Mama remembering the days that she played the OGs Tomb Raider

1 : Anonymous2021/05/06 23:23 ID: n6kq94
Mama remembering the days that she played the OGs Tomb Raider
2 : Anonymous2021/05/06 23:48 ID: gx7q2gl

Did she say anything about the tiddies not being as pointy as they used to be?

ID: gx7q7ix

She said "she is not using the Madonna's bra anymore"

ID: gx7qcck

Had to google “madonna’s bra” to get it lol

3 : Anonymous2021/05/06 23:37 ID: gx7ooo5

Peak peaks, boys.

Biscuits top-tiddies bardownskies

ID: gx7q004

Is that a letterkenny reference? Or?

ID: gx7q42e

Kinda. I was referring to the og “peaks” of Croft 😉 and just kinda segued into it.

4 : Anonymous2021/05/07 00:18 ID: gx7tj5i

My kind of woman.

5 : Anonymous2021/05/07 01:13 ID: gx7zymd

This photo hurts my neck.

6 : Anonymous2021/05/07 01:18 ID: gx80k94


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