Far Cry 6 – The Digital Foundry tech review

1 : Anonymous2021/10/09 14:06 ID: q4m0ug
Far Cry 6 - The Digital Foundry tech review
2 : Anonymous2021/10/09 14:12 ID: hfzezns



When comparing the same view, the PS5 renders between 1728p - 1872p while the Series X renders between 1872p - 2160p.

The Series S renders between 1080p - 1224p

They state that the resolutions can dip lower, but these were the most common ranges when playing

The PS5 has slightly higher vegetation settings compared to the Series X

The PS5 and Series X have identical settings apart from this

The PS5 and Series X have near identical load times

The PS5 and Series X have identical performance holding 60fps

You get the occasional camera stutter or 1-2fps drops


Fire propagation returns

New sky and water rendering

More physically-interactive worlds

The PS5 and Series X have a weird camera stutter as you move along the screen

The PS5 and Series X both have stutters when traversing through the map (especially through a vehicle). It’s somewhat worse on PS5.

It’s called “Dunia Traversal Stutter”

Even though cutscenes run at 30fps, some aspects like particle effects run at 60fps. Along with this, cutscene animations have obvious animation stutter.

comment if I missed anything

ID: hfzihpl

Just btw it's Dunia not Dunya. Other than that, great job! 🙂

ID: hfziq9d

Fixed. Thank you

I like organizing this so it looks better on the eyes when reading

ID: hg0029z

Dunya business!

ID: hfzho25

The screen tearing on PS5 is pretty insane at the moment. I’m not usually someone who notices that sort of thing, but it’s been really distracting whenever a firefight starts.

ID: hfzivx0


ID: hg0aek7

This is why PS5 should have VRR

ID: hfzqofd

Doing gods work

3 : Anonymous2021/10/09 14:29 ID: hfzh07o

Did they show the differences between the 4k texture packs and without on PS5?

ID: hfzhhof

I think that was misinformation, I picked up a disc today and there’s no way to remove / download the texture pack - it’s pre installed with day 1 patch

ID: hfzhoo9

Oh.. ok then

ID: hg02hse

You can remove the texture pack by playing the vanilla version from the disc without updating.

But after the ~40 gb day 1 patch, it’s auto installed. You can check in when on main menu… there’s a small transparent text at top left of the screen saying HD pack and version number.

4 : Anonymous2021/10/09 15:20 ID: hfznjal

Surprised they didn't mention the odd looking cutscenes and skin textures/models. They look so jarring compared to the rest of the environment which looks higher quality.

ID: hfzp0su

Even just looking at trailers all the models look worse from previous games and most of their other titles. It looks like an artistic decision but it just looks off.

ID: hfzsr74

Yea reminds me of some user-made upscaled skin texture mod for a game that released like 5-6 years ago or something.

ID: hfzx5an

Have you played Kena?

ID: hg0cx2i

Not yet, waiting on the physical release in November.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/09 15:05 ID: hfzll8r

My biggest problem with the game is the low quality / compressed sound effects. They stand out like a sore thumb

ID: hfzqe57

Unfortunately, it’s a big issue on Ubisoft games. This thread along with this comment are pretty good on explaining the issue, If you’re interested.

ID: hfzwh4m

Valhalla was the same.

ID: hg0reyo

Oh man, that was the worst aspect of Valhalla. I loved the game over all (player it for 150 hours), but the audio quality was such trash. When you would take part in a raid, the constantly looping, low quality sound samples used for a large crowed of soldiers was jarring. So terrible.

ID: hfzti0o

I have a hard time telling the distance and direction which a sound comes from sometimes. It's like I find myself spinning in circles multiple times cause they sound close but they're like 50 feet away.

6 : Anonymous2021/10/09 19:31 ID: hg0lbg5

Any additional controller features on the PS5?

ID: hg0x7nk

Apparently has decent haptics and adaptive trigger, haven't tried it myself, others mentioned it in a different thread.

7 : Anonymous2021/10/09 20:07 ID: hg0q50c

I've seen some people bitching about it not looking next gen enough, but the return of superior physics is what I've been asking for since companies abandoned them as a feature after the 7th generation of consoles.

Far Cry 2, GTA4, Dead Rising 1, (and more, but my memory fails me) all had physics in them that were slowly ripped out as time went on

8 : Anonymous2021/10/09 21:18 ID: hg0zxge

I have a bug on PS5 - can't hear voices in cut scenes, other sounds are present.

9 : Anonymous2021/10/09 15:05 ID: hfzljxz

Kisses series x’s VRR.

ID: hg0lg4u

The PS5 really needs VRR. It’s a great feature on the X. Doubt it’ll make any difference here, but it’s still a needed feature.

ID: hfzlz1k

I also think PS5 needs VRR but your comment is funny to see here given the games just drop to 59fps on occasion. VRR isn't going to help fix the stutter.

Edit: I didn't explain very well. I mean it won't help fix the camera stutter or traversal stutter. It would help with the drops to 59fps but in my opinion that's a minor problem.

ID: hfzprd4

Depends. If it drops to 59fps and vsync is enabled then a non-VRR display will have to refresh at 33ms for a single frame. VRR fixes that, wether vsync is enabled or not. If the actual rendering drops to 33ms then obviously VRR can’t do anything. On VRR a drop from 60fps to 59fps is 100% unnoticeable. Even 50fps is smooth with VRR.

ID: hfzo1kz

The main job of VRR is to eliminate screen tearing when playing games. Tearing is a kind of visual glitch, where the image on your TV shudders mid-frame before carrying on as before.

ID: hfzo85f

Sorry, tech noob here so I am going with what I read so excuse me if I am wrong. But is that not what VRR is exactly for? (apart from the 30/40/60fps to 120hz of course so not the only thing) It helps with the stuttering that occurs with dips to 59 and below?

ID: hg0pz0n

For the 0.1 percent of gamers who take advantage of it.

ID: hg0ufo4

Yeah. Like me.

10 : Anonymous2021/10/09 14:32 ID: hfzhezq

Does online work on PS5? I keep getting connection errors on Xbox and it doesn't seem to be connecting to ubiservers.

ID: hfziyyb

It worked fine for me

ID: hg0g6dz

It might be the servers. I was playing late last night and it wouldn't connect me online on ps5 either.

11 : Anonymous2021/10/09 18:53 ID: hg0g5jl

No native 4K, no ray tracing mode on consoles, quarter resolution on a bunch of effects causing super soft image, stutter issue, screen tearing etc. This is not up to the quality of a AAA game.

ID: hg19vro

Native 4K? Ray tracing? For all that to happen, they’d have to dial it back to 30 FPS in a separate graphics/resolution mode. And people would bitch about that too, so there’s really no winning here.

12 : Anonymous2021/10/09 15:04 ID: hfzlgpu

So game is still beta state until ubi patches out the stutter mess? Got it. Will wait 6 months post launch for bugs and general gameplay balance fixes to be ironed out. Plus a $19 price tag.

ID: hg0ul83

Yeah it's not a studder mess, about 7 hrs in and it's great. People need to stop trying to make it cyberpunk, it's not cyberpunk. Either that or people are just too broke to get it until it's on PS+ for free.

ID: hfzoet3

Mine seems fine in the 4-5 hours I have played

ID: hfzq2on

Yeah, I haven't seen any stutter on PS5.

ID: hfzmy4y

So it's them and not the PlayStation?

ID: hfzoldx


13 : Anonymous2021/10/09 19:09 ID: hg0iau4

Unpopular opinion: I hate dynamic resolution scaling. Just give an option to set one resolution across both PS5 & XSX. Not only that gives an easy way to compare the actual power,it also gives similar image quality. If PC can give hundreds of graphical settings,then why can't console versions give one extra simple option to toggle native locked resolution? We are paying the same price as PC version too.

14 : Anonymous2021/10/09 18:52 ID: hg0fzka

Why is jill valentine on the cover of a far cry 6 video?

15 : Anonymous2021/10/09 15:36 ID: hfzpjts

So I guess they weren't lying when they said that this game wouldn't be 4k on ps5. Damn I don't believe it. Must be bad optimization or something. Maybe Microsoft paid them to gimp the ps5 version.

ID: hfzxhot

They would have to either reduce the graphics of the game by a lot to have it running at 4K and 60 FPS without stutters, or just cap the frame rate to 30 and still reduce the graphics but by a lot less, I would assume

ID: hg07mjw

Cmon man. We all know the XSX is a powerful console from the start. Stop with this fanboy comment stuff. Lol

17 : Anonymous2021/10/09 18:40 ID: hg0edzo

It's already installed.

18 : Anonymous2021/10/09 18:53 ID: hg0g7qh

Oh, why were people saying it's an extra 30gb

19 : Anonymous2021/10/09 23:23 ID: hg1ftth

I just want to see what a full blown AAA developer does with either console exclusive wise. Small differences in these type of games doesn't really tell me what either console is capable of.


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