Assassins creed Karens Legacy

1 : Anonymous2021/09/06 10:40 ID: piwzqd
Assassins creed Karens Legacy
2 : Anonymous2021/09/06 12:48 ID: hbswr6r

A Karen's Creed

ID: hbszyvw


3 : Anonymous2021/09/06 14:51 ID: hbtbest

One time this dude came into my work and demanded to speak to the owner so I was like uhhh okay? So I went and got the owner and the customer was just acting all normal after that. Then the owner asked the customer why he wanted to speak to him and the guy goes "I don't like dealing with hirelings" what an asshole

ID: hbtxfxr

One of my favorite things is when people come into my auto repair shop all mad about something and ask to speak to the owner so I walk out of the room, wait about 10 seconds and then walk back in and ask how I can help them (usually the 3rd or 4th time I've asked at this point) lol

4 : Anonymous2021/09/06 10:50 ID: hbsmqpi

Good one

5 : Anonymous2021/09/06 11:12 ID: hbsocdy

Karen dlc

6 : Anonymous2021/09/06 15:57 ID: hbtkk7i

Her Eagle vision can spot any coupons in the Tri-state area

ID: hbtoa9c


ID: hbukurh

What’s wrong with using coupons? 🙁

7 : Anonymous2021/09/06 12:50 ID: hbswzzf

Assassin's Creed cult of Karen

8 : Anonymous2021/09/06 12:54 ID: hbsxewo

Karen's creed

9 : Anonymous2021/09/06 10:53 ID: hbsmwxc

Objective: Destroy the vacines!!!

10 : Anonymous2021/09/06 18:48 ID: hbu85n4

At this point, it wouldn't surprise me

11 : Anonymous2021/09/06 20:56 ID: hbupfp2

I would recognise Unity anywhere. I see a man of culture you are.

12 : Anonymous2021/09/06 13:17 ID: hbszzr9

I love this post lmao

13 : Anonymous2021/09/06 13:48 ID: hbt3jko

Is that Unity?

ID: hbt3x71

Yeah it is

14 : Anonymous2021/09/06 14:23 ID: hbt7uj7

Probably better than Odyssey

ID: hbuzr4p

Not a fan of odyssey?

ID: hbv5s2u

I am confused how anyone is

15 : Anonymous2021/09/06 14:40 ID: hbt9x3g

What Assassin's Creed game is this?

ID: hbtc0vc


16 : Anonymous2021/09/06 14:50 ID: hbtbbd9

I love how "speak" is in caps

17 : Anonymous2021/09/06 14:55 ID: hbtbysv

Love how "speak" is capitalized. As if to emphasize that you shouldn't kill him.

18 : Anonymous2021/09/06 15:13 ID: hbtebyj

lmao I miss playing Unity, the parkour was sensitive but nice

my favorite quest from Unity will always be about helping that one guy get together with Napoleon's girl

19 : Anonymous2021/09/06 18:49 ID: hbu880u

Karen French Fries Edition

20 : Anonymous2021/09/06 20:10 ID: hbujaee

dont let the karens take over

21 : Anonymous2021/09/06 20:12 ID: hbujiaw

Damn I love unity, it's really poorly optimised but really like the story and gameplay mechanics

ID: hbuspyi

A broken masterpiece with a rough start


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