GTA 6 release date : probably never

1 : Anonymous2021/08/01 21:58 ID: ow1ats
GTA 6 release date : probably never
2 : Anonymous2021/08/02 02:17 ID: h7dtees

I remember running over the dancing people on the streets… so fun. Never really cared for other gta games past the first one

3 : Anonymous2021/08/02 03:55 ID: h7e40qv

GTA2 is hosted here.

4 : Anonymous2021/08/02 00:47 ID: h7dj4pr

I can't wait for a new GTA. I don't care how much they "expand and enhance" this 8 year old game, it's outdated and will continue to be. One day we will have a GTA that's more detailed than red dead 2...I hope...

5 : Anonymous2021/08/02 09:23 ID: h7esvci

Fuck gta just because of this. It's really boring after just a couple years, for me personally at least.

6 : Anonymous2021/08/01 23:47 ID: h7dci4j

The last pic looks like a bunny on skis flying through the air.

7 : Anonymous2021/08/02 01:51 ID: h7dqf10

Maybe you should beat this joke completely to death? Oh wait...

8 : Anonymous2021/08/02 02:04 ID: h7drwir

Maybe this is what happens when you fire the lead developer for your series.

9 : Anonymous2021/08/02 02:06 ID: h7ds2vm

Nothing to do with my point. We get it. The game is old.

10 : Anonymous2021/08/02 01:54 ID: h7dqt7m

First time I played GTAV is 2017. It was pirated. Now I have two copies of it legally purchased.

11 : Anonymous2021/08/02 01:58 ID: h7dr9e2

Honestly I can’t blame them. People keep paying and playing. They make sooooo much money it would be hard to say no.

That and the game is perfect. Think about it every 3 - 5 years a new generation of gamers start playing it and get hooked. It’s a prefect game that has everything.

12 : Anonymous2021/08/02 03:19 ID: h7e07f3

Damn, I miss top down GTA, that brings me back... Good times. Good times.

13 : Anonymous2021/08/02 03:27 ID: h7e131d

Hoping I can smash buildings in GTA 6

14 : Anonymous2021/08/02 03:45 ID: h7e2ycn


15 : Anonymous2021/08/02 03:56 ID: h7e45ny

GTA in 2031. We are still playing GTA V

16 : Anonymous2021/08/02 04:08 ID: h7e5c9l

According to your math... 2024 we should be expecting the next game.

17 : Anonymous2021/08/02 05:16 ID: h7ebctn

Same with ESO 6, taking forever, Skyrim came out 2011 it’s been a whole decade without a new Elder scrolls.

18 : Anonymous2021/08/02 05:17 ID: h7ebhiq

Why make a new game when they are making tons of money milking people over GTA V? Lol

19 : Anonymous2021/08/02 05:30 ID: h7eci82

Wait that bike comes built in the game? I thought it was mod which got automatically installed when i installed menyoo bruh

20 : Anonymous2021/08/02 05:31 ID: h7ecl24

Does anyone know where I can get the 97 version for PC?

21 : Anonymous2021/08/02 05:41 ID: h7edeve

I don't get why this is a meme when Skyrim will probably be 15 years old by the time we get a new one, and came out 2 years before GTA V. This isn't going to get the game to come out any earlier and this meme has been beaten to death like a dead horse. Just stop already.

22 : Anonymous2021/08/02 05:53 ID: h7eeddx

So true

23 : Anonymous2021/08/02 05:54 ID: h7eegt3

Now do the 4th square full of mods

24 : Anonymous2021/08/02 06:05 ID: h7ef997


25 : Anonymous2021/08/02 06:09 ID: h7efm1q

I remember playing the 1997 version as a kid and thinking it was so realistic and cool and felt like such a bad ass playing it lol

26 : Anonymous2021/08/02 06:43 ID: h7ei44s

There are early signs of a pattern here. We can expect gta6 in 2024 and gta7 in 2037.

27 : Anonymous2021/08/02 07:08 ID: h7ejvbr

It'd be fun to have an updated top down one like the 97 release. Not as the next major edition, just a kind of smaller, cheaper release. It had it's charms, if they can make a version of that that isn't impossible to control like the original that'd be sweet

28 : Anonymous2021/08/02 08:03 ID: h7enk4i

Funny story. I thought GTA5 looked amazing, all my friends had it. But the GTA series was pretty well known for constant releases. So I thought, ah I'll just wait and try GTA6 when it comes out. Now we're all in our 30s and don't really play games that much

29 : Anonymous2021/08/02 08:48 ID: h7eqjm1

Man I gotta say though I enjoyed the fuck out of those original top-down games. (And GTA III for that matter.)


30 : Anonymous2021/08/02 10:39 ID: h7ey3e5

V has stretched across 3 generations now. It's absolutely bonkers bullshit. But rockstar is the only one to manage to do with a game what all companies wanted with live service bull - have it stretch out for this fucking long. So they don't necessarily have to make anything new.

31 : Anonymous2021/08/02 10:53 ID: h7ez5bx

GTA 6 has been in development for many years now. We just don't know anything about it yet publicly... I'd say development started at least 4 years ago.

32 : Anonymous2021/08/02 11:22 ID: h7f1cav

I guess it will release on 2025... As an entrepreneur I understand that they still want to gain many profit on Gta Online and Gta V...

33 : Anonymous2021/08/02 12:09 ID: h7f5dow

Saints Row rips off GTA who ended up becoming Saints Row clone in the end.

34 : Anonymous2021/08/02 14:26 ID: h7fkicn

I'm done with rockstar for this very reason. They're only interested in microstransactions instead of IP progress and paving the way for new story.

35 : Anonymous2021/08/02 15:08 ID: h7fq3it

Trailer Dec 2022 release Apr 2025

Skateboards included

36 : Anonymous2021/08/02 17:02 ID: h7g5uun

That's exactly how I see it lol

37 : Anonymous2021/08/01 22:24 ID: h7d2vyy

lol it's just the oppressor.

38 : Anonymous2021/08/02 01:28 ID: h7dns0z

You either take a CoD route and make a sligthly diferent game each year. Or become a live service until the dawn of time.

39 : Anonymous2021/08/02 01:59 ID: h7drdpf

Actually guys 6 has been fully confirmed to come out by 2025 but it has also been said by the team that it will probably be the last gta to be made

40 : Anonymous2021/08/02 02:01 ID: h7drigg

You forgot to add in the two year delay

41 : Anonymous2021/08/02 02:05 ID: h7drzcr

I didn't hear anything about it

42 : Anonymous2021/08/02 02:54 ID: h7dxj36

We need modest folk lobbies lol I just want to do my taxi job and buy a nice car.

43 : Anonymous2021/08/02 03:42 ID: h7e2nym

fuck rockstar

44 : Anonymous2021/08/02 04:36 ID: h7e7xm3

8 years and i still haven't played it, or IV. Hope i get a good laptop that can handle it someday, or other games

45 : Anonymous2021/08/02 07:01 ID: h7ejeuw

Last straw for me was when I tried grinding but some guy in a jet kept killing me (IDK if it was cheats or not) and I spent the most money on MTX until Planetside 2 later on.

I held on to the game because I liked some of the mechanics, but then the game turned to a clone of War Thunder or Crossout, except without the specific vehicle damage mechanics in those games, in a civilian and non-apocalyptic setting, and with the grinding even worse because Rockstar's response to bad sportsmanship is pricing everyone the fuck out of the highly desirable items.

46 : Anonymous2021/08/02 07:30 ID: h7eldoj

We will see gta 5 turn 10 before we even get a release date.

47 : Anonymous2021/08/02 07:35 ID: h7elptd

and you can thank the dummies who still play gta V

48 : Anonymous2021/08/02 08:57 ID: h7er5ql

The problem is how can you make a public correct GTA?

49 : Anonymous2021/08/02 09:47 ID: h7eug9z

GTA V on PS6/Xbox Series Two is going to look insane though.

50 : Anonymous2021/08/02 09:51 ID: h7eupqk

Things burnout fans and GTA fans have in common.

51 : Anonymous2021/08/02 02:12 ID: h7dssfy

Shittiest low quality meme


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