Today I found out that many modern video games still use the same 3D camera system that Nintendo pioneered in the 1990s.

1 : Anonymous2021/05/26 10:07 ID: nldcba
Today I found out that many modern video games still use the same 3D camera system that Nintendo pioneered in the 1990s.
2 : Anonymous2021/05/26 10:19 ID: gzhwzf5

You think lakitu just gave up filming because Mario took a break? That’s preposterous

ID: gzhx0pp

He needed to use that film school degree for SOMETHING.

EDIT: Whoa, this blew up! Go fuck yourself everyone.

ID: gzj5rwq

Upvoted just for the edit

ID: gzj5hu0

My name is Lakitu. I love cinema. My favorite movies are Citizen Kane and the Boondocks Saints.

3 : Anonymous2021/05/26 12:27 ID: gzi8177

I always wondered: if Lakitu is filming Mario, who is filming Lakitu at the beginning of the game when you see Lakitu?

ID: gzj3bso

The canonical answer is the other Lakitu brother. In the beginning of Super Mario 64, when you meet Lakitu on the bridge in front of the castle, he says

Good afternoon. The Lakitu Bros., here, reporting live from just outside the Princess's castle. Mario has just arrived on the scene, and we'll be filming the action live as he enters the castle and pursues the missing Power Stars.

While this happens, you only see one Lakitu, implying the other brother is the one filming the interaction.

ID: gzj41fj

But who films the inside of the cannon when mario is inside it?

ID: gzj7s08

They really thought of everything.

ID: gziypm9

Another Lakitu. It's Lakitus all the way down

ID: gzj2vo0

Always has been.

4 : Anonymous2021/05/26 12:19 ID: gzi771h

Wait..... so whos filming everyone in these pics?!?

ID: gzi8xm9

My dad works at Nintendo; he took these.

ID: gzi9408

Your dad doesnt realize he works for sony

ID: gziiww6


ID: gzj33ix

The canonical answer is the other Lakitu brother. In the beginning of Super Mario 64, when you meet Lakitu on the bridge in front of the castle, he says

Good afternoon. The Lakitu Bros., here, reporting live from just outside the Princess's castle. Mario has just arrived on the scene, and we'll be filming the action live as he enters the castle and pursues the missing Power Stars.

While this happens, you only see one Lakitu, implying the other brother is the one filming the interaction.

ID: gzj62li

If you dont ever see him how do you know he exists

ID: gzityf3


ID: gzi8k15

Lakitu Jr.

ID: gziiynr


5 : Anonymous2021/05/26 15:18 ID: gziudwl

Lakitu just got better at the job.

6 : Anonymous2021/05/26 15:14 ID: gzitske

This is a wonderful meme about to happen. I want to see Lakitu with his camera edited into all kinds of modern video games. I want him filming Ratchet. I want him following Deacon St. John. And most of all, I want him live on the scene with the protagonists of Watch Dogs so they can hack his camera and cloud.

ID: gziupsn

Strap him to the front of Doomguy’s face.

ID: gziypcq

GTA strip club.

ID: gzj0zxv

Demon Souls

7 : Anonymous2021/05/26 14:58 ID: gziqzw0

Would like to take this moment to point out some great attention to detail in Mario 64. At one point in the castle, you're in a room with huge mirrors. And you can see Lakitu still on his cloud hovering behind Mario.

ID: gzivbnq

You can see him in the mirror in Red Dead Redemption 2 too.

ID: gzj21p5

"You old bastard." Is Arthur making a subtle jab at Lakitu while looking at him in the mirror, since he's been hovering around for over 15 years now

8 : Anonymous2021/05/26 13:38 ID: gzig92i

I tried replaying Mario 64 for the nostalgia but that camera is excruciating.

ID: gzigszp

You know you can switch it right? There's a lakitu cam and then just regular mario cam which is zoomed in but you can zoom it out so it's like a regular controllable camera in normal video games

ID: gzivige

Regular-ish. The camera is still pretty bad even when you get good at finagling it, but I do give it credit for being a pioneering feature and having to function using a controller with only one stick.

I’d love an actual remake that used modern camera controls, but the direct port was still some fun nostalgia.

ID: gzj049l

It's still bad. The camera is the hardest enemy in Mario 64.

ID: gziwer5

I just got the 70 stars and beat the game last week on switch. That camera was so terrible. I wanted to get all 120 stars, but i decided to move on to Sunshine instead.

ID: gzizsyt

Good luck - the camera is just as bad!

The amount of times I've fallen off a platform or missed a landing because the camera decided to move itself mid-jump.

They programmed it so it would automatically rotate away from walls and objects, but if you're trying to walk forward in a straight line and the camera moves sideways, suddenly you find yourself walking in a new direction and off an edge

9 : Anonymous2021/05/26 15:29 ID: gziw00m

Ah yes, Lakitu, the most underrated director of all time

10 : Anonymous2021/05/26 14:21 ID: gzilvcg

Why didn't Lakitu warn Aeris?

ID: gzir3uj

The hardest part about being a documentarian is deciding it what point it would be morally wrong not to interfere.

ID: gziv7fq

Underrated comment.

11 : Anonymous2021/05/26 15:15 ID: gzitus3

Nice, it's kinda like MIDI in music.

Made in the 80s and for the last like 40 years it's just been too perfect to even attempt improving.

Love it when that happens.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

12 : Anonymous2021/05/26 15:31 ID: gziw9z3

I was so worried for him during God of War but I knew he was sturdier than that.

13 : Anonymous2021/05/26 15:08 ID: gzisvgc

So many games today use Z-Targeting which was pioneered in Ocarina of Time.

14 : Anonymous2021/05/26 16:23 ID: gzj3vl9

It was fun going through the 3D revolution and watching developers bash out the grammar of the way cameras should be controlled and interact with character controls.

Taken for granted today, but the camera relative controls used today by every third person game were hard won through a lot of fuckin awkwardness.

15 : Anonymous2021/05/26 16:03 ID: gzj0xgh

That would be a cool Easter egg in 3d games lol

16 : Anonymous2021/05/26 16:09 ID: gzj1ujg

wait, its all 2nd person games?!

17 : Anonymous2021/05/26 10:37 ID: gzhyesb

Lakitu cam isn't so bad aside from the whole "won't go through solid objects" thing ... unfortunately the levels don't always accommodate that fact.

ID: gzigo9c

I've only ever switched lakitu cam off in romhacks. Never had a reason to in the regular sm64

18 : Anonymous2021/05/26 13:48 ID: gzihipk

I mean, the only thing Mario 64 and the pictured games have in common is the general concept of a 3D camera... that's it. Surely you're not suggesting that they're somehow literally re-using code that dates back to Mario 64?

ID: gzii2g6

The latiku with the camera on the fishing rod is the same code, yes.

ID: gziji63

lol I straight up didn't notice you'd edited Lakitu into these. I thought you were just making some ill-informed unironic post.

19 : Anonymous2021/05/26 15:10 ID: gzit87a

C’mon, this is Lakitu we’re talking about. Just because Mario hasn’t been making too many games doesn’t mean he hasn’t been working behind the scenes.

20 : Anonymous2021/05/26 15:23 ID: gziv2zn

Lakitu, a quiet disgusting friend, but you will always want his presence


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