Prophecy Foretold

1 : Anonymous2021/07/15 20:26 ID: ol16ky
Prophecy Foretold
2 : Anonymous2021/07/15 20:34 ID: h5bghw8

As someone who doesn’t own a pc

That steam deck looks amazing. I really want to get one.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/15 21:40 ID: h5bpdfy

I feel like this thing is going to blow up and be unobtainable for awhile

I didn't even know this was a thing until today and now I have multiple alerts set up to reserve the most expensive version

ID: h5bqh6v

It was announced today. Nobody knew.

ID: h5brwdx

Well that makes me feel better

ID: h5bus3l

Doubtful. It's specs are really unimpressive and valve doesn't have a good track record with hardware.

ID: h5bq09h

Scalpers are going to be all over it.

ID: h5c6v0y

Hopefully the reservation thing valves doing will help

4 : Anonymous2021/07/15 20:46 ID: h5bi66o

JC! Steam deck so hot it burnt those 2 women like toast.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/15 23:16 ID: h5c1blf

The Steam Deck IS a console imo.

6 : Anonymous2021/07/15 23:52 ID: h5c5mns

What's so funny (/the point even?) about photoshopping a fat guy to make them look more fat?

Just rude & insulting click-baity-low-effort image.

Gaben deserves better!

7 : Anonymous2021/07/15 20:47 ID: h5bicer

My gaming laptop still mostly works, but is 6 years old and doesn’t work without being plugged in anymore. I have so many Steam games that this would be perfect for me. I’d love to have a Switch-like handheld that can play my already big library of Steam games.

ID: h5bqak4

Replace the battery and clean the fans.

ID: h5bip9c

Six years old… bruh the only thing that works at six years old is a Chinese shop laborer.

ID: h5bk154


8 : Anonymous2021/07/15 20:49 ID: h5binvy

He promised them a steam sale for their birthdays

9 : Anonymous2021/07/15 21:12 ID: h5blqzz

I heard Gaben has two dicks and that’s why they release exactly two games in any series.

10 : Anonymous2021/07/15 22:23 ID: h5buxd8

Am I the only one who doesn't really care about the steam deck?

ID: h5c1fgz

no, there’s a whole two of us!

ID: h5bx5c5


ID: h5byjv1


ID: h5bytv8


ID: h5c4863

I think it's actually really cool if it works as advertised. It's a big deal to people like me because it's literally something I dreamed of having 10 years ago.

11 : Anonymous2021/07/15 23:52 ID: h5c5oae

One platform to role them all

12 : Anonymous2021/07/15 23:56 ID: h5c61nv

Hey ladies, let me stick my portal gun into your orange box and ill start working on half life three


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