This bizarre CPU vending machine in Japan is a real silicon lottery.

1 : Anonymous2021/09/01 16:32 ID: pfxii2
This bizarre CPU vending machine in Japan is a real silicon lottery.
2 : Anonymous2021/09/01 17:50 ID: hb7pnsl

Given that you’re handing over the equivalent of a handful of dollars or pounds for a handful of CPUs in some cases, those bits of silicon are likely to be ancient: the 486DX processor, a 33MHz beast that powered our first PC, was brought to mind here (though probably not that old, seeing as that’s now venturing into collectible territory).

I wouldn't be mad if I got one of those.

ID: hb7sg4j

That's just speculation on TechRadar's part.

The video shows one package with what looked to me like 8 different CPUs. Seemed like old ones, but I'm too lazy to research and guess, and not knowledeable enough to know one by sight.

ID: hb9afoc

Second generation Intel core i3 was the first one I saw, basically a $5-15 CPU.

It's likely going to be mostly Intel chips anyway, as they'll just be the junk from the old leases that don't sell very well used, like early i3 models and celerons.

ID: hb7q1xn

Surely the vending machine at hand will not be a mixed bag if the box art of each processors is not lying.

ID: hbbua5k

I would expect tons of P4s and other "common" chips used in offices. Chips that have 0 collector value.

3 : Anonymous2021/09/01 19:05 ID: hb80obg

I'd pay £10 for one just for the fun of it.

4 : Anonymous2021/09/02 00:28 ID: hb97f0e

Vending machine is a misnomer. It's a gacha. An IRL Lootbox dispenser.

5 : Anonymous2021/09/02 03:42 ID: hb9viku

Not as bizarre as the ones that dispense used women's panties.

6 : Anonymous2021/09/01 16:45 ID: hb7g4e9

Man just saw this on Twitter. It’s amazing

ID: hb7gsrm

That is, if you have the right motherboard to test your luck getting the Ryzen processors from that vending machine.

ID: hb895fq

Alibaba to the rescue!

7 : Anonymous2021/09/01 20:24 ID: hb8c9zz

Putting bizarre, Japan, vending machine and silicon in the title i was expecting something else.

8 : Anonymous2021/09/02 11:35 ID: hbaxsmc

Are there any GPU vending machines there?


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