Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy page appeared on the Microsoft Store.The released date is scheduled for March 18, 2021.

1 : Anonymous2021/03/07 14:22 ID: lzrm75
Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy page appeared on the Microsoft Store.The released date is scheduled for March 18, 2021.
2 : Anonymous2021/03/07 14:56 ID: gq3nlmz

If it's just a bundle I hope it's cheap because you can get all 3 for $25 when ever they go on sale.

3 : Anonymous2021/03/07 15:40 ID: gq3s9s9

Sorta trash. No changes or improvements. You can get them all separate for way less than they’ll sell this for.

ID: gq41dbr

"No changes or improvements."

Not true, they made new cover art for it and shoved all three games into one package! That's alot of work for Square Enix‬ these days....

ID: gq5k62z

Sorta trash.

That's the trend with like 90% of the games that have released in the last few years.

4 : Anonymous2021/03/08 06:27 ID: gq6os8u

Unless they are updated for Series X i see no point, i got all 3 on sale for like $18 digitally

5 : Anonymous2021/03/07 15:05 ID: gq3ohy5

With Series improvements?

ID: gq3onvz

Looks like it's just a bundle of three games.

ID: gq5ac34

If there is, I hope they bring to those of us who already own them.

6 : Anonymous2021/03/08 08:25 ID: gq6wlzk

First game was really fun. But then they sort of dropped the ball, with the second game being good but nothing special, and then the third game being another step down from that.

They didn't really screw majorly, just failed to innovate IMO. Also story and characters sort of tanked as the series went on.

7 : Anonymous2021/03/08 11:03 ID: gq760ql

I doubt if there Xbox series x enhanced

8 : Anonymous2021/03/07 15:57 ID: gq3u7w0

9.97 GB


ID: gq3xb3w

What Indeed, their all like 20 gigs apiece

ID: gq4v6aj

Placeholder, naturally.

9 : Anonymous2021/03/07 21:50 ID: gq56j05

Like really freaking bad made for tv style action movies, these games are a serious insult to the original Tomb Raider series. Hell, even Legend & Underworld were better games. If you want a proper modern Tomb Raider experience - get Tomb Raider Anniversary.. Seriously don't bother with the reboot..


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