Someone wrote this article in 1982. Gaming has come a long way!

1 : Anonymous2021/07/25 03:53 ID: or4h0r
Someone wrote this article in 1982. Gaming has come a long way!
2 : Anonymous2021/07/25 04:22 ID: h6fw6cl

"Stuff that didnt age well" This article belongs there

ID: h6fymb6
ID: h6g1u8e

Does that sub know about cheese?

ID: h6h39fr

Nah, more like

. Unrefrigerated fish.

ID: h6gjdge

"Well-informed people know that it is impossible to transmit the human voice over wires as may be done with dots and dashes of Morse code, and that, were it possible to do so, the thing would be of no practical value."

ID: h6gs4ix

Ignoring that first part, how could somebody possibly arrive at the conclusion that Morse code is of practical use, but actual voices wouldn't be?

ID: h6gmsta

Lol. Who Said that?

ID: h6gurhd

Most ironically, "gamer" is a profession these days, while "Word Processor" is not.

ID: h6hxnwf

"Computer" likewise used to be something you put on your resume, not in your pocket.

ID: h6ga4bb

Well, to be honest, I’m that time frame…she was right. Video games almost faded due to loss of public interest. It was old Nintendo that saved the industry a few years later.

ID: h6gi8cf

It wasn't because it was a fad that faded away though, the industry suffered from disingenuous marketing and oversold promises, not to mention the quality issues plaguing cash cow games littering the market. Nintendo really did save the industry with their approval program.

She was right but for the wrong reason. People wanted games, but they didn't want the trash that was being peddled at the time.

ID: h6gm4e7

The fact that the Famicom came out the year of the North American video game crash kinda tells you how things went, though. It dictated some of the design decisions Nintendo went with, like making it look more like a VCR than the toy the Famicom resembled, and the lock out chip that gave them a near monopoly on the platform at a time where creating non-approved games was a totally viable option.

But I feel it's a little like the American auto industry stagnating, the car wasn't at risk of disappearing, but foreign alternatives sure took advantage of the situation.

ID: h6grcpm

While it's true that Nintendo revived the American console market they didn't save the video game industry as the home computer video game market was booming in places such as the UK as consoles collapsed in America.

Home computer games came on cassette tape and were 5% to 20% the price of a Nintendo cartridge and could be pirated. And the games could be vastly more innovative, with 3D titles such as Elite and Mercenary making Super Mario Bros look old when it came out.

Also, home computers also allowed kids to persuade parents that the machines could be "educational" and weren't just for playing games even if that's all they ultimately were used for. 😉

3 : Anonymous2021/07/25 06:24 ID: h6g5w7n

I'm mostly just confused by the logic. Gaming won't last because it's not educational? There are a lot of reasons video gaming might not have turned into the industry that it is today, but educational content doesn't even make the top 50.

ID: h6ged1v

Best guess is she saw games as a kids' thing, and parents wouldn't buy games if they didn't see any value in them. It didn't occur to her that parents or other adults might be buying games for themselves.

ID: h6gl665

This was right at the time of the video game crash. For a few years after the crash everything had to be educational or productive.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/25 05:01 ID: h6fziir

Rockstar games has more money than my country. So... That article is wrong seems like

ID: h6gash8

Pokemon has made more money than most countries

ID: h6gei7s

Lol just pokemon go has done billions a year. I wonder how many countries it already left behind

5 : Anonymous2021/07/25 03:56 ID: h6ftt70

"Sharon B, Word Processor" this almost sounds like a joke

ID: h6g24l0

It might interest you that "computer" used to be a job before that.

ID: h6gmzm9

Help computer

ID: h6gnt7a

Hey, kid!

Imma computer!

Stop all the downloadin'!

ID: h6gng61

And "spreadsheet" is what maids were called in large hotels.

ID: h6gnudm

I have an old ass dictionary from the 50s and “computer” is someone who computes.

ID: h6fudyk

Ironically, her job was made obsolete by Microsoft Word

ID: h6g61ui

Actually it was Lotus Notes. Word was later.

ID: h6gjxi1

I’m old enough to be from the time you could get a decent job with just word processor certificates (Word, WordPerfect, Lotus Notes, etc)

6 : Anonymous2021/07/25 05:50 ID: h6g3g76

I need to save this pic to remind myself from time to time that the comments or analysis by so called pundits should always be taken with a pinch of salt.

7 : Anonymous2021/07/25 09:40 ID: h6gizuo

Why is nobody talking about “Decamber”

ID: h6h95ci

Why? It's the month right before Nervenbar.

8 : Anonymous2021/07/25 04:31 ID: h6fwwdh

I love how they are like “everything must be educational!!” nowadays. Especially when it comes to cartoons.

ID: h6g92n7

It's a bit annoying tbh.

ID: h6gk1v4

Saturday and Sunday morning cartoons were great before the law required them to be educational. Then once that happened a lot stations replaced the cartoons with infomercials.

9 : Anonymous2021/07/25 07:40 ID: h6gbaqp

Someone has said this about everything since the written word. I knew a guy that was shocked electricity wasn't a fad.

ID: h6gi4wx

Was he 200 years old?

ID: h6gif7e

Ignore the deleted that was for a different thread got them mixed up, no he just lived his entire life in a very very rural place and never got a phone, TV or radio. He died at like 98 in 2008 and by all accounts spoke as if he was from his parents generation

10 : Anonymous2021/07/25 05:58 ID: h6g40vz

I wonder what she thought of movies, tv shows, radio, aka anything else that people use for fun...

Also worth noting, all of those could potentially be educational as with video games so yeah...

ID: h6gcm79

Even things that aren't technically educational can still teach things if you can understand it.

11 : Anonymous2021/07/25 04:28 ID: h6fwnga

ACTUALLY, (pushes up glasses) she was almost right. The following year from when this article was published there was the video game industry crash of 1983. People got tired of the shovel-ware and broken games that flooded the market. The only reason the industry was revitalized was because Nintendo entered the market.

ID: h6gctif

Worth pointing out this was mostly an American only event, the rest of the games industry was largely unaffected. My country was mostly into gaming on home computers, for example.

ID: h6fy5hr

People got tired of the shovel-ware and broken games that flooded the market.

Hmmmm.... People got tired of those? I guess we learned our lesson and are not getting tired of shovel-ware and broken games anymore. Hooray for evolution!

ID: h6fyaxr

Well, the difference is that now there are plenty of quality games to balance it out, when at the time there weren't a whole lot of options. And note that the Crash of '83 most heavily affected the US - it didn't happen in, for instance, Japan, which just continued on with the industry and didn't need to reboot because they handled things differently.

ID: h6ghdz3

The American video game industry crashed. The rest of the world in fact started the boom running on home computers.

ID: h6gi3qw

That's actually a bit of a misconception iirc. The video game crash of 1983 was mostly for console/arcade games, and a good portion of that drop could also be attributed to advances in personal computing.

It didn't make much sense for a household to spend money on a dedicated video game console when one could spend a similar sum of money on a personal computer.

For example, the Commodore 64 personal computer was released in 1982, and was discontinued in 1994. In 1985, 60-70% of its software were games (for reference, the NES was released in the US in 1985 of the same year).

Arguably, the American video game industry as a whole were already recovering when the NES hit American shelves, with a commanding number of titles on the best selling home computer at the time. The NES mostly saved the idea of a dedicated video game console, rather than a shift to entirely PC gaming.

12 : Anonymous2021/07/25 04:32 ID: h6fx171

technically true, gaming back then and gaming now are 2 very different creatures. people did get bored... and they DID look elsewhere, and then created entirely new genres and ways of thinking in gaming as a result of where they looked. it became an entirely new way to tell stories, learn history, and much more. i hope people CONTINUE to get bored of it, so that it may change even further and become even more of what it already is.

ID: h6g8rba

Let's hope people get bored of over-priced micro transactions!

ID: h6glraq

Most people already are.

80% of revenue from MTX comes from around 20% of the playerbase. Everyone else either spends a couple of dollars here and there or nothing at all other than buying the game itself.

13 : Anonymous2021/07/25 08:21 ID: h6gdzsx

In her defense, if the video games from 1982 stayed at the same 8 bit level for the next 20 years, yeah, video games would've gotten boring. I'm sure she had no idea how for they would come because they were still relatively new back then.

14 : Anonymous2021/07/25 09:24 ID: h6gi0s1

Well they also spelt it as “decamber” so I doubt they are the smartest newspaper


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