncomfortable.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:15 ID: hvvgk8g

It's true, whenever I get a new game, whether it's a game from a franchise I'm familiar with or not, I set the game on the easiest level so i can explore everything the game has to offer and then i set it to the harder difficulties in the next playthroughs.

ID: hvvimr6

I did this with the resident evil 2 remake, enjoyed the fuck out of it

ID: hvvhsfo

Why did someone downvote you for this? It's a perfectly sane strategy.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:13 ID: hvvgbyt

I play some games on easy, more enjoyable.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:19 ID: hvvh3ju

Depends. Some games aren't fun on the lowest difficulty. And for some games, I want at least a little bit of a challenge.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:29 ID: hvvikhp

Sure some of them I do. I paid money to enjoy my games, not get unnecessarily frustrated. I see no shame in that.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:30 ID: hvvipfv

I always play on Normal mode the first time through, since I assume that is what the game is balanced around.

ID: hvvkn6w

Surprisingly games are often designed around the second hardest difficulty (e.g heroic in halo, crushing in uncharted, nemesis in SOW)

16 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:33 ID: hvvj5z8

As you get older and your backlog of games is double digits deep... you want to just finish the game, and no longer have time to deal with replaying the same boss for the 10th time...

17 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:37 ID: hvvjpbd

It is a game it’s supossed to be fun, so if “normal” is too hard for me I don’t mind playing on easy and don’t stress about it

18 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:41 ID: hvvk8c5

Just leave it on normal but agreed

19 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:41 ID: hvvk8uv

I played on 8 bits computers 35 years ago, when saving was not a thing, loading times where at least 5 minutes, and you played on the home TV and had to lose your progress if your dad wanted to watch the news.

I've proven myself everything I had to. Now I just want to enjoy half an hour when the kids are asleep and play through interesting storylines not having to do the same thing over and over.

There not shame at all in playing at the easiest difficulty level. You've bought the game, you have the right of doing whatever you want with.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:43 ID: hvvkeby

I generally leave the default difficulty, because the default difficulty is how the developers want you to play their game. The game is optimized for the default difficulty.

21 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:45 ID: hvvkooc

I always play the middle difficulty or one up from easy if there are four or more difficulties. I like some challenge but I want to enjoy the game.

22 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:47 ID: hvvkzx6

Beating the game on easy is still beating the game.

23 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:18 ID: hvvh24j

I play on normal or easy. As a father of two under two I don’t have the time to keep replaying missions/bosses.

24 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:43 ID: hvvkh7d

I'll never understand why games like Dark Souls can't just include an easy mode. They could just make a few small gameplay adjustments and sell a lot more copies to casual gamers like me.

25 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:15 ID: hvvgl9g

Games are supposed to be fun and that's right. But something inside me always tells me to choose normal difficulty and idk why. ps. I WANTED TO WRITE FUN I MISPELLED IT SORRY NO HATE PLS

ID: hvvj9ae

Not all games are supposed to be easy. Some are hard by design, like dark souls.

26 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:19 ID: hvvh7k4

I used to got bored switched to the hardest but I don’t brag about it cuz bragging is cringe I tell you w’hat

27 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:27 ID: hvvi7cs

As Dark souls player i will always go for the highest difficulty.

ID: hvvk8jt

Dark Souls isn't "high" difficulty. It's a balanced experience that suits the purpose of the game. Often I find that "high" difficulty makes the game an unfun chore that breaks immersion. Pumping up HP and damage is not fun in the same way that making captivating boss fights with fluid and punishing movesets is.

ID: hvvkd9n

As a dark souls player I stick with second highest, a lot of others games aren’t designed with the hardest difficulty in mind and they often come off as unfair

28 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:26 ID: hvvi6su

If it's a game that I love (God Of War or similar type) I play on the hardest difficulty.

Or because it's needed to platinum.

Else, I play in normal.

29 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:34 ID: hvvj6ld

laughs in soulsborne

30 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:45 ID: hvvkobh

My exact reason to refund dark souls. I had to look up a walkthrough to figure out how to exploit or cheese a lot of enemies and bosses. To me it was simply not enjoyable.

31 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:16 ID: hvvgssv

I play games in the difficulty that gets me closest to the developer's intended experience.

32 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:23 ID: hvvhol7

I’m not enjoying the game when I’m in easy mode cuz there’s no challenge and rage

33 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:27 ID: hvvibm8

The challenge is the fun for me. The most common reason I don't finish a game is because I get good enough at it that I need to raise the difficulty but can't.

34 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:30 ID: hvvio66

I've started playing all my games on the hardest difficulty. More of a challenge.

35 : Anonymous2022/02/06 23:18 ID: hvvh127

Depends on the game and how much fun I’m having. For example, and I know this might be blasphemy for some people, but I just didn’t like the gameplay of The Last of Us. I lost interest in the stealth and combat mechanics, and I would end up making stupid mistakes because I wasn’t paying the best attention. I ended up wanting to just complete the game for the story, so I dropped it to the lowest difficulty so I could fly through the combat sections.

Other times, I like to challenge myself, even if the game doesn’t give me that option. I’m currently working on a deathless Dark Souls 1 run (fucking Bed of Chaos), and I’m having a blast with that. So, eh?


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