The sweatiest and most toxic communities out there. Who is missing?

1 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:50 ID: obm8ww
The sweatiest and most toxic communities out there. Who is missing?
2 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:57 ID: h3olsz2

Rainbow six siege

ID: h3oz2z8

Yup. Love the game but I came here to say the same thing. Sometimes they’re pretty chill though, but most of the time, nah.

ID: h3p4rw0

All very valid, and to this day I do love it.

ID: h3pbj4x

This should definitely be the top of the list. I’ve got about 1500 hours in it and it’s probably one of the most toxic games I’ve ever played. I’ve seen toxicity in BR games and CODs but that’s casual toxicity.

Siege is advanced toxicity. You can get made fun of, team killed, tricked into team killing your squad for a troll ban, shit talked, or hate messaged for being or doing but not limited to any of the following:

Being too bad, too new, too good, too many hours played, being too high ranked, being too low ranked, being too young sounding, being too old sounding, being a girl, sounding like a girl, sounding black, sounding Asian, sounding Spanish, sounding English, sounding Canadian, sounding like you’re southern US, not making call outs, giving bad callouts, giving out callouts, not clutching a round, clutching a round, trying to have too much fun, trying to sweat too hard, for memeing around, for not memeing around, for picking recruit, for being the only person who didn’t pick recruit, for picking the new operator, for taking their main, for using an operator they think is bad, for using an OP operator they think is too strong, for having the newest elite skin, for the skin on their gun, and for breathing.

ID: h3pix0m

Lest we not forget the toxic teammate who dies first due to his own negligence, and then flames his team for playing correctly

ID: h3ph6gm

I think you nailed them all. I also mentioned down below how creative people will be to find ways around the TK penalties Ubi tries to enforce.

I once told a guy on our team that Xenon was a cool pinball game (his name was Xenon). He told me to stfu, team killed me and said he hopes my mom dies of cancer.

ID: h3p6fj6

This game has the most toxic community I bet.

ID: h3p6tpu

Team killing was basically normal every round

3 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:52 ID: h3ol8mx


ID: h3oy07u

Being an asshole in rust is pretty much a game mechanic.

ID: h3p51fz

It’s hard for me to backstab somebody in that game cause I feel bad that’s probably why I get so mad when somebody does it to me in it

ID: h3p6mfc

Yeah, rust beats everything. The three above have nothing on this fucking game.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:52 ID: h3ola4f

Missing valve heavyweights!!

Csgo and Dota

ID: h3oyduo

End mid I afk.

buys shadow amulet

ID: h3p2v5h

Open All Chat: come to rosh, i give ward and feed

5 : Anonymous2021/07/01 15:06 ID: h3ouzxx

Rust and cs go are much worse than Apex imo. Tho that doesn't mean Apex isn't a toxic hell.

ID: h3pax6y

Apex is easily the most mild of the group, IMO. I think Rocket League is more toxic than Apex but I queue solo and hug my team so maybe people just don't treat me poorly because Apex is one of the few games I'm competent with.

I'm even a woman and I rarely get harassed in Apex. I can't even talk in COD without getting harassed, voice chat is permanently off.

ID: h3pece5

Yeah I feel that Apex isn't super toxic, but it's definitely full of hardcore sweats. Win one game and suddenly everyone you face in QP is an apex predator. At least, when I was playing that was the case. Didn't they remove SBMM recently? Or am I just imagining things?

6 : Anonymous2021/07/01 16:29 ID: h3p5ow2

Trials of Osiris

ID: h3ppxv3

I wish I could play trials but it just doesn’t work for my play style. I’m garbage with shotties and snipers and I feel bad asking for carries.

ID: h3q30h5

how the fuck did i have to scroll this far to find trials mentioned

7 : Anonymous2021/07/01 16:08 ID: h3p2tzx

Siege, For Honor, Smite, Dead By Daylight. Etc

ID: h3pjai3

Finally, a mention of For Honor! “Wow”, “wow”, “wow”.

ID: h3pkcxt

Good Fight!

ID: h3pmnzg

If anyone played smite we would probably be up there

8 : Anonymous2021/07/01 14:16 ID: h3ooa1r

GTA online.

ID: h3p30az


ID: h3p4u6g

modders and godmode glitch

ID: h3peecn

I have a good idea, let's add flying space bikes that shoot homing missiles

9 : Anonymous2021/07/01 16:04 ID: h3p2bdf

DOTA 2 and CS:GO obviously.

These are probably the most tryhard communities out there.

10 : Anonymous2021/07/01 14:11 ID: h3onkw0


ID: h3p1y27

You can’t go anywhere on the news or popular tab without seeing someone go down someone else’s throat about something lol

ID: h3p93dr

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

11 : Anonymous2021/07/01 14:57 ID: h3otpfx

DBD, any MOBA, Ark

ID: h3pnr7v

Had to scroll way too far for Dead By Daylight. I’m still gonna play later today though.

ID: h3pdax9

Ark man. I'm not one to normally judge people based on what games they play, but I couldn't comprehend playing on Official Ark servers. Waiting literally days for a single tame and having to schedule like it's a job is insane

12 : Anonymous2021/07/01 14:16 ID: h3ooa9m

Where is rocket league?

ID: h3pi2zz

"You're so fucking bad holy shit"

Plat 2 player
ID: h3pulkx

Don’t forget they ball chase and have a lot of points and shit on you having no points.

ID: h3potw5

What a Save!

ID: h3pxoq0





Chat disabled for 3 seconds

13 : Anonymous2021/07/01 14:13 ID: h3onwjq

Every other online multiplayer game

ID: h3p45y7

Humanity in general.

14 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:52 ID: h3ola9t

you cant possibly list this, but its a good start.

15 : Anonymous2021/07/01 16:41 ID: h3p7ib2

Cod and Apex are jokes compared to CSGO lol

ID: h3pupsf

Any time there's a female-sounding voice in comp, I basically have to mute the three dudes on my team who immediately become the thirstiest mfers on the planet.

ID: h3q0xwi

You get entirely different games depending on trust factor lol. I feel like on high trust factor you play with actual normal human beings then as you descend you reach ear drum bursting levels of toxicity, I get a lot of 'make me a sandwich' jokes as well. They never even get new material :/

16 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:50 ID: h3okzz5


ID: h3oo07k

Be sure to join competitive before the end of the season later today to maximize toxicity, throwers and hackers.

17 : Anonymous2021/07/01 14:53 ID: h3ot9dd

World of Tanks. Don't play much anymore but when I do Ally Battle Chat gets switched off, too much toxic salt in there.


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