I’m interested to see if Fallout will take us back out west for their next installment? Some more NCR maybe? Your thoughts? – Comic by The Mouse Trap

1 : Anonymous2021/11/21 11:59 ID: qytios
I'm interested to see if Fallout will take us back out west for their next installment? Some more NCR maybe? Your thoughts? - Comic by The Mouse Trap
2 : Anonymous2021/11/21 14:05 ID: hlidj01

The end of fallout 3 is depressing. You have no home. Can’t return to the vault no matter what you do, dad is dead and the BOS will never accept you. You have no home.

ID: hliea6z

Hence the title of Lone Wanderer

ID: hljllz5

The lone wanderer is the only one who isn't alone in the epilogue from 1 to NV. Didn't play 4 so I can't say.

ID: hlil0c2

It's a homage to Fallout 1's ending I think. The Vault Dweller, despite fixing Vault 13's water supply problem and defeating the Master along the way, was not allowed back into the vault afterwards. But without the exile there would be no Chosen One and 80 years later the Enclave would succeed in killing every wastelander, so there's a bright side to it. And you could kill the Overseer who exiled you before you leave.

ID: hlimmfq

Yeah I played the first, its still very depressing. You can tell near the end Amana loves you but needs to take care of the vault.

ID: hlk2zm1

Yep, she even says the same line as the Vault 13 overseer.

ID: hlie8zq

... wow, that is true. Not even Little Lamplight accepts you.

Could have just gone to the Commonwealth, everyone else did.

ID: hline5i

That's... thank you, now I have to play fallout 3 again, but kill EVERYONE so if I'm alone, everyone is too (or noone because noone life's).

ID: hlk4pyw

You can’t kill everyone in 3, quest critical NPCs and children can’t die.

New Vegas lets you murder just about everybody though.

ID: hljfu7q

I mean, doesn't Sarah Lyon's gets the feels for the LW? I figured that's how they would keep after credits roll. Until F4 happens and.. well Lyon's get clapped in a terminal

ID: hljlqvb

She has a thing for Gallows

ID: hlkh9h2

That's why you gotta play with the mod "Starship Zeta Crew". Absolute best mod of its day. Turn the Starship from the dlc into a massive tactical base and start restoring the D.C area. Travel to Russia and trade for some of their power armor. Fight the Brotherhood cause you have advanced alien technology. Lots more great stuff.

ID: hljouvm

Laughs in FO1 ending.

3 : Anonymous2021/11/21 15:21 ID: hlin0iy

South East. Show me a big Bubba super mutant in Florida, wearing overalls and tending to his gatorclaw farm.

ID: hliu7xp

I kind of like this idea.

Mutant gators lol

ID: hljar5a

Then Nuka World is waiting...

4 : Anonymous2021/11/21 15:47 ID: hliqq1s

I'd like something new. Even a different country maybe.

ID: hlit49s

Guten Tag. I want a Fallout game that plays in Europe or even germany. It would be interesting to see how the nukes changed the wildlife and the people.

ID: hljcgjd

Southeast Asia would be cool. Fallout: New Java

5 : Anonymous2021/11/21 19:45 ID: hljqblh

Hey, how about a little Midwest love? What happened to the middle of the country while all this was going on?

ID: hljsf8y


Rad tornadoes? Lol

ID: hlkeyd7

As someone who lives in Oklahoma, please never udder the words “Rad Tornados” again

6 : Anonymous2021/11/21 22:24 ID: hlkdm56

I'd like to see a jaunt around Cascadia. That way, we're back out west AND in a whole new region. Plus it'd put us in closer proximity to Canada.

7 : Anonymous2021/11/21 16:52 ID: hlj0a2s

The way things are going, it'll be titled "Fallout 5: Skyrim"

ID: hlj0ifb

We have at least a 7 year wait as well!

ID: hlj25kj

Would you prefer “Fallout Trilogy: The Definitive Edition”?

ID: hlj8911

Kidn of upsetting there was never a Fallout 3 special edition actually.

ID: hljms3h

You're finally awake.

ID: hljoyma

You're awake...

8 : Anonymous2021/11/21 15:29 ID: hlio4oa

Not as long as Bethesda lives

9 : Anonymous2021/11/21 13:02 ID: hli70my

Unlikely. That would acknowledge the best Fallouts weren't Bethesda's games.

ID: hli9fs5

That is very true but I can dream... lol

ID: hli765v

Which we all know is the truth.

ID: hlimlsa

Todd said before he really liked New Vegas

ID: hlj9193

Todd has one skill maxed out and that's PR/marketing. Half the shit he says is precisely what people want to hear, but not exactly his genuine thoughts. Hating on New Vegas would be awful PR because it creates a divide with all the fans who loved it and scares them off as customers whilst also risking making Bethesda look childish and petty, since it could be taken as jealousy over New Vegas' popularity.

Granted, I'm not saying he hated New Vegas, but Bethesda as a company does brush New Vegas under the rug 9 times out of 10 (the 10th being when they wanna cashgrab some nostalgia) and I could name a number of quotes from Todd that played into what people want to hear, but ultimately didn't reflect the games he made. I feel they tend to ignore New Vegas because yes, it does remind people what Bethesda games lack, and that's bad for business. That's precisely why you'll see Todd briefly saying "ya I liked it" with absolutely no details provided as to what he liked before never ever ever willingly mentioning the game again unless a journalist specifically asks him about it.

But yeah, Todd's all about that PR. Great example that comes to mind is that shortly after New Vegas' release, he said he feels the future of Bethesda's style of game (open-world RPG) will be more about exploring characters more and giving them more depth. He read the room, saw that's what New Vegas had and that it was popular, so he said "yep that's our goal for our UPCOMING TITLES IN STORES SOON PRE-ORDER NOW." Then we got FO4, then we got FO76. He didn't exactly follow through with what he said, did he?

Todd Howard 101: All PR, but little said of substance.

10 : Anonymous2021/11/21 19:14 ID: hljlkz2

How about anywhere not set in the USA

ID: hljsaxe

I was thinking China, the radiation there is probably just as bad.

ID: hlkf623

Would be nice. Except that I can imagine real day china being offended.

11 : Anonymous2021/11/21 13:32 ID: hlia09q

Fallout 3 is the best Fallout change my mind

ID: hliwnss

No relationship with any of your companions, no weapon upgrades, no new big villain, can't kill children, no car, Liam Neeson forgives you for nuking a city, jet in the East(why?), you can cheat skill dialogues, Harold will never appear in future fallouts, Fawkes will let you die to radiations he's immune to and is basically immortal at higher levels, Dogmeat can be replaced if it dies, any other companion sucks in comparison, Little Lamplight (how?), too few epic quests(I can only remember nuking Megaton and the survival guide) and the main quest is ridicolously short in comparison to 1-2-NV.

ID: hliy9lz

I'm not sure how someone can play F3 and F:NV and say F3 is better

ID: hljb8wo

Can you pack a guy's helmet with c4 and remotely pop it while he's in the middle of receiving a medal of honor from the president?

Didn't think so.

ID: hlk9m89

You radiation immune friend will not go into the radiation room instead of you - the writing is that stupid.

ID: hlibsd7

Your mind isn't worth changing.

ID: hlimnfk

Your change isn't worth minding

12 : Anonymous2021/11/21 17:45 ID: hlj7w5u

The west is so fucking boring.

The weird obsession with going b ack to the NCR among "fans" is just silly. There was nothing on the entire map in NV besides NV, the dam, and the lake, and a few facilities like the Solar plant.

Like have yall even been west? Everything in the US that matters is along a coast or at least close to one. We've seen the west coast, and the east cost, now.

Can we get like a Gulf area or an island or something? Fallout Louisana? Fallout Florida? I guess we've had 3 east coast games now so it would be fair to go back west.

13 : Anonymous2021/11/21 14:28 ID: hlig6fn

I hope so. Though I think the only way that would happen if they let Obsidian take the lead on it again, which seems unlikely. Though with Daddy Microsoft in charge now, who knows? Maybe further down the line.

ID: hligt6v

They lost a couple key people in Obsidian since New Vegas... they're not really the same team anymore. The Outer Worlds proved that (I hated it)


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