Do you like the Resident Evil films with Milla Jovovich?

1 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:15 ID: t6qk6u
Do you like the Resident Evil films with Milla Jovovich?
2 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:24 ID: hzcr7l7

I just accept them for what they are. I dont like Alice at all and I hate how every true RE character is secondary to her. Regardless of what i dont like, they were entertaining. I have nothing against Milla Jovovich. I just don't like the character she plays.

ID: hzd6mxd

The problem with that is that it is a paul w anderson movie

Requirements : look at my wife as main character

ID: hzdifid

He really showed off in the first 20 minutes of movie 1.

I imagine she had to curve his enthusiasm to be "slightly" tasteful.

ID: hzd8es3

Exactly. If you just consider them generic summer action flicks, they're pretty enjoyable. They just have a little splash of RE fan service and references.

ID: hzdssq1

I dunno man, as action films I think they're kind of shit

ID: hzd29tr


ID: hzdt2al

I think this sums it up perfectly for everybody. I wish she was cast as Jill. That might've been cool.

3 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:53 ID: hzcvr6t

The first one? Hell yes. Just got out of high school and was having the time of my life and that came out. Loved the games and this was a just a cherry. The movies steeply dropped off from there. Each one being worse than the last.

ID: hzd2c4f

Agreed. The first one was great for the source material available at the time. The second one irritated me as Jill was as you said secondary and anything that she tried didn't work even though it worked with no issue for Alice. Then she went CQB with Nemesis. That's when I just said NOPE and haven't watched any since. And every review of each movie told me my choice was a sound one. Elitist? Likely. But I wanna see an expanded universe. Not a directors wife getting center stage.

ID: hzdd56p

First one is pretty good because it could just be a side story that's happening alongside the games. It's when they started going "let's take some stuff from the games and then completely change it" that the story got bad. Like still enjoyable enough to watch, but man...

Like it's weird when they use a character's name just to use the name but the character is like a 100% opposite from the source material. Like take Ginovaef for example.

The remake made him more extreme, but that is still something kind of completely insane to have the character do based on RE3.

ID: hzdnng6

The first one was excellent because it could have existed as an untold story within the greater Raccoon City disaster.

The second one was still okay because it could, with a bit of imagination, still fit within the greater Resident Evil storyline.

Every movie following that was pure fan fiction that disregarded any established rules, history, or lore of the series.

4 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:50 ID: hzcvabf

I liked a few of them, the 4th being my favorite. Yes they’re cheesy in the action movie sense and not faithful to the games, but they’re still fun.

ID: hzd80ij

Fourth one is my favourite too.the third one was by far the worst. The first two were alright.

ID: hzdat1q

I have the same opinion. Third one was really boring and perhaps less entertaining than Final Chapter

ID: hzdrwi8

I really liked the flamethrower scene from the 3rd one. Other than that can’t remember anything about it

ID: hzdmoan

I think it helped that they got an actor who actually was a decent Wesker.

The guy from the third film ended up in Agents of SHIELD.

5 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:56 ID: hzcw5fb

As a guilty pleasure I absolutely love the first one. The rest of them though hurts my soul. Especially the nemesis romance subplot. Just yikes.

ID: hzds73n

You can’t tell honestly me you didn’t want to bang nemesis in the second movie. I mean… I can’t be the only one, right!?

In seriousness, I unabashedly enjoy the 1st one. Not a true retelling of the first game but does an ok spin on it (plus it was genuinely scary to me when I was younger). I also really enjoy the second one, but that one is a little more of a guilty pleasure to me.

ID: hzdszq9

You know, nemesis is pretty hot tbh, but like I want to be with him, no one else can have him.

6 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:57 ID: hzcw9ov

I would've like them more if characters didn't die off screen.

ID: hzd37ek

Or five minutes into the next one.

7 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:45 ID: hzcugy8

Yes I rather enjoyed them tbh. Sure Alice is Op af but honestly I like her character

ID: hzd2q62

Why though? No hate, I respect your opinion, but what about Alice do you like?

ID: hzd33hf

Ironically the fact that she's a Mary Sue. Especially as in action movies you often have the male character being op for no real reason was nice to have a op female character I'm a movie for once

8 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:26 ID: hzcre9w

I mean I liked them all.

9 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:48 ID: hzcutdk

I have a love/hate relationship with them. I resent them for not giving me the RE that I had wanted from the start (and WTRC did not help, despite my hopes), but at the same time... I really dug the first one, and the second one has a special place in my heart because of when it came out and how it somewhat adapts Nemesis (with bits of Code Veronica) which is my favorite RE. But it gets more and more absurd as it goes on, and using elements of the games as cheap fan service. And yet... If they're on TV I'll leave them on. I have them all. I will grumble about them but keep watching them. The score for the first movie, despite it's industrial sound compared to the games' more understated one, is fantastic and has defined zombie movie scores since. Say what you will about Paul W.S. Anderson but he has a keen eye for action sequences and, at a time where 3D was all the rage, the RE movies were the best ones to adapt the format.

So yeah.

10 : Anonymous2022/03/04 20:14 ID: hzcyzeo

I liked the first 2. For the most part.

Like I fan girled seeing Jill Valentine and Nemesis hard. Then we have Nemesis fighting Alice in a bare knuckle brawl and he’s stalking Alice more than Jill and I’m like…. What the fuck. Then we see Milla naked and the movie kinda ends. Wasn’t a huge fan of their making up new characters for stand ins for characters we already had established lore for. Like Birkin replaced with the wheelchair dude.

The first one was neat. We get some cool scenes like the laser room and elevator but the rest was so…. Eh. We see Milla naked also I guess?

The rest are just awful if you pay any attention to anything that isn’t just the action scenes. Don’t pay attention to plot or anything else and the action scenes are decent.

11 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:44 ID: hzcu66c

The 2nd one was good because of Nemesis and Jill because they looked like their game counterparts. nemesis was short but then again it was a guy in a rubber suit compared to now it would be CGI. Sienna nailed RE 3 nemesis Jill look and walk to a T.

12 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:58 ID: hzcwgq9

I actually loved them

13 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:22 ID: hzcqrvt

I enjoy the first one, and Apocalypse, and Afterlife a lot. I do not however think they are good I just think they're fun. Especially Afterlife.

14 : Anonymous2022/03/04 22:16 ID: hzdi1q0

Resident Evil (2001) is my favorite bad movie of all time.

15 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:21 ID: hzcqll3

There is very little of anything Resident Evil that I haven't found a way to enjoy. They're bad films, but I do enjoy them.

16 : Anonymous2022/03/04 20:06 ID: hzcxofo

Yes I enjoyed all of them. I personally like the first one and extinction the most.

17 : Anonymous2022/03/04 20:06 ID: hzcxs83

I think the first 2 are fun and schlocky, they have a real B-movie vibe to them that quickly went away with the other ones. Most of the actors are pretty competent in their roles, they just suffer from flimsy writing and poorly thought out plot devices that kill everyone except Alice at the end of every movie.

18 : Anonymous2022/03/04 20:25 ID: hzd0odw

I like them in a cheesy, guilty pleasure way. It helps that in my mind there an alternate universe take on the RE canon. Look past the obvious plotholes, lore being disregarded or twisted into being near unrecognisable and main characters being reduced to almost cameo appearances in some cases and you have some solid turn your brain off and enjoy popcorn movies.

19 : Anonymous2022/03/04 20:18 ID: hzczmic

Nope. Never did, never will.

20 : Anonymous2022/03/04 20:07 ID: hzcxvmh

I like the first three

21 : Anonymous2022/03/04 20:17 ID: hzczhg1

They’re absolutely fucking terrible

I love them

22 : Anonymous2022/03/04 20:18 ID: hzczkrr

i like them, but they are also increasingly terrible films 🙂

23 : Anonymous2022/03/04 20:34 ID: hzd213y

They were my introduction to resident evil, and i still got a soft spot for them but they're not good movies. The only one of them I'd say is decent is the first one which is a pretty solid zombie movie. I do rewatch and enjoy them every now and again but as adaptations they are terrible and even as stand alone movies they're pretty bad

24 : Anonymous2022/03/04 22:19 ID: hzdiiee

They're kinda like... you know a bad movie thats so good? Guilty pleasure.

They aren't awful as movies. They're awful as resident evil movies. This new one that came out, ultimately even though I hated it, showed more love for resident evil than the PA movies. But just as films, its enjoyable. The first and second movie are inherently the best because of the mood and setting. I throughly enjoyed the third, its my favorite one, but I know it strayed real far from RE. Teaching zombies how to think and use hand eye coordination with blocks is ludicrous even for RE.

I enjoyed Milla before she was almighty powerful AI.

25 : Anonymous2022/03/04 22:28 ID: hzdjtb2

I like the earlier ones, specifically the first 3 but after that they just get a little silly.

26 : Anonymous2022/03/04 22:35 ID: hzdkvh5

The first one was a decent take on the franchise. But then it spiraled downwards.

27 : Anonymous2022/03/04 22:35 ID: hzdkx7n

The first one is good. They're stupid but honestly it's fine background noise or something to throw on as a last resort

28 : Anonymous2022/03/04 22:43 ID: hzdm28i

My biggest problem with them is that it took budget, time and effort away from a legitimately scary Resident Evil movie that we deserved.

Chris and Jill in a spooky mansion with no zombie fighting experience whatsoever and fearing for their lives would have been more entertaining.

29 : Anonymous2022/03/04 22:45 ID: hzdmf4e

I love the first film, legitimately awesome.The second is decent enough, could have been awesome, but fails.3-4 are trash5 is campy fun6 is trash.

(I should qualify, I am a huge fan of trashy movies, a trashy movie that hits just right (looking at you Pacific Rim) is just as good as some Oscar winning masterpiece in my eyes). So take my rating with the recommended mileage.

30 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:59 ID: hzcwp29

Nope. They were some of the absolute worst video game movies I've ever seen. Didn't even try to follow the story.

31 : Anonymous2022/03/04 20:42 ID: hzd3bpi

Those movies are a disgrace and nothing more than big budget fanfics the director vomited out for his wife.

32 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:55 ID: hzcvzbn


33 : Anonymous2022/03/04 19:57 ID: hzcwbbh



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