I drew a Punk Samus!

1 : Anonymous2021/07/09 17:42 ID: oh0odx
I drew a Punk Samus!
2 : Anonymous2021/07/09 20:21 ID: h4moorx

Now draw her telling me that everything is gonna be alright

ID: h4mtw6l

gotchu covered

ID: h4n2137

This is legit unexpectedly wholesome and kind. You have my respect.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/09 18:29 ID: h4mag2b

Ya know, without the armor or the zero suit, Samus just looks like a gal with a long ponytail.

That said, I enjoy the texturing to the pants and the rips, though there something about her outline inside the blue circle that my eyes keep trying to reconcile.

ID: h4mapw4

Pretty sure she's like 6'0 in canon with amazonian muscles, so she'd probably stand out IRL, but I'm pretty sure I just relegated all of that mass to her thighs whoops

ID: h4ms6b5

She's basically not even human anymore after Fusion because she fused with the X parasite AND got a Metroid vaccine injected, right?

ID: h4mb7ax

In your defense, people who go looking for Samus aren't usually looking for her IRL measurements lol

ID: h4mvsx3

6'3, even.

ID: h4mrqyr

Thick thighs save lives

ID: h4muvnk

that's some Chun-li aesthetic.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/09 17:47 ID: h4m55k0

We all know where this is going

ID: h4moj5o


ID: h4mruqm

now draw her giving birth flashbacks

ID: h4n4ufb

OPs personal folder is probably way ahead of you.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/09 17:59 ID: h4m6oaz

Now do a punk Varia Suit.

ID: h4m960l

Black with decals and band patches, I'm on it

ID: h4mfw5h

At least pick some good bands

6 : Anonymous2021/07/09 18:37 ID: h4mbh69

It's not really samus anymore lol

ID: h4mhfhd

Yeah I kind of agree with this. At a certain point you took away all things that might identify her as samus, and you ended up with "hot blonde woman".

Edit: I don't mean to be too negative though. It is a nice drawing, OP.

ID: h4mhnui

In an alt girl outfit. Doesn’t even seem like punk. Maybe the tik tok version

ID: h4muz45

woah woah woah.... she has that necklace thing to let us know she's Samus.

ID: h4mu9mj

Yes but she is still "hot blonde woman" even with the gear.

ID: h4ml91x

It's not really punk either. Cool drawing though.

ID: h4mm2ui

Would Geralt in a suit and tie not be Geralt?

ID: h4mndrl

Geralt is made to be as realistic as possible for a video game so his face has all the details necessary to made his face indistinguishable from other faces
Samus wasn't created with any realism in mind so her face doesn't really have many details and to distinguish her from other similar characters just the face or even the body isn't enough but she's known for her characteristic clothing like the zero suit or the Varia armor.

ID: h4mricb

Or punk.

ID: h4mjtc3

No! There's a Samus logo on her choker /s

ID: h4mpf7a

Achtuallie it's the screw attack logo.

7 : Anonymous2021/07/09 21:02 ID: h4mtsqb

Good work! Black clothing ≠ punk

8 : Anonymous2021/07/09 18:45 ID: h4mcidb

Literally just a hot chick, though

ID: h4ml797

Always has been

ID: h4mud35


9 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:50 ID: h4n6kug

oh look another horny drawing by a horny artist

10 : Anonymous2021/07/09 20:23 ID: h4mozn7


11 : Anonymous2021/07/09 19:24 ID: h4mhl2s

Punk? Ripped jeans doesn't make you punk...

ID: h4mrt55

You sound like Johnny Silverhand

ID: h4n27zx

Yeah, minus the charisma. And impressive cock.

ID: h4mvqcy


12 : Anonymous2021/07/09 18:33 ID: h4may6p

what is it about this artwork that makes her Samus?

Is it the S icon? She doesn't have the mole/beauty mark on her face, so besides the pasted-on S icon...her "iconic" blonde ponytail I guess?

ID: h4n6dhr

She doesn't have the mole/beauty mark on her face,

Well she only has the beauty mark/mole in other m....the least popular metroid game, so I wouldn't act like it's a defining feature.

ID: h4n11ns

comments like this are all over the thread.

so besides a missing mole, what should the artist have included to make her "more samus-like" ? people are acting as if there's some nuanced, meticulously crafted character under the suit. she's an attractive blonde woman. that's about it.

ID: h4mdjun

I was thinking the same thing.

13 : Anonymous2021/07/09 19:41 ID: h4mjmt1

this is a nice piece of art but I don't think I'd call it samus or punk

14 : Anonymous2021/07/09 20:38 ID: h4mqsu0

What's happening? Like why do they all look the same now?

15 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:01 ID: h4n7t8l

Great art but I hope you were prepared for the comments

16 : Anonymous2021/07/09 19:36 ID: h4mj1xr

Not really Samus, not really punk. Decently drawn though.

17 : Anonymous2021/07/09 21:12 ID: h4mv0ik

With those baby cheeks and enlarged eyes she looks more like Princess Peach to me but then again maybe that's just me

18 : Anonymous2021/07/09 20:16 ID: h4mo2x2

I'd say you like Tsuaii's art

19 : Anonymous2021/07/09 20:27 ID: h4mpi5l

The jeans are awesomely textured

20 : Anonymous2021/07/09 21:40 ID: h4myen9

Clearly some artistic liberty taken on how much leg she squeezes into that suit, but isn't she supposed to have less arm? Seems like a missed opportunity, how you just gonna pass up gun arm like that!?


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