I can’t be the only one who thinks that nicholai from the re3 remake is the most cold-hearted character in the series. Hell…i think he’s more evil then WESKER.

1 : Anonymous2022/02/17 04:14 ID: sufnfr
I can't be the only one who thinks that nicholai from the re3 remake is the most cold-hearted character in the series. Hell...i think he's more evil then WESKER.
2 : Anonymous2022/02/17 04:51 ID: hx9r5js

Most RE villains are likeable. This was one of the most annoying jackasses I’ve ever had the pleasure of leaving behind to die in an explosion xd

ID: hxc41hk

I shot him in the head and he was still talking

3 : Anonymous2022/02/17 04:59 ID: hx9rxp2

He's a great villain in both versions. I was really surprised

4 : Anonymous2022/02/17 05:27 ID: hx9ul2h

Dude's definitely one of my favorite villains in the series. Oddly enough, him not mutating in the end makes him quite distinct lol

ID: hxa3hty

He mutated in dust. Does that count?

ID: hxavfbn

Lol I guess I can't argue against that

5 : Anonymous2022/02/17 05:43 ID: hx9w73s

He's like... more "real" in some ways. There's no super evil world domination plan, no personal mutation for strength, he's just a dick who's looking to get paid and get out alive, especially in RE3make. It might've made him less of a poster-child villain, and he had to share both games with Nemesis, but he's so chillingly effective in a way I don't think a single other RE game has done since.

ID: hxa2dx2

What I liked the most in the remake is that he isn't just evil, not really. There are numerous times he could have killed Carlos or Jill, but doing so would have been unnecessary and wouldn't have improved his position.

Not until later when their interference started to threaten his goal.

Selfish and ambitious, but not needlessly harmful. I really enjoy when they design villains with some degree of restraint and humanity, instead of writing them to be 15/10 on the Evil Scale.

ID: hxab9dm

very well put

ID: hxa3qbg

I would have to agree.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/17 06:24 ID: hxa03x6

Chief Irons for me. Hands down.

ID: hxa3r4s

And yet, chief irons is bad, but mad bad. Someone who embalsamates people is not relatable.. but Nicholas was ice cold being bad, never doing any mad thing, just evil things. Dude was terrifying.

ID: hxbhj4a

Respect. To each their own.

ID: hxc2h4y

That man gives me severe pedophilia vibes,The way he talks to sherry is almost haunting

ID: hxbt6su

I agree. He's under rated.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/17 05:35 ID: hx9vent

“You print money. I like money.”

ID: hxcg2h0

Lets make an ongoing arrangement

8 : Anonymous2022/02/17 07:14 ID: hxa4af1

In one of his notes isn’t it revealed that he let loose infected dogs and zombies on the college campus? Basically causing few thousand 18-22 year old kids to die a slow painful death of getting ripped apart and eaten

ID: hxchnul

Pretty sure, but at the end of the day man's was just collecting combat data. He even kept track of Nemesis' effectiveness against Jill.

Still evil, but he didn't just do it for funsies.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/17 06:12 ID: hx9z0wm

I mean he was an asshole, but Wesker is still the ultimate trashbag. Nicholai is hot on the remake though.

ID: hxaszmd

It's like Capcom wants us to root for the bad guys by making them so damn fine

ID: hxaup2y

So true. Heisenberg, Lady D, Nicholai, Albert Wesker, Jack Krauser, even Mr X for all the sickos, are really fine specimens of raw physical attraction.

Nicholai's face model, Mark James Hill, is a silver daddy with a body of an alpha muscle man.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/17 07:56 ID: hxa7l1f

More evil than Wesker? Nah...

Nicholai was just a cold money business doof. Especially in the remake where writing was tourniqueted by M2.

Wesker wanted to wipe out 98% of the planet because Ouroboros eugenics bullshit.

ID: hxc2xsr

He thought he was saving the world though lol. And being abducted and brainwashed and experimented on probably didn't do wonders for his sanity lol

11 : Anonymous2022/02/17 06:27 ID: hxa0ebi

It sucks they didn’t go with the version where Barry saves you and he gets away

12 : Anonymous2022/02/17 07:56 ID: hxa7n0j

I really like what SD Perry did with him in the novelisation

13 : Anonymous2022/02/17 05:53 ID: hx9x8ep

And already with the design looks devil xD

14 : Anonymous2022/02/17 07:54 ID: hxa7h53

One of the dumbest, destroys the antidote without finding out what it is first (don’t know, don’t care)

That antidote would have been tens of billions more than anything his combat data would ever bring in.

Wesker would have found out what it was first then took it for himself.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/17 06:18 ID: hx9zk3j

Wesker cared about humans (in his own way)

Nicholai did not

16 : Anonymous2022/02/17 06:48 ID: hxa27jn

Yeah he’s a total dick, but I did really enjoy his character overall

17 : Anonymous2022/02/17 04:38 ID: hx9pygv

Yup. He was such a jerk for like no reason. At least Wesker had reasons, granted they were psychotic, but he wore sexy glasses.

ID: hx9qv9u

He only cares about getting paid....and he'll kill anyone in his way to get the job done...
His whole motive is about putting a price on life...something wesker never cared about.

Oh....and let's not forget him destroying the cure at the end of the game...making all of the work jill and carlos did all for nothing...wesker never did anything like that.

ID: hxa0fw6

Well, Wesker didn't have the cure when it started, did he?

ID: hxbbsls

You're not really trying to excuse someone who assassinated a crew of people deliberately, ended up infecting an entire town resulting in the death and nuke of over 100 000 people, then tried to infect and kill and rule the entire world with his super tentacle virus.

Nikolai liked money, he was just a mercenary. Also don't forget that he and Ada were hired By WESKER, so anything they did was a result of his orders.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/17 09:06 ID: hxacv8j

I don't understand why always the Russian Ukrainian etc dude is the bad guy

ID: hxaes9a

It’s a very 90s thing. The Cold War had only been over for a couple years when RE3 came out, Russians were still standard bad guys at the times.

ID: hxbbbkg

Hollywood. If you're British or Russian, you're evil. It's why Wesker has a slight accent. Not technically British but halfway there. Also blonde people are evil because nazis. That's Hollywood.

ID: hxceji4

My favorite thing about Wesker is that his Britishness goes up as he becomes more evil. In RE1 he’s just a corrupt cop and isn’t British at all, but by RE5 he’s basically Goldfinger.

19 : Anonymous2022/02/17 04:44 ID: hx9qii2

Nicholai is one of the rare few who didn’t blobify AND managed to escape. Dude’s cold blooded.

ID: hx9zvhv

Did you watch the ending of re3 remake? Pretty sure he didn't make it out.

ID: hxa2ijm

He could have had a rescue chopper come in at the last second. He took a hit but it’s not like he died then and there. Besides, in OG 3 I think it’s left even more ambiguous.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/17 06:33 ID: hxa0v46

Always after your data.

21 : Anonymous2022/02/17 06:47 ID: hxa2361

This asshole.

22 : Anonymous2022/02/17 06:47 ID: hxa24k2

He really was a greedy son of a bitch

23 : Anonymous2022/02/17 07:16 ID: hxa4ih6

It’s a shame he wasn’t smarter though, the vaccine had amazing bargaining power and would’ve been incredibly (and dangerously) priceless moreso than anything his original pay would’ve been. It would’ve also been very useful, having a vaccine and preventing future public outbreaks at this point still doesn’t harm how effective the T-Virus is as a biological weapon, so having a vaccine/cure around doesn’t do any harm to his or his employer’s goal. But instead he just destroys it, “Don’t know, don’t care.” All the money in the world is no use if you let the world burn.

24 : Anonymous2022/02/17 07:52 ID: hxa79m9

He’s also the hottest.

ID: hxc3adr

Nah, Wesker's hotter.

25 : Anonymous2022/02/17 07:52 ID: hxa7bgv

Need more villains like him, especially in the future RE titles.

26 : Anonymous2022/02/17 08:41 ID: hxab075

I dunno, Vincent took pleasure in torturing and killing children.

27 : Anonymous2022/02/17 12:08 ID: hxar3nr

Imo wesker is insane. He blablas about his vision, hardly respons to anything you say. Holds monologs like a drunk homeless guy. Nicolai on the other hand is sane but a ruthless, Psychopath, who outwits everybody and respects no life. I like him very much, i wish hed be the villan in more games then just 3.


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