PSA: If you’re going to record your gameplay, use ReLive instead of OBS

1 : Anonymous2021/10/11 23:48 ID: q692hr

I've been having a hell of a time capturing footage of a game for video-editing purposes, and at least when trying to capture 4k60 footage, OBS absolutely shits the bed even when the GPU is nowhere near maxed out. Meanwhile ReLive at 100Mbps bitrate still holds up more than well enough for YouTube processing and the footage came out perfectly.

I don't stream using the GPU encoder since if I'm streaming I output at 1080p and my 5900x is more than capable of that, but I figured it was worth reiterating for folks that might be interested in capturing HQ game footage in the future. Don't even try with OBS if you're using an AMD GPU.

2 : Anonymous2021/10/12 03:00 ID: hgb5yu3

If you're recording VR gameplay from a Oculus Quest headset (1 or 2), you don't want to be using ReLive.

The GPU encoder is used heavily for the signal to the Quest, and if it gets overloaded, you're going to get dropped frames in the headset. You want to be using a CPU-powered recorder in this instance.

This applies to all streaming methods on Quest (wired/Air Link, VD, ReLive VR, ALVR). This doesn't apply to any other native PCVR headset (CV1, Rift S, G2, Index, Vive, etc).

ID: hgbgc1g

You know there is a vr recording function yeah?

ID: hgbu0wa

Yes and? Oculus Quest 2 works differently than other Headsets. With Link or Airlink the Headset does get attached over Displayport over USB-C.
Instead, the VR Feed is nothing more that a Videofeed.
So the Encoder has work to do regardless of USB Connection or Wirless over Airlink/VD.

So even the VR Recording Function will perform poorly compared to CPU Encoding.

ID: hgcecbb

I've streamed using OBS with my Quest 2 (in 120Hz mode), didn't notice any performance impact, maybe ~2-3% fps drops on heavy load during races.

3 : Anonymous2021/10/12 00:03 ID: hgaj09z

It might be a setting in OBS causing it. I've watched many streams on 4k60 using obs without issues

ID: hgajmff

Watching footage and recording footage are two entirely different things. At any rate, it's clear that if you're just recording raw footage - ReLive does it's job more than admirably.

ID: hgaqwku

Any setting in particular you can think of? I can’t stream 1080p from my 5700xt either.

4 : Anonymous2021/10/12 00:22 ID: hgalcfi

Wait so do you have hardware acceleration turned off in OBS? Because if so that’ll more than do it, even a high end CPU won’t hold a candle to a decent enough GPU when it comes to encoding video, especially at 4K. ReLive is gonna automatically use this since it’s built into the Radeon software but OBS has to have it manually switched on, no wonder you’re having issues if you haven’t.

ID: hgalyhw

I am 99% sure Hardware Acceleration is on, I'll double check though and if so then I'm just incredibly dumb.

ID: hgam3zf

All good mate, just seemed weird to me that the software would have that many issues is all lol. Best of luck to you!

ID: hgap79s

You can also load different implementations of the hardware encoding libraries for AMD VCE.

You can also encode 6+ streams simultaneously (depending on implementation).

5 : Anonymous2021/10/12 07:50 ID: hgbwo2j

Didn't AMD fixed this (behaviour with OBS/other non-"official" capturing solutions + encoding framework)? Or, OBS developer introduced a big remake just for that some time ago (StreamFX plugin I think)? Or both?

It's all so tiresome... Nah, I'm not stopping using CPU encoding any time soon

6 : Anonymous2021/10/12 02:30 ID: hgb20ag

look for StreamFX OBS plugin, same performance as ReLive

7 : Anonymous2021/10/12 10:15 ID: hgc613v

I just wish it didn't record audio at a markedly lower level than what it actually is set to.

ID: hgcbihr

I’ve never seen this mentioned before but do experience it myself. Very annoying

ID: hgcdnmk

The only mention I see is of someone reporting it and another poster telling them that it was a bug in the then latest driver release. Last year.

ID: hgd0xsz

I have it too, but disappeared with last months driver

8 : Anonymous2021/10/12 09:34 ID: hgc3bx0

You have the wrong settings.

ReLive will give you shit quality compared to the CQP mode in OBS.

An example for OBS settings:

The only thing you have to juggle around on a game by game basis are the I- and P-Frames, simply because AMDs encoder isn't as powerful as nVidias. Some games require you to go as high as 25 on I-P-Frames. (nVidia can stay as low as 13 constantly)

Other than that, these settings will give you the "highest" quality possible on your recordings (not counting lossless formats)

The only other thing to do is to record the audio seperately in .flac format, as OBS only gives you the .AAC codec in that mode.

If your recording seems to "stutter" every now and then, change the CPU power plan to max performance.

9 : Anonymous2021/10/12 00:31 ID: hgamft5

ReLive/ShadowPlay will always be more reliable for game recording, they won't drop a single frame while OBS may or may not drop frames.

ID: hgapgnu

That doesn't really make sense as far as I can tell. OBS exposes much more functionality, I don't really know what you mean by 'dropped frames' when both would be using the same hardware encoding engine.

ID: hgawkz8

I think hes referring to optimization in the code that is better from the people that design the api. I could be wrong though and only assuming.

Dont get me wrong, i think OBS has mostly great coding just that the VCE API in OBS was way behind for many years

ID: hgax0g4

OBS does introduce an overhead if all you do is recording. Basically OBS needs to pull the frame from GPU memory, render the scene on the GPU, retrieve the rendered scene, and then send the frame back to the GPU for encoding. If your GPU usage is not lower than 90% consistently, OBS will have trouble rendering the scene.

In contrast to ReLive/ShadowPlay which I believe each frame is sent from the VRAM directly to the encoder so there's no overhead, even if your GPU usage is maxed out.

10 : Anonymous2021/10/12 02:48 ID: hgb4fsh

Are you sure you don't have it set to x264 (software encoding) on OBS? It sure sounds like you do.

ID: hgb4vox

No, I don't. I've tested both.

ID: hgcgouz

I'm confused. Here you say you don't use x264, and in the OP you say you don't stream with the GPU encoder, so what encoder are you using?

11 : Anonymous2021/10/12 04:25 ID: hgbg3ge

I stream all the time with the Gpu encoder, it works fine, barely any fps cost.

12 : Anonymous2021/10/11 23:49 ID: hgah8qm


13 : Anonymous2021/10/12 09:29 ID: hgc2zq3

Quick question that is slightly off topic, when you stream 1080p to Discord, is that CPU streaming or the GPU?

ID: hgcdkj5

if the openh264 video codec and h.264 hardware acceleration is turned on in the voice & video tab in user settings, gpu is being utilized

ID: hgce9g1

I have a 5600x + 6800XT. They are both on. If I stream on 720p, frames are unaffected. If I choose the 1080p version, I get like 15-20 frame drop. Is it because my GPU cannot handle it?

I do plan to upgrade to 5900x when it releases with the new 3D V-Cache. With a 5900x, should I be turning those options off in Discord and let the CPU do the streaming?

14 : Anonymous2021/10/12 10:30 ID: hgc7530

May I ask why you’re recording at 4k60? I mean shit, I run at 1440, but I deliberately record in 1080/60 because it just doesn’t pay to record native.

ID: hgdtrk8

For YouTube content, obviously.

15 : Anonymous2021/10/12 11:51 ID: hgce21u

have u tried changing the encoder in the recording tab at the output settings? It should be set to either H264 (AVC) or H265 (HEVC). That will utilize the gpu encoding power same as the ReLive option

ID: hgdu0ev

For whatever reason I wasn't able to set it to H265 normally. I'll see if that works any better, but ReLive did the job perfectly well so I'm in no rush.

16 : Anonymous2021/10/12 11:52 ID: hgce3cj

I used OBS because I ran triples for simracing so I wanted to record just the middle screen, ReLive records the whole 3 monitors. Now that I quit simracing due to my eyesight issues, I'm using ReLive again for my regular gaming.

I never had any problems with OBS on my AMD GPUs, though a recent driver seemed to have disabled the ability to use AMD HVEC as an encoder for OBS so I'm forced to use AVC which seems to have a bit of "dirtier" output.

17 : Anonymous2021/10/12 12:45 ID: hgcje69

I tried obs, it's clunky and confusing, takes too much time to learn. Adren just takes time to not be broken. It's been absolutely stellar since 2.4. and it's required to run your graphics card anyways. I love it.

18 : Anonymous2021/10/12 12:51 ID: hgck3xu

i understand this is amd oriented but when i used obs for my benchmark videas i realized that the performance penalty recording 4k 60 with new envenc is far too great. from my calculations it takes around 10-20% of performance recording on same pc. Shadowplay takes around 2-5% and is only slightly worse quality, for youtube i think its plenty, i imagine its the same for amd gpu equivalent. obs recording is best when you do it with dedicated pc or are restrained by other reasons like multimonitor recording.

19 : Anonymous2021/10/12 15:18 ID: hgd33me

My issue is that relive recording worked 2 years ago.... I got clips from that.. but now its not working anymore, lets say i record a 1 minute clip, its just full on black clip for a full minute....

It sucks cus I really want it to work ...


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