How to avoid/ deal with mr x/Tyrant ?

1 : Anonymous2021/10/28 17:46 ID: qhsfkf

This is my first time playing resident evil 2 Remake ! And the game was pretty managable until now I wasn’t all that scared (with the exception of some points)! But now that mr X has been introduced i am litterally too scared to explore the police station His footsteps alone send shivers down my spine! Do you have any tips to deal with that terrifying monster ?

2 : Anonymous2021/10/28 19:26 ID: hif45gd

Walk. Try not to make noise. If he gets close, book it to a save room then a casually walk out once he leaves.

3 : Anonymous2021/10/28 17:58 ID: hieqoso

He’s meant to be intimidating the whole time, an ever-present threat to your safety. Just avoid him like a big, terrifying zombie.

ID: hiequil

Problem is… sometimes he seems to just appear out of nowhere! It’s like the alien in alien isolation ! It seems like he always somehow manages to know where exactly I am !

ID: hier4vq

Well, he has to walk the whole police station, just like you do. When he appears just don’t panic and think of the ways you can get around him. The game was really good about giving you an out.

ID: hif7nn4

Do you play with headphones? His footsteps are p damn loud even when he’s in other rooms

ID: hifcx7z

Oh buddy, the alien is much worse than Mr. X, trust me.

4 : Anonymous2021/10/28 18:27 ID: hiev4he

The best thing to do is know where he is, then lose him. Or just play quickly. Are you playing as Leon or Claire? For some reason I feel like I dealt with him a lot more as Leon while in RPD. There are a few places he won't enter as well so you can go to them and use them to your advantage to listen for him to go on by you (observation rm, STARS office, clock tower, Chief's office, etc.) sorta depends on who you're playing as.

ID: hievdp0

I play as Leon !And I just encountered him in a room filled with 3 Zombies and 2 Lickers, I am now scarred for life…

ID: hievjb5

use what ammo you have to on the zombies and lickers to get away from there. The goal is to stay alive not to kill everything.

ID: hifawnr

You mean the west hallway?

ID: hifayws

Because Leon's steps are heavier

ID: hifhsnr

Is that actually true? I can see them doing something like that as Capcom loves to make the characters play differently, but I am not sure since I usually play Claire.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/28 18:19 ID: hietwy1

Well, there's no real way to not deal with him, but you can take some precautions to make it a bit easier for you.

Since you already triggered him this point might be moot, but it's wise to clear out a considerable portion of the Zeds in the station. Not having to deal with the Zeds AND Mr X makes him alot more bearable.

Mr X react to noise, and I mean he reacts alot to it. Slaming doors shut, running around and of course shooting will have him coming for you in a bee line! Take things slow, move quietly and listen for his footsteps. He is slow but he's very smart. He's also very predictable.

You are safe in the safe rooms! He can't enter the safe rooms, even if you're standing in an open door and He can clearly see you. He still can't enter, like a vampire. Try to plot your routes in a way that has you always near to a safe room, or at least be sure of the location of the nearest safe room. Losing your head and running aimlessly is a sure fire way to get leather fisted punch in the face.

Lastly, unfortunately you won't be able to avoid him completely and yes, he is absolutely terrifying. But as you keep playing, encounters with Mr X will become more and more like a dance between the two of you. His hits a telegraphed quite obviously and he tends to quicken his step once he's very close to you. After he hits, you can run around him very well.

Good luck to you, I belive you can do it!

6 : Anonymous2021/10/28 18:28 ID: hiev9tj

His distance from you in the station is live. Take roundabout routes to your objectives, and make a tight run the whole time, and you should put enough space between him and you that you have a few moments to do what you have to do when you get there. Before he shows up.

7 : Anonymous2021/10/28 18:37 ID: hiewntt

Have a big mostly safe route around the rpd where you have cleared out zombies or only have ones left that you can easily run around. If you see mr x turn around. On the helipad you can also run a big circle around him if you need to switch direction on your route. The library loop with stairs and ladder is also a good place to lose him and turn around.

8 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:28 ID: hifdbz5

He is reaally good in feeling like a constant threat, i was terrified on my first run, but, once you realize that he is slow and his hits are very predictable, its becomes more a nuisance that a threat.

Make a save and play with him in the halls, library, and the helicopter roof area. Practice taunt him, outrun him, dodge him, etc... You will become so used to him than you will miss the "terrified" experience.

9 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:48 ID: hifgd6r

This is a basic self defense tip that is also very applicable in survival horror. Always analyze your escape routes before something bad happens. When Dr. X bursts in, pick an escape route and run.

10 : Anonymous2021/10/28 17:57 ID: hieqhuq

the only thing you can do is avoid it, you can't do anything else, but after the police station you will find it rarely and for a very short time

11 : Anonymous2021/10/28 18:28 ID: hievbb0

safe rooms. any room with a typewriter (except for the main hall) is a safe space that enemies can't enter. another tip is to find blocked-off areas with special entrances, such as the window in the room where you find the map. it won't stop him, but it will buy you some time. if you play dead by daylight, try to think of things as loops (objects that you can run around to distract the killer and buy time) think strategically. take the west office as an example. run to the opposite side of the room and wait for Mr. X to get about halfway to you, then run on the opposite side of the desks from him. and exit back into the main hall. this should buy you a few seconds, and possibly let you escape.

12 : Anonymous2021/10/28 19:30 ID: hif4p8l

He's slow. Use that as your advantage. Use grenades and flash bangs to stun him if your cornered. Always plan ahead.

13 : Anonymous2021/10/28 19:37 ID: hif5p1o

Playing it for the first time as well. The first run wasn't bad but man that second run....I just got to the sewers and feel relieved not to be in the police station anymore, I probably had close to 30 encounters with him. Best advice is to learn how to exist in the same space with him. The library is a good room to drag him to for an easy pass by, also the west office.

ID: hif5u6s

I always have the problem of him blocking the door ! And just not leaving ! I always hear his footsteps there are NO QUIET MOMENTS !

ID: hif6xfu

If he just stays at the door and doesn't follow its a glitch. I never had him stay in a doorway and I ran into him a ton. Honestly I don't think downing him is a good idea most the time, it just wastes ammo. But when he does come out of the doorways just take him to an area you feel comfortable looping around him. Are you a casual player? If so I might recommend just buying the $5 special weapons unlock dlc. It gives you the unlimited rocket launcher, AR, and minigun.

14 : Anonymous2021/10/28 19:53 ID: hif87j2

just walk and don’t shoot zombies or lickers unless you really have to

15 : Anonymous2021/10/28 19:54 ID: hif88b3

and don’t slam doors

ID: hif8bww

Wait… there is a way to silently close doors in this game ? How ?! I never knew about this !

ID: hif8k6n

well no the door closes itself but you can open it quietly just walk slowly through it or press x and walk slowly

16 : Anonymous2021/10/28 19:55 ID: hif8de0

Try asking him nicely for a direction or shoot at his face both works

ID: hif8g6o

I tried being nice but it didn’t work XD

17 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:09 ID: hifaist

Walk don’t run and it’s the same thing with lickers they are blind.

18 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:20 ID: hifc4kx


ID: hifc732

Uhhhh welp

19 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:55 ID: hifhedp

The key is to memorize the layout of the police station, the locations of main objectives and the different paths to get there.

Make sure you have item management under control. Know what to pick up, combine items and leave at least two item spaces for the main puzzles in the RPD. Making two trips while Mr. X is running around was the mistake I made during my first playthrough.

Do some planning before venturing out by clearing minor enemies in areas you frequently travel through.

Mr. X will react to gunshots/combat if he is currently searching for you. Remember, he isn't too fast. Keeping a consistent pace and not getting cornered are the golden rules.

20 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:57 ID: hifhrt6

He's easy to avoid. Just remember where you are safe and avoid him in cramped spaces and trust me, once you start hardcore you gonna wish you had the normal difficulty one. Also move the shelves you can in the library in advance it helps a ton.

21 : Anonymous2021/10/28 17:56 ID: hieqchx

Well, if you're on PC there are mods that will make his ass disappear. Lol

ID: hieqhou

Idk about this this would break away some of the experience haha and I wanna experience the game ! I just wanna know a way to deal with this dude

ID: hier6fd

Run. You can waste ammo and down him but he doesn't stay down for long.

22 : Anonymous2021/10/28 18:48 ID: hieyaf0

I was terrified of him too! I found it useful to get really familiar with the map, and plan my route so I never got lost or cornered. Also when he appears out of nowhere, just hoof it

ID: hifembk

This ^ once you know the map it’s a lot easier to lose him and get back on course with what you were trying to do. You can always outrun him.

23 : Anonymous2021/10/28 19:33 ID: hif53gn
Walk, don't run. He's attracted to noise. Shooting will attract him specially fast. Have some places in mind where you can run him in a circle to get away (like the library, or the main hall), then run far enough away and start just walking again.
ID: hif5e5m

I have one big problem right now ! I’m in the photo saferoom and he blocks the door ! He won’t leave ! He always roams around that area ! How do I fight him if I need to go upstairs to the library ?

ID: hif8yue

Aah yeah, that's a problem sometimes. Basically never fight him, it's just a waste of bullets. If you are trapped you'll just have to go for it and probably get punched once and then run away. You could also use a flash grenade to stun him while you run away.

24 : Anonymous2021/10/28 18:45 ID: hiexys6

There isn't really a good way to avoid him. Every time I've played this game he's been on my butt. I think there are some things to try and minimize him being on your case though which is to only fire your gun when you need to. The sound of the gun firing will notify him where you are. Also running around does this too, but walking is a pain, and he may bump into you anyway.

Best thing to do is to just run, and if he sees you, you'll know since his theme will start playing. Also a good thing to remember is that he's slow, fairly easy to fake out when he tries to punch you, and takes some time getting through doors since he's often bigger than the door.

25 : Anonymous2021/10/28 18:45 ID: hiexz2g

He’s easy to juke plus he can’t go in save rooms. If you do enough damage you’ll stun him for a while, and don’t sprint while he’s close or he’ll hear you.

26 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:08 ID: hifabop

He's slow so he's easily outrunable, and use the map's upstairs to downstairs paths to get around him. When you hear him just hide behind something and he should go away. Walk, don't run, around the station. He hears you running.

27 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:09 ID: hifah40

Walk and avoid firing guns as much as possible. If you end up in a fire fight with a zombie, get out of that area quickly, as he’ll be heading to it.

28 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:16 ID: hifbjjz

You don’t.

You just have to wax in, wax out every time he shows up.

29 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:21 ID: hifcbm1

Run from him

30 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:23 ID: hifcliz

Walk away. He's not legally allowed to kill you without permission.

31 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:24 ID: hifcqgl

I had to stop playing because I couldn't deal with him constantly chasing me.

33 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:42 ID: hifffrf

Time to NUT up or SHUT UP

34 : Anonymous2021/10/28 21:33 ID: hifmzty

Be sure to open the most doors before "activating" Him. Means, u have enough ways to cirlcle inside the PD and if he is blocking you shoot his face till he knees. Then u have some extra time while he recovers

35 : Anonymous2021/10/28 21:36 ID: hifncl6

There about 4 points in the game he just magically appears, but he’s actually pretty manageable. DO NOT waste any bullets on him at all, especially your more powerful weapons. You can bait him into swinging at you and run around him fairly easily. Also, make sure you have killed all the zombies in library. It’s just easier.

36 : Anonymous2021/10/28 21:51 ID: hifpj3y

Stun him. Throw a flash grenade or shot him in the head to stun him. Once you’ve done that, it gives you a few minutes of ease exploring.

37 : Anonymous2021/10/28 22:08 ID: hifrp78

Punch him in the dick

38 : Anonymous2021/10/28 22:42 ID: hifw5xj

X gonna give it to you

39 : Anonymous2021/10/28 22:55 ID: hifxxwo

Walk and avoid.

40 : Anonymous2021/10/28 22:50 ID: hifx8sc

If you’re on PC, use the mod that removes Mr. X. I think it’s a mush more enjoyable experience. As a super fan of the originals where his moments were scripted, his free for all in RE2R almost ruined the game for me.


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