I too had a dream once…

1 : Anonymous2021/07/12 15:41 ID: oitucz
I too had a dream once...
2 : Anonymous2021/07/12 15:56 ID: h4xkcq1

Dick Kickem?

ID: h4y1qju

I came to chew ass.

ID: h4y5dbf

And I'm all out of ass

ID: h4y3hh8

And kick doublebum.

ID: h4y0v7h

I know what sex is...

but I won't tell you

ID: h4yfpy5

If the shows called Invincible...

then why can I see it?

faded out of existence

ID: h4y92ml

Duke Newell Forever, my guess.

ID: h4y8x5y

Dookie Nookie

ID: h4yczz3

Dukey Nukey

3 : Anonymous2021/07/12 17:31 ID: h4xye97

“Time to kick ass and chew diabetes, I’m all out of foot.”

ID: h4xyo0h

Damn I laughed hard on that one.

ID: h4ygdrw

Honestly a game where Duke has just gotten fat as fuck but is still trying to be the same cocky gross dude, just in the modern world, would probably have been better than what we actually got

Duke fights his biggest enemies yet: heart disease, diabetes, and sexual harassment suits

4 : Anonymous2021/07/12 16:07 ID: h4xllxm

Kids these days don’t remember Duke Nukem Forever because NO ONE wants to remember Duke Nukem Forever.

ID: h4xp9n9

So I played duke nukem and duke nukem 3D in the 90s but kinda dipped out after Duke Nukem Time to kill.

what happened with the franchise after that? I found a trailer that said duke nukem forever 2001 and duke nukem forever 2011 are they the same game?

ID: h4xrngx

Duke Nukem Forever was a game that took 15 years and multiple developers passing it around to release a horrible, jumbled mess of a game that just ended up feeling like a sad parody of a very old, very different action hero from a different era.

ID: h4y27ja

nah bruv duke nukem forever 2001 was not the same game as the one in 2011 - they remade the whole game with roughly 2008 era tech

the one in 2011 was polished off and shipped by 2k

but they did not "complete" it - they took a mostly finished game and RELEASED it - it was obviously in desperate need of more editing and polish

its poorly edited and reliant on gags that fall flat and gameplay that is not bad - not good

it has some really killer moments depending on how you approach the game - there is one level that i found absolutely horrifying - and enough good jokes and gameplay to make an awesome trailer - but it is not a good game

i did really enjoy the DLC - 'the doctor who cloned me' - which took an offensively poorly done marcus fenix parody and made him genuinely entertaining by using a shrink ray on him but the gameplay itself isnt any better

ID: h4xv3pj

The company folded and the IP got bounced around and eventually someone decided to give it a shot and released a piece of turd.

ID: h4xqu5s

Forever took forever to come out

ID: h4yhyo3

There was a pretty good 3D side scroller Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project that came out in 2002. Can't buy it anymore due to Gearbox buying Duke Nukem from 3D Realms and not relisting that game for whatever reason, but you can source a copy that fell off a boat at your preferred uncharted isle of the Caribbean. That was the last good Duke Nukem game to be released, although not the last Duke Nukem game.

I hear the bonus campaign in Duke 3D: Megaton is pretty good though.

ID: h4yj5nc

Originally it was going to be a modified Quake 2 engine game to come out in like 1998 or 1999 or so. There was a trailer and it looked pretty sweet at the time.

Then they completely revamped the game and moved to the latest Unreal engine, screenshots were released and a trailer and it again looked very impressive and close to being done. This was the 2001 era version.

But that was again scrapped.

Then there was like a 2006-2008 era tech version of the game, but gamers were losing interest and hope by then.

The eventual 2011 version was sort of cobbled together and rushed out after being picked up by a different develope

as 3D Realms went under.

ID: h4ye4au

To be fair. Duke Nukem Forever wasn't a new game. It was an old game that kept getting delayed because of poor management.

And then hyped to the moon when it's release was approaching

ID: h4y3dgl

I bought the collector's edition and still have the Bust from it sitting on my shelf

ID: h4yb7l7

I'll never forget the demo at PAX East. I'll never forget my SO and I both getting bored of the shitty demo and leaving the booth. I remember them specifically trying to get me to sit on Duke's throne with two scantily clad women. I remember it all being really try hard and uncomfortable.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/12 15:52 ID: h4xjv23

Puke nukem

ID: h4xwh3m

Puke Dukem

6 : Anonymous2021/07/12 19:06 ID: h4yb1cm

Why does every post in this sub feel like the OP has been frozen since 2009?

ID: h4ys31a

They dont even update their memes, a new half life game released last year

ID: h4ylj26

the game

ID: h4yn24l

.....i know.....I remember

ID: h4yoltb

For real this post has some serious 2010 9Gag energy

7 : Anonymous2021/07/12 15:43 ID: h4xitw6

Fat duke nukem looks fun

ID: h4xxjax

It’s time to kick ass and drink mt dew, and there’s plenty of mt dew.

8 : Anonymous2021/07/12 18:55 ID: h4y9pvx

Chess players waiting patiently for Chess 2:

ID: h4yeqer
9 : Anonymous2021/07/12 18:10 ID: h4y3nmu

But I just played a new half life game last year

ID: h4yeqhv

Alyx was straight-up amazing.

10 : Anonymous2021/07/12 18:29 ID: h4y64vi
ID: h4yjjhr

Bordering on

11 : Anonymous2021/07/12 17:16 ID: h4xwezt

half life alyx literally came out last year granted it isn't half life 3 and requires a vr headset but it is 100times better than having no game whatsoever or having duke nukem forever

ID: h4xy2p0

Half Life Alyx was amazing

ID: h4yd0d6

Alyx absolutely delivered on the Half Life legacy. Incredible writing, level design, graphics/immersion, and general polish. It's a shame that not everyone can play it, but sometimes that's the price of making a game that utilizes cutting edge gaming hardware. Half Life has always tried to push the envelope of the FPS genre and VR was a great place to do that.

ID: h4yfwrv

Half Life: Alyx is Half Life 2.999.

I would personally love them to continue with another VR installment. It was a technological leap in story driven FPS and that’s where the series thrives.

12 : Anonymous2021/07/12 17:55 ID: h4y1lhv

Ahh we still got serious Sam..

ID: h4y1ukp

I thought the last one was Duke Nukem

13 : Anonymous2021/07/12 20:37 ID: h4ymeyc
14 : Anonymous2021/07/12 19:13 ID: h4ybxxp

It's hilarious how LITERALLY the Gordon model they're using is from a new Half-Life game. It's almost like nobody acknowledges Half-Life Alyx exists. Which honestly is really disappointing. Easily one of the best in the series.

15 : Anonymous2021/07/12 17:45 ID: h4y09dv

*Laughs in Legacy of Kain*

Legacy of Kain: Defiance came out in 2003 and ended on a cliff hanger.

Maybe a new game will come out eventually to actually have an ending to the series, but after this long I doubt it.

ID: h4y675e

There's talk about a remake or remaster of Soul Reaver. So... maaaaaybe? Assuming that happens and it does well, we could see the franchise continue again. It'd be nice.

ID: h4y8wib

I want to know what it feels like to hold triangle to impale again.

16 : Anonymous2021/07/12 19:59 ID: h4yhhyx

This is a very crusty meme


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