- I benchmarked every setting in 0.12 in an Optimization Guide
Windows tips until 7:44.
Pre-Optimization Benchmark until 8:44.
The rest of the video is me benchmarking the effect of every setting in .12.
While it's not a super detailed video graphs, it should give you a good idea of what does what.
ID: hojl8wvID: hojt3alThank you for the TLDW, I much prefer a list like this to a lengthy video
ID: hojlw1cGave you a subscribe and a like, thank you.
ID: hok5a01(128GB RAM though)
Subtle flex
ID: hojodqaFrom my testing, if you want to use HBAO setting it to medium looks good without much performance impact.
ID: hokjktwI will point out as a tip that changing texture quality to lower settings on a higher end card may actually lower overall FPS, as you are putting more strain on the CPU. Find the right setting for your card and system there.
ID: hojujuiProps for including your data like this.
ID: hok0y38Give this man max trader rep....
ID: hok6h82Hey did you try texture steaming?
ID: hojgatfWhat's your setup?
ID: hojlyf5Ryzen 3900X. Nvidia 1080 Ti. 128 GB 3600 MHz RAM. Samsung 960 EVO NVME SSD.
You dropped your crown king
Get terrible performance and my CPU/GPU is only ever 49% utilized. I hope this brings back playability as it seems to change every update.
dude... you didnt have to but holy fuck this has earned you a subscribe. its the least i can do.
Can someone please make a text-based optimization guide guide?
ID: hojp0hc/comments/rgbpid/comment/hojlc8l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.reddit.com//comments/rgbpid/comment/hojlc8l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
TL;DW: Turn all your settings to low, except texture quality. Nothing new in this guide, you could watch one from 2019 and get the same results.
This guide had some windows setting i hadnt seen before like Hardware accelerated gpu scheduling, and I follow optimization guides like this for every game.
Changing 2600 to 5600x tomorrow really hope to be able play Shoreline normally 😀
I recently did this upgrade, the 5600x completely murders the 2600. Enjoy it man.
"Optimization" - everything set to "off", kekw.
Pretty much most games imo. Some make no difference if your PC is above a certain spec nowadays too.
I understand your point of view because Tarkov is a CPU hog game, Unity engine is a piece of ****. CPU's with strong 1 core are blessed in this game, like for example top Intel CPU's or newest Ryzen's 5600X and above.
Overall if devs can't optimize Unity engine in this game to start utilize CPU's multithreading properly and more efficiently or simply CPU will not be offloaded in favor to GPU then nothing will change for the better.
Also "picture in picture" mode with weapons scopes is a very bad idea and creates huge fps drops - 10/20fps depending on the location.
Anybody have it in text format or a tl;dw?
Commented on the post a few times with TLDW
TLDW (Setting {before} -> {after} = {before FPS} -> {after FPS}):
- Object LOD: 4 -> 2 == 32 -> 33 FPS
- Overall visibility: 3000 -> 400 == 33 -> 34 FPS (1000 still 34FPS)
- Anti-aliasing: TAA High -> Off == 34 -> 35 FPS (Need AA? TAA.)
- Resampling: 1x (Rather use NIS -- Guide linked in description)
- HBAO: Colored very high -> off == 35 -> 43 FPS
- SSR: Ultra -> Off == 43 -> 80 FPS
- Anisotropic Filtering: On -> Off == 80 -> 87 FPS (Per texture = 82 FPS)
- Nvidia Reflex Low Latency: On -> Off == 87 -> 89 FPS (On+Boost = 84 FPS)
- Sharpness: No effect. (3 for stimulant effect kekw)
- Lobby FPS Limit: No effect. (duh)
- HighQualityColor: On -> Off == 87 -> 94 FPS (Didn't restart. After raid restart: 116 FPS [was now cloudy too])
-- Disabling PostFX entirely: 94 -> 100 FPS
-- FOV: Min FOV -> Max FOX: No change (may have difference on your system)
- Only use Physical Cores On -> Off: No change. (Ryzen 3900X though)
- Automatic RAM cleaner: Nothing (128GB RAM though)
- Texture Quality: No change, but didn't include in video.
- Shadow Quality: Ultra -> Medium -> Low: 100 -> 100 -> 103
1080 Ti has 11GB VRAM. These had no impact.
Use ~ then "fps 1", or "fps 2" and "fps 0" for graph on, more info and then off.