[Art] Leon and Ashley, art by @666cherise

1 : Anonymous2021/08/19 00:19 ID: p73srx
[Art] Leon and Ashley, art by @666cherise
2 : Anonymous2021/08/19 00:36 ID: h9h3asd

If they were pot addicts

3 : Anonymous2021/08/19 00:49 ID: h9h52kz

They really smoked the Plagas, damn.

4 : Anonymous2021/08/19 06:57 ID: h9i768h

Do you guys not remember their eyes going red after being infected with the plagas??

5 : Anonymous2021/08/19 01:10 ID: h9h7oaw

Las potgas

6 : Anonymous2021/08/19 01:06 ID: h9h762z

Fucking baked

7 : Anonymous2021/08/19 08:16 ID: h9icsw1

Looks like they took a full G+R+Y herb.

8 : Anonymous2021/08/19 00:19 ID: h9h162g
9 : Anonymous2021/08/19 03:07 ID: h9hm4a6

This is Leon and Ashley on drugs

10 : Anonymous2021/08/19 06:57 ID: h9i784q

Ashley get in the dumpster!

11 : Anonymous2021/08/19 04:36 ID: h9hvl2j

Are they high on drugs?

12 : Anonymous2021/08/19 11:28 ID: h9iqx9m

"Leon I'm hungry bring me foooood!! Leon! Leon!!! " Ashley.

"Oh god make it stop! I'll find something!! Stop screaming!!" Leon

13 : Anonymous2021/08/19 20:54 ID: h9kw7r9

They look good together on drugs

14 : Anonymous2021/08/19 04:24 ID: h9hudwb

Actually one of the best renditions of ashley

15 : Anonymous2021/08/19 08:49 ID: h9if0db

Ashley looks like she will actually fuck someone up.

16 : Anonymous2021/08/19 11:31 ID: h9ir6m5

Leon Dankley and Ashley Dankham

17 : Anonymous2021/08/19 11:32 ID: h9ir7sn

Had one to many herbs

18 : Anonymous2021/08/19 14:41 ID: h9jdpk1

Damn how much did they smoke?


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