- Original build - RE2: Remake Portable Safe. Interested?
Most Useless safe in history lol
ID: hph9fasID: hphcpydIt's 3D printed. It can fall off a table and break open.
You can put your weed in there
ID: hph1mh6Premium storage for premium kush uhh I mean herbs
ID: hphb9lwgreen herbs restore health!
[Link to online shop]()ID: hpg00fk
Dude, thats mint!!!!
I hated this thing in the game. Sound was pleasing though.
ID: hpgmeltI liked it. It was relaxing to take a break from fighting monsters and solve this little thing.
ID: hpgy8sjYeah it was a cute lil puzzle, doesn't take long to figure out and it makes a cute little noise/light pattern when you finish it
ID: hph0d75Hit a few notes from Saria's Song as well!
ID: hphazr1I like all the beeping type sounds in resident evil.
What's in the boooooox!
so rad!
I want to see lockpickinglawyer on this.
ID: hphhsj03D printed, just get a hammer
Dude!!!! That’s amazing!!
Incredible job 😮
This is amazing! I love this kind of stuff! Excellent work.
I hate those things in the game lol. This is dope tho
How'd you make this? I'm assuming there's an arduino or something similar in there?
Very cool but too rich for my blood lol.
Keep some "green herbs" in there
ohhhhh I am so tempted, finding and solving one of these things ingame made me so giddy
I honestly don’t know how to solve these puzzles… but also never had a problem solving them.
I want to make my garmin watch look like the re7 watch.
Why because the code is publicly available?