
1 : Anonymous2021/06/24 02:28 ID: o6rnw2
2 : Anonymous2021/06/24 03:06 ID: h2ufi4w

Blue is closer

ID: h2vor7s

Just a little bit lol, who the F would even want to play 2-Flag on Highground anyway

ID: h2vswwo

Agreed. 1 flag was good though

ID: h2v7k3y

A true gamer.

3 : Anonymous2021/06/24 04:55 ID: h2upwuy

Hit him with the flag, it never works but it's worth a try

ID: h2v0nzx

Every time

ID: h2ved19

If it does work, celebrate with a well earn achievement teabagging.

ID: h2vmj8i

Flag jousting!

ID: h2vx9iv

Chicken fight!

ID: h2x5trm

Both flag carriers hop off their rides and smack each other, the survivor is obviously the superior Halo player and has earned their point.

4 : Anonymous2021/06/24 05:15 ID: h2urlcm

Why are we here?

ID: h2vj6ty

It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it?

ID: h2vqs6g

Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night.

ID: h2v6mb4

Just to suffer?

ID: h2vof4o


5 : Anonymous2021/06/24 04:57 ID: h2uq2ui

That is the law of equivalent exchange

6 : Anonymous2021/06/24 05:52 ID: h2uukc1

Man Halo 3 seemed to have the best memes, videos, and machinimas like this. Best use of theater ever.

ID: h2xhzwu

browsing the community theatre would be my after school treat while I waited for my friends to get online and fuck around in forge.

7 : Anonymous2021/06/24 10:29 ID: h2vck64

Blue: You take our flag, we take yours. That way we won't have to stress ourselves ramming into each other

Red: Deal

8 : Anonymous2021/06/24 05:30 ID: h2ussws

Aah, good times.

9 : Anonymous2021/06/24 10:41 ID: h2vdedb

Wait, that's illegal!

10 : Anonymous2021/06/24 07:06 ID: h2uzvn9

Viva la red team!

11 : Anonymous2021/06/24 07:28 ID: h2v1c4l

Both while pointing: "I LOVED YOU IN WALL STREET!"

12 : Anonymous2021/06/24 09:29 ID: h2v8rz6

Unreal Tournament CTF back in the day all over.

13 : Anonymous2021/06/24 13:17 ID: h2vr663

Halo 3 file share but on the 360 during release year.. damn nothing was quite like viewing each player’s pics in between full lobby custom games matches with randoms.

14 : Anonymous2021/06/24 13:34 ID: h2vt6xy

that jpeg artifacts from so many reposting...

ID: h2wxouk

All i could think was " what year is this?" after seeing a grand total of 5 pixels.

15 : Anonymous2021/06/24 02:35 ID: h2ubyzn


16 : Anonymous2021/06/24 11:45 ID: h2vi97o

Is it sad that I never really played halo much

ID: h2votns


17 : Anonymous2021/06/24 07:18 ID: h2v0p7d

Even on foot

18 : Anonymous2021/06/24 12:11 ID: h2vkk9j

Is that the two fortnite guys doing rhe brm brm emote

ID: h2vlu9m

I hope you're trolling

19 : Anonymous2021/06/24 05:17 ID: h2urshg

This is going to suck.

20 : Anonymous2021/06/24 11:02 ID: h2vevuf

Blue should just take the red flag then go save theirs, they are closer to base.

21 : Anonymous2021/06/24 11:47 ID: h2vifnu


22 : Anonymous2021/06/24 13:52 ID: h2vvbk1

Damn. Look at the compression artifacts on this image, how many times was this saved, shared, posted and copied?

23 : Anonymous2021/06/24 13:53 ID: h2vvdsc

The only thing you can do in that moment is to tell each other that they have a tiny dick.

24 : Anonymous2021/06/24 14:12 ID: h2vxrb0

Does any multiplayer-shooter have CTF-mode anymore? I remember enjoying them quite a bit but haven't played a match of one in maybe ten years.

25 : Anonymous2021/06/24 14:20 ID: h2vypgs

Spiderman pointing image

26 : Anonymous2021/06/24 14:21 ID: h2vyv1m

It was at this moment, red jumps down from the vehicle and then drops the flag and fires the gun! Both blues die and then red picks up the flag again and off they go!

27 : Anonymous2021/06/24 15:53 ID: h2wb5x5

thanks for making me chuckle 🙂

28 : Anonymous2021/06/24 16:57 ID: h2wjx3g

Who played 2 flag CTF on Halo 3 High Ground? That map was tailor made for 1 Flag and Bomb gametypes.

29 : Anonymous2021/06/24 18:24 ID: h2wvrwc

This is too good...and so true. Capture the flag in old school Halo multiplayer...those were the days.

30 : Anonymous2021/06/24 19:51 ID: h2x7doo

This never happens, halo has devolved into camping with battle rifles.

31 : Anonymous2021/06/24 20:48 ID: h2xesri

I've got a plan, get in the Mongoose.


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