RE3 Jill fanart I made

1 : Anonymous2022/02/27 23:18 ID: t30oax
RE3 Jill fanart I made
2 : Anonymous2022/02/28 02:10 ID: hyq42q6

Those are the eyes of someone who has seen some serious shit...

3 : Anonymous2022/02/28 00:22 ID: hypq36b

Very unique style, love it! Do you have more?

ID: hypqunz

I’ve been very inconsistent with drawing, but you can see some of my older stuff here:

ID: hyqq0nt

Yeah for real could I buy a print? Want to put this in my office

ID: hyrzj87

Yeah, I'll message you privately.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/28 00:57 ID: hypuo3b

*when the military goon starts explaining to you what a radio is

ID: hyputhc

This made me chuckle

5 : Anonymous2022/02/28 03:57 ID: hyqhtu7

I see death in her eyes

6 : Anonymous2022/02/28 00:52 ID: hypu0tb

Really cool art style! Kinda reminds me of Worthikids on YouTube, for some reason.

ID: hypu74v

Oh man! I appreciate it! He’s def one of my favorite indie animators! I wish I had his work ethic.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/28 10:34 ID: hyrhgow

Jill has seen some shit....

8 : Anonymous2022/02/28 12:06 ID: hyroufn

When you hear distant:


9 : Anonymous2022/02/28 14:29 ID: hys4jhs

Looks really Invader Zim-ish.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/28 14:00 ID: hys0xgp

Full body pic

11 : Anonymous2022/02/28 14:32 ID: hys510g

Jill's face looks like she's looking at herself in Deviantart.

ID: hys5oa7

Oh god the Nemesis tentacle hentai

ID: hys5xsh

Oh hell no!

12 : Anonymous2022/02/28 00:25 ID: hypqjj8



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