Turning off boost is the single best hack for your gaming laptop. You will drop temps by 20+c with a tiny sacrifice in performance, about 5%. benchmarks inside.

1 : Anonymous2021/10/30 02:55 ID: qishq3

Typically even on the most CPU intensive games you will give up less than 5fps by turning boost off. In return you run 20c cooler and prolong the life of your laptop. You will also run with zero fan noise!

Unless you are struggling to run games turning boost off is the single best gaming laptop hack there is. Also once you unlock the boost menu you can turn boost on and off at will just as easily as changing power plans. Need boost use it, don't need boost turn it off and reap the benefits. There is no downside.

Here is the difference on my laptop:

Timespy boost off

Timespy boost on

Here is instructions on how to turn off boost. Just read through the YouTube comments, 1000s of happy people aren't wrong. Bring Temps WAY down on your Ryzen 4600h/5600h or 4800h/5800h laptop while gaming. - YouTube

This will work on Intel and Ryzen.

Its awesome!

less than 5% reduction in fps, typically less than 10% reduction in overall CPU performance.
2 : Anonymous2021/10/30 04:38 ID: hilumm4

Just set a frame rate cap instead of letting CSGO or Rocket League hammer out 300FPS lol

ID: himqdks

But then I won't be competitive!!!

You'll never be, deal with it. You're not a pro.

ID: hinbkay

I dont need to be pro to be competitive! I only need to be best in my hood!

ID: himw3ke

Cringe. What's the point of playing a competitive game if you're not competitive.

ID: himqkxd

I don’t have a problem with high refresh rate pro-gaming, but if you’re actually trying to game on battery for more than 20 minutes concessions have to be made lol. Most laptops only have a 60-120hz screen anyway.

ID: hioogl8

Non pros need all the help they can get then, surely?

ID: himp3l7

Have my upvote, this is a great answer without sacrificing single thread performance.

ID: him7eg9

Bingo, this is the answer!

ID: hio19ou

For real my GPU temp (desktop 5800x/6800xt) would get so high letting rocket league run to 700 fps i capped it at 144 and my temps are so much lower. No need for that kind of frames

3 : Anonymous2021/10/30 03:50 ID: hilpm8t

The drawback is lower performance in cpu bound games. As a firm proponent of disabling boost in gaming laptops I stand behind the spirit of the post, but it's a good idea for everyone to know that disabling turbo boost could have a negative impact on gaming

ID: hilvxmw

On when needed, off when not. No downside.

4 : Anonymous2021/10/30 03:53 ID: hilpxl5

Your cpu score dropped 10% not 5%

ID: hilvu8g

Still, it is unnoticed in game. 1-3fps and i have plenty more than that to spare. No downside whatsoever.

ID: hin0xkc

1-3fps from what original number? 3 out of 30 is 10%, 3 out of 300 is 1%.

ID: hilvwyh

Fair enough. If it makes you happy that’s the important bit.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/30 09:19 ID: himgxw8

Turning off boost does really help with the temperatures but to say that the performance reduction is around 5% is just false narrating.

ID: himw9pn

My first thought. He's done a GPU benchmark with numbers that can't be translated into real world gaming. What the hell am I looking at tbh. Maybe some actual benchmarks / clockspeed numbers would prove his point.

ID: hio5uk8

5% on average reduction in fps is 100% accurate

ID: hiob99t

In which game? CPU intensive games will absolutely love what boost has to offer. At the end it all depends on the type of games you're playing but it can go well beyond 5%.

6 : Anonymous2021/10/30 14:46 ID: hinccuf

Just use Ryzen Controller to limit CPU Clock to something lower than max Boost instead of turning it of Completely.

ID: hio4irs

Doesn't work as well. Much easier to flip a switch.

ID: hip06gs

Well. If you enjoy Crippling your CPU performance totally, go for it.

7 : Anonymous2021/10/30 13:33 ID: hin3ai5

stop suggesting turning off boost...

going from 4.3GHz boost to 2.9GHz base clock on 4800H is -33%.

or the other way around going from 2.9GHz to 4.3GHz is +48% ...

If you're on Intel and you're lucky enough to have a chip that can be undervolted , by all means undervolt it (just don't overdo it or you may not even boot the laptop anymore)... Perhaps , you can drop down the boost clock by 100/200 Mhz if that allows for a stronger undervolt and stability with Intel XTU or something. -200MHz at 4GHz is 5% or 4% at 5GHz ... And lastly you can limit the TDP PL1 and PL2 which can DRAMATICALLY improve thermals at a loss of multicore performance only, not single core.

BUT GOING DOWN TO BOOST CLOCK IS INSANE , as in stupid kind of insane ... But hey , you do you ... I buy the stuff i buy to use them... If you really have to resort to this level to keep your laptop from melting , then let it be a lesson to you to buy better products in the future.

Lastly, going to 90+ C isn't the end of the world , laptops are designed to do that and many laptops handle it just fine without severe throttling or stutters ... What annoys me more is not the temperatures, but the fan noise...


Let me know when you find a tool to undervolt AMD APUs on laptops ... Then i'll listen... Otherwise my CPU is fine spiking to 90+ C , since it doesn't stutter thankfully.

ID: hio5afh

No its not, that's not how boost works. Think real hard how my post disproves what you have just claimed.

get it yet?

I am 3.2ghz base and 4.4ghz max boost, by your logic i should experience a 28% decrease in performance by running without boost. Nope, not even close. Not even 10%.

You don't fully understand what boost does and how it works.

Its okay, maybe you have learned something. You should try it for yourself, all these people who love this hack aren't stupid giving up 30-50% performance.

ID: hio92e3

Mate i don't have to argue with you ... You have a terrible laptop or reside in a desert with 40 C temperatures it doesn't matter...

If you get severe throttling , so much so that you get constant stutters due to CPU going 99C then RMA the laptop...

You are ABSOLUTELY giving away 30% CPU! performance at least on the single core side of things... less so on multicore.. I don't understand

JUST BECAUSE gaming is GPU bound mostly and that CPU is capable of maxing the GPU even with -30% performance doesn't invalidate the point that you're wasting your CPU... and you're wasting your CPU for everything , opening apps , browsing the web, alt-tabbing, all that crap will run up to 30% slower . Anything that runs heavy on CPU like compiling software will absolutely run slower, up to 30% slower worst case.

I would accept your advice if you could make it so it runs as a profile for individual applications like games... otherwise no... It's just bad advice.

The mental gymnastics are strong in this post... Just because you got a dud laptop , suggesting your desperate advice as a "single best hack for your gaming laptop" doesn't make it real...

It's a desperate measure for desperate situations...

Go to a good technician , get a new paste on the CPU and GPU... Undervolt the GPU and get a laptop stand so that it get's enough airflow... Play in an airconditioned room at <30 degrees. If you still can't get your laptop to behave , limit the TDP to 25W with whatever Ryzen tools are available for laptops( Be careful however).

As others suggested , you can also limit your FPS at your refresh rate and that will lower your temps massively... unless you can't reach the refresh rate.

ID: hio5hyp

....also some people actually get better performance with boost off if they are experiencing severe throttling.

8 : Anonymous2021/10/30 11:46 ID: himscea

Nice! Thanks for sharing mate!

9 : Anonymous2021/10/30 18:52 ID: hioba7h

You're going to lose out on single threaded performance.

Just reduce the CPU power limit by 20% or so. Then you can keep high single core speeds and reduce thermals with a very minimal hit to multi threaded performance. You could look into reducing the GPU power limit too, since that's what usually produces the most heat anyways.

My 5700u hits 95c at 45w, but reducing the power limit to 35w lets it run at a much more reasonable 85c.

ID: hiobpzl

I never touch over 75c and have had no problems running any game, CP 2077 included, with boost off. Why would i change my method, this works perfectly for me. If i ever need boost i press f9 and i got it.

ID: hiod62c

With a custom power limit you get a sliding scale of performance/thermals, so you can (for example) run at 15w in a GPU heavy game then bump it up to 25w in a more CPU demanding game. Then you don't need to pick terrible thermals and great performance or great thermals and meh performance.

You can even set a custom temp limit (e.g. 75c) and the CPU will use exactly enough power to run at 75c. Then when the GPU workload drops your CPU will automatically draw more power.

10 : Anonymous2021/10/30 11:45 ID: hims8lk

Been saying this for years. Turbo boosting is nothing more but manufacture overclocking your system for a questionable performance gain ( relative to the power your putting into the system ).

If people like to Turbo boost and do not care about power usage / fan noise, that is their choice. If they are rocking a very old CPU that needs turbo boosting to be productive, so much the better ( hint: You may need a upgrade because that is really not normal ).

When i got my Lenovo T480 with a 8250U, i was disappointed with the constant fan spinup. Your doing work, open a browser tab, fan spins up, then stops again, repeat repeat. People needed to install custom CPU fan software to tweak it.

But monitoring the boost and voltage spikes, my conclusion became: Its that darn Turbo boost that is triggering the fan spike. Set Windows to 99% performance ( disables Turbo boost ). Quiet ... absolute quietness. No fan spin up during day to day work, just bliss... Does it spin up? Only if i render a long task.

Battery life on the other hand, has simply increased massively. With a 97kwh battery, it easily does days of active work. And that is with a now very old 8250u on 14nm. A more modern 7nm CPU with TB disabled will have even more performance to spare while maintaining absolute low heat output and power usage.

This is probably why i feel that the Apple M1 is less impressive. Apple simply combined a lower 5nm process, with a CPU that does not rely on turbo boosting ( 3Ghz tends to be the sweet spot for most CPU silica for best performance / watt ).

The reality is that modern system are mostly overkill for most people's work and your more going to be GPU limited the CPU these days ( unless you have something like a 2 or 4 core CPU ).

The future for CPU design is the race towards power efficiency, we already see this with Intel Alder lake hybrid approach with the E-Cores not having much of a boost ( notice the max frequency, hint hint ).

ID: hinvt0v

M1 is impressive not because of idle power usage but rather performance per watt during intensive tasks. People actually want to use demanding apps on battery. The IPC is generally a lot better on Apple silicone as well.

11 : Anonymous2021/10/30 06:13 ID: him2zzu

Is this the set Max CPU to 99% in windows trick?

ID: himkuxp

it's an alternative as it would disable the boost, however 99% != 100% boost off. I'd say negligible but speaking factual information it isn't the same.

12 : Anonymous2021/10/30 17:08 ID: hinwb3l

These chips are designed to run that hot. Impact on longevity is highly debatable - do you have actual data to backup your claim?

Turning off boost to reduce fan noise or power consumption makes a lot of sense. But when you're plugged in and have audio playing, boost allows you to get the most out of your device.

ID: hio4b54


13 : Anonymous2021/10/30 05:40 ID: him08s0

Thanks for information i will try it for sure

14 : Anonymous2021/10/30 18:17 ID: hio66z6

Yeah my purpose with a gaming laptop is just to hold me over until I can get back to my PC, not to get maximum FPS at max settings at all times

15 : Anonymous2021/10/30 19:30 ID: hioglnh

Frame lock. I always do it even with a desktop. Smooth outs the experience with those high swings into above refresh rate anyway. I find the average lock it there. Cooler, smoother... for most games it works best imho

16 : Anonymous2021/10/30 19:58 ID: hiokiqr

As others said i feel it's much more effective to set a hard frame cap depending on how demanding the game is or try undervoltng the GPU. Other than that if you're happy then i'm happy.

17 : Anonymous2021/10/30 20:50 ID: hioreks

Just undervolt and keep if not increase the performance while lowering temps.

18 : Anonymous2021/10/31 02:16 ID: hipvihi

I actually do the same on my desktop.

Drop from 510 to 450FPS in Apex Legends is more than acceptable for way less energy used and heat lol.

ID: hiqiwq5

Can't you just use a frame limiter?

ID: hiqs9kr

It's a PITA to setup frame limiters for different games/apps since not all of them follow the driver level limits and behave differently.

So basically, if I'm running most games that I know exceed my display's 120Hz refresh rate I limit my CPU at 99% (effectively disabling turbo boost) and if I play games that are very CPU intensive like Metro Exodus, Cyberpunk or Star Citizen I set my CPU back to 100%.

ID: hipyhum

hell yes!

19 : Anonymous2021/10/31 11:39 ID: hir5mcm

This trick is well known and tends to help laptops that have bad thermal design. If you lose only 5 percent performance it means you either playing games that doesn't even utilize your cpu or your laptop is throttling so much that it can't keep it's boost clock anyway.

I do prefer limiting tdp instead and I lose 5 percent on lightweight games while other cpu intensive ones drops around 30-40 percent. So I don't do it on the latter.


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