AMD 6600XT for £500 in the UK – Worth it?

1 : Anonymous2021/10/12 12:11 ID: q6kr03

My old GPU died so I need a new one. I'm managing with CPU integrated graphics for now but I'm unsure if I should take the plunge on a new GPU with the prices as high as they are. I've done my research so know what my options are. I did manage to get a full refund on my 2 year old GeForce 2060, so at least that helps. I would look for Nvidia again but pricing and availability make that out of the question for me right now. So I have concluded that the RX 6600XT is the best option.

I could get one now for £500, but I know it was less than £400 2 months ago (early 300's I think). I'm also aware of the RX 6600 (non XT) being released tomorrow (13th) so will keep an eye on that.

I'm just asking for thoughts please, if I should pay up £500 for the 6600XT, or hold off in the hope of a price drop. Of course prices may increase even more.

I loathe to pay so much for a mid-range GPU but that's the way things are at the moment. I don't like any of my options, but I need to choose one. I'm aware by the way of the arguments for and against the 6600XT but for that price I see no better option other than possibly the slightly lower performing 6600 (non XT) when it's released, but I don't know the pricing or availability yet.

I can wait a couple of months before buying but if things get even worse, I may wish I'd made my decision now. Any thoughts appreciated please. Thanks.

EDIT: RX 6600 XT now purchased for £500. Sapphire pulse version. I thought I'd go for it before prices increase more or stock disappears completely. Thanks for all the advice and comments! 🙂

2 : Anonymous2021/10/12 13:22 ID: hgcnlku

No you won't get those cards at launch, unless you camp 24/7 outside Scan HQ. Even then by the time they make it to the UK, distributors and retailers will have already increased the price. BTW no way you can find £300 6600xt at launch.

People have been telling me since April GPU price will go down soon, that cheap 3060Tis are on the way etc... I didn't wait and overpaid an 6700XT for £700, the price has since come down slightly buy I also played video games for 6 months. Given the recent crypto trend, GPU prices are increasing again. Even in the best case scenario, is waiting 6 months just to save £100 worth it?

3 : Anonymous2021/10/12 12:42 ID: hgcj5n3

Well prices wont go down soon, I dont like the prices but it's where we are.

May be worth waiting for reviews of the RX6600. is where I always look.

I hope prices do drop but now there's blackouts in china it's not going to get good soon and there may be price spikes. Thanks to the power cuts a lot of factory's are not working full weeks.

I hope it's better next year.

4 : Anonymous2021/10/12 13:49 ID: hgcqzyv

Prices are the increasing for months again and it looks like it will not start to dcrese. I'd buy it.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/12 13:49 ID: hgcr0rn

Man hell no

6 : Anonymous2021/10/12 13:09 ID: hgcm5tc

I don't think there's a real point in making your mind up for you. You know what performance you're willing to make do with and what price you're willing to pay.

I think that in your position the best thing to do would be to follow the 6600 release closely and grab one the moment it's available for sale, assuming that it will available for around £300 for at least a few minutes after the initial launch. Which granted, isn't guaranteed, but even at a somewhat higher price it may be worth it.

If this doesn't pan out, I can't suggest staying with an iGPU, assuming that gaming is a serious hobby for you, so I'd say that there's not that much point in continuing to wait. If there are any deals on GPUs on Black Friday or the like, I think they will likely be drawings and not straight up deals.

7 : Anonymous2021/10/12 14:14 ID: hgcu9ua

I'm grateful for all the comments, thanks everyone. You've basically confirmed what I feared that prices are not likely to come down soon. I have little patience especially when there's no reason to think things will improve.

I'm not a hard-core gamer at all, so I can wait a while but only if prices are likely to drop - Which it sounds like they're not. I do want GPU acceleration for photo and video editing so that's more important to me than gaming.

Looks like I may have to grab a 6600XT while I can, maybe after I'm certain I won't be able to get a 6600 at launch.

Scan and Overclockers are the main online retailers I find the best but I check them all. I've seen a 6600XT for £470 so may grab that while I can.

8 : Anonymous2021/10/12 14:16 ID: hgcuezb

No it’s not worth it but if you don’t have a GPU and you need one then not much choice.

ID: hgcv8iy

Yea that's the problem. I don't NEED it right now but.....well I don't think I'll cope without for too long. Cheers.

9 : Anonymous2021/10/12 15:36 ID: hgd5qwi

If we compare it to the "older times", it's definitely a rip-off, but when you consider the "new normal", it's kind of worth it, unfortunately, unless you can snag a £330-ish day 1-6600.

ID: hgdap4p

I have just ordered the 6600XT. I thought about it lots, read all these comments one more time, and decided I'd grab it while I can. It certainly helped me feel less ripped off when considering I did get a full refund of my faulty card after using it daily for 2 years! So it's done now, I've gone for the Sapphire Pulse version of the 6600XT. Reviews all mentioned quiet fans, which I particularly wanted.

10 : Anonymous2021/10/12 15:38 ID: hgd61vg

Imo get a 3060. In games where RTX is available it makes that card disproportionately more powerful than a 6600xt. Yes I know it's a bit more but you'll regret it if you don't. In for a penny..

ID: hgdb2ln

I hear what you're saying and I wish I could afford it, but I'm already pushing it getting the 6600XT and I'd need another £150. So I would have had to wait, and who knows how prices and stock levels would change in the coming months. I've just ordered the 6600XT before the price increases again or they all run out of stock. I'm not a hardcore gamer anyway and it's still an upgrade compared to my old card. Thanks for your advice.

11 : Anonymous2021/10/12 17:50 ID: hgdpcox

I just read your edit. I caved to getting a 6600 XT XFX version for $550 US. It was definitely worth it, especially given that prices aren't going down any time soon.

ID: hgdx4ev

That's reassuring, thanks, I'm glad you found it was worth it.

ID: hge1lvv

You're welcome. If it wasn't for my kids wanting to play No Man's Sky with me (and thus needing their own gaming PC - which of course is stupidly expensive right now), I wouldn't have upgraded.

Right now I use GPU partitioning on my Windows 11 host with one VM having the iGPU dedicated to it (technically 80-90% due to lack of DDA support on non-Windows Server) and another VM splitting my 6600 XT (both are Windows 10 VMs). I also split the VMs to use 2 cores and 2 threads (4 logical CPUs) and 8GB of dedicated RAM.

My CPU is only a 5600g with 32GB of DDR4 3200, so this technical challenge of mine was a lot of fun with a great reward for being able to spend time with my kids. It wouldn't have been possible without the 6600 XT or faster GPU.

12 : Anonymous2021/10/12 18:02 ID: hgdr4fa

You can get an RTX card for RRP from Scan if you're lucky with a founders drop.

In my opinion, you should get Hotstock app, join as many discord notification services you can and aim for an RTX 3060ti/3070/3070ti as they would all be within £500 I believe (3070ti may be slightly more but not by much).

Otherwise, I'd seriously consider a PS5 or Series X as well, hotstock app can help you get those too. I ordered my PS5 and Series X through links from them, RTX 3080 FE from Scan through the PartAlert discord.

Ultimately, it depends how happy you are to be ripped off or to not play games immediately. I'd stick with indie and low GPU intensity games. Hades would be a solid shout for you if you haven't checked it out yet!


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