No idea who made this, but I think it‘s kinda neat

1 : Anonymous2021/07/01 16:52 ID: obpybi
No idea who made this, but I think it‘s kinda neat
2 : Anonymous2021/07/01 17:05 ID: h3pautc

The artist is Nyuta Valerius, n_valeri_us on Instagram.

ID: h3pb7xh


ID: h3pef11

There's literally a credit watermark on the picture.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/01 21:39 ID: h3qcvvm

Maybe by name on the bottom...

ID: h3qkyy8

Too much effort apparently.

ID: h3qh215


ID: h3qovf3

Nah, that’s prolly not it…

4 : Anonymous2021/07/01 18:01 ID: h3pirga

I never quite understood the lore, was she the little girl buried in the graveyard? I assume not because there's a skeleton inside when you open it, so was that her sister or daughter?

ID: h3ppd5u

Shit I read the documents again and I’m wrong, sorry. Apparently the skeleton was Donna’s sister. Donna had mental health issues and Cadou was implanted to her as an adult. A relative of her’s, Bernadette was also implanted by Miranda, but died in the 50s.

Basically the corpse is her sister and Miranda took advantage of her mental issues to implant Cadou on her

ID: h3ppgmd

So that's the girl from the story book? How do we know that?

5 : Anonymous2021/07/01 17:44 ID: h3pgd87

loved this game. Still think RE4 is the best one but this one takes second for me.

ID: h3pk6ey

tbh i enjoy RE7 more than RE8

ID: h3q9m7y

Same, as I enjoyed the game so much, I still think the Bakers are more iconic than any lords in this game.

ID: h3qeeji

Yeah once you finish the castle part the whole game felt like one big boss rush. It needed more set pieces that involved survival against hordes or enemies that didn’t have scripted fights

6 : Anonymous2021/07/01 18:39 ID: h3po08w

Wow that's sick I just beat that boss too

7 : Anonymous2021/07/01 20:55 ID: h3q6woj

Looks like Penny Dreadful

8 : Anonymous2021/07/01 20:46 ID: h3q5q7t

This part of the game was so awesome the first playthrough, but then it becomes really annoying every time you play the game after that.

ID: h3qr71b

I time myself and attempt to speed run it

9 : Anonymous2021/07/01 17:01 ID: h3paavz

Is this the woman from The Heart of Stone DLC from witcher 3?

ID: h3pazfl

It’s Donna Beneviento from Re8.

ID: h3pb2ss

Ah my bad. Haven't played it yet.

ID: h3qg94v

Donna's a babe

ID: h3q47g9

That was my first thought too, followed by "I don't remember a doll though..."

10 : Anonymous2021/07/01 21:54 ID: h3qeuil

Resident evil 8 is the best one

11 : Anonymous2021/07/01 23:52 ID: h3qtbtm

Thats for google


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