I find it crazy to believe battlefield 4 came out in 2013. Look at these stunning graphics!

1 : Anonymous2021/06/18 20:01 ID: o2ywcu
I find it crazy to believe battlefield 4 came out in 2013. Look at these stunning graphics!
2 : Anonymous2021/06/18 20:08 ID: h28yaki

Even Battlefield 3 was amazing when it was released.

3 : Anonymous2021/06/18 20:51 ID: h293ygg

I personally think Battlefield 3 looks incredible and is still one of the best looking and best sounding shooters ever made.

4 : Anonymous2021/06/18 20:18 ID: h28zl1p

Did these have good stories? I really enjoy games that support 21:9 and I think EA usually achieves that much

ID: h294y07

I remember the BF3 campaign being good, the story was pretty generic but the missions were fun. I recently tried playing the BF4 campaign and it seemed decent, but there were a lot of game breaking bugs (and googling revealed that tons of other people ran into them too, it wasn't just me). After having to restart missions/checkpoints a bunch of times I just gave up on it, it felt like more effort than the story/gameplay was worth.

ID: h29fowh

I did play BF3 multi but never got around to the campaign I think I can still get into my origins and try them out

ID: h29cn3t

I was replaying the BF4 campaign last night and it's pretty and dramatic but also very cheesy and FILLED with un-skippable in-game cutscenes. A lot like a Michael Bay film, not at all like Bad Company. Team AI is also pretty stupid and will let enemy soldiers past them to flank you unless you explicitly tell them to fire.

The MP is top notch and really a lot more fun.

ID: h292yoh

The only Battlefield campaign I really enjoyed was BF1. The multiplayer is great in all of them.

ID: h29fjbr

I played BF3 multiplayer back in the day on PC was utter chaos and I loved the shotgun servers lol

5 : Anonymous2021/06/18 20:43 ID: h292ws6

Improvements in graphics slow down the closer we get to photorealism

ID: h2986hx


And way more important we can’t see the differences anymore… it makes a huge difference if Tomb Raider has triangle boobs or round ones but adding a few more polygons and making the light and shadow play better isn’t going to change much we are still able to tell it’s not real and just a game

We as humans aren’t able to see the distinction anymore… if I show you two pictures of renders one with let’s say 69.420 polygons and the other one with 4.200.069 u would be only able to tell the difference after a long time of looking at both pictures and in a gaming environment with either a fast-paced story or a thrilling multiplayer you wouldn’t be able to see the differences anymore so why bother… the more interesting question is if gaming companies are willing to try to make the graphics even better although it going to take some time till we reach the real peak or if they are trying to spend the money somewhere else

ID: h29f615

Some of the best of today's ray tracing is really impressive. I wouldn't say photorealism is the goal but the detail in the lighting is incredible.

Bad lighting is one of those things that your eye immediately recognised as not true to life. The light scattering, dynamic shadows, surface and water reflections... Some of it is really impressive.

I think the biggest contributor to "slows down as we approach photorealism" is the processing power of consoles holding back the cutting edge. These games are made to sell and in order to do that they have to run on at least current gen consoles.

If it wasn't for consoles we would see a more incremental improvement on graphics instead of a major jump every 5 or so years.

6 : Anonymous2021/06/18 20:39 ID: h292c2k

It's because graphics haven't really improved much since then.

ID: h293hb7

Last gen was so disappointing with how the needle moved forward. Graphics didn't take a big leap, AI didn't take a big leap, environments are still look don't touch. Yeah we got some amazing looking games like Red Dead 2, but there's 5 or so years between this and RDR2 launch, and they don't look that different.

ID: h294tvk

Online components are where the biggest leaps were made.

7 : Anonymous2021/06/18 21:31 ID: h298zig

I watched a stream of BF4 yesterday and parts feel dated, then I watched the BF2042 vid and holy hell what a difference


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