- I was hunting for Scavs for Tarkov Shooter - Part 1. Went better then expected with a few PMCs
you got reported for cheating my dude. also next time show us the loot or send screenshot.
ID: hkiadag -
Second guy on comms: "isthatyouisthatyouwigglewigglewiggle"
That's fucking John Wick
God damn that’s smooth. Question: do you have nvidia reflex off, on, or on+boost? I feel no difference on my machine (probably cause I’m old and slow)
ID: hkibqp8Nvidia reflex?
nice flick on the second one
I remember going naked with a vpo 215 with AP-M just tilted from my Killa hunt, encountering a 4 man plus a duo. Getting one shot kills on 4 of them, one took the whole second mag but the remaining guy I'll assume from the quad group got the drop on me.
For a noob player that was the most satisfying play I've ever had.
Daaaamn those are some nice ass shots!
Why did the second guy not shoot you lmao
Ohhhhhh Mosin Man, take me by the hand OOOOOOOOOO
damn dude leave some pussy for us
Ohhhh you got 3 reports from that one for sure!! ROFL.
Nice shots tho!
This guy fucks
You went straight to Tarkov Shooter part 3!
very cozy shots there
Soft aimbot?
Loot tax!