1 : Anonymous2022/01/13 04:13 ID: s2q5z0

Lads I am so sick of children on this game calling friendly and then just one tapping you, I literally just tried to help a kid and he shot me in the face. (Granted I was stuck because the game glitched so tbh it was him or someone else but regardless)

I am calling it now if there is a child speaking do not trust them and shoot them in the face. End of story they have lost our faith Time to purge the youngsters and teach them some respect.

2 : Anonymous2022/01/13 04:23 ID: hsg2zfx

Time to go all Skywalker up in this bitch

ID: hsgv5c0

This is where the fun begins

ID: hsgehdn

Game time started!

ID: hsgpeza


ID: hsgmqi8

you two careful, he is a chad

3 : Anonymous2022/01/13 04:48 ID: hsg5w5v

I came to tarkov from dayz, so I have a ton of VOIP experience and my number one rule is never trust kids. Greedy little goblins.

ID: hsgm7m2

It's true IRL too. They're like people, just really shitty undeveloped ones.

ID: hsi4068

"Any friendlies in Electro?"

He asked, his voice echoing across the dead city.


There were never any friendlies in Electro.

ID: hsgkzn9

Bro I cone from rust. I feel you.

ID: hsh3iz1

Dude, this brings back unwanted memories. Why?

ID: hsgutdi

Greedy little goblins and they must be punished

4 : Anonymous2022/01/13 05:13 ID: hsg8r9p

My ears are so old I can't hear their high frequency chattering anyway. Kill them all!

ID: hsi0k6k

skaven, filth, the lot of them!

5 : Anonymous2022/01/13 05:29 ID: hsgagr3


"Don't you mean OR die?"


ID: hsgjxty

Based Jak II fan

ID: hsh44zg

Which reminds me I really need to play the games again.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/13 07:13 ID: hsgk7c0

was doing factory breach room to get chemical quest done on nights. Bumped into someone outside the door who was going to drop off 3 kite gunpowder. we agreed via VOIP to not kill each other, both entered the room.

He started planting his gunpowder, I got my quest item from the filing cabinet. I could have left him there at this point, but I said, 'I will cover you man'.

I heard someone else approaching, aimed my gun at the door. As he opened the door I flicked on my flashlight and the dude got several bullets to the face from my baretta... he was geared up.

As I start to loot, the dude who I entered the room with, says 'nice work', then shoots me in the back of the head.

ID: hsgmo86

Fuck me. You deserved better my man.

ID: hsglonb

Absolute scumbag

ID: hsgnzgu

While that's scummy, that's also pretty awesome. I can imagine this as a scene in the raid series

ID: hsgy7tc

Yep, arguably, this is what tarkov is all about.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/13 06:53 ID: hsgihut

Bro, I had a funny experience like this. Was doing my quest in dorms and some kid and his friend came in. I said I would let them have the loot if they would let me leave. They said sure and opened the door I was behind. He then tried to shoot me and I ass blasted him and his friend. They didn't realize I was wearing trooper armor and a ulach as well as an mdr with A1 rounds

ID: hshe5we

little fuckers, good for you

ID: hshm68j

Fuck those cunts

8 : Anonymous2022/01/13 11:22 ID: hsh36lw

Oh. In the game.

I've made a terrible mistake.

ID: hsho5wa


9 : Anonymous2022/01/13 06:36 ID: hsgh253

And after we did that we go home and play some EfT

10 : Anonymous2022/01/13 06:59 ID: hsgj0kl

If he squeaks he leaks

11 : Anonymous2022/01/13 05:40 ID: hsgbm9m

On pmc runs, dont trust anybody. If they claim friendly, I tell them I'm not and give them a chance to leave.
But there's a special place in hell for you if you betray a fellow player scav

ID: hshcjsi

I am not going to suddenly run with you, but in the moment I am willing to discuss a scenario where we both live.

I know they can betray you but I'm 2/2 on negotiations and they have made some great memorable moments.

We were running a 4 stack and got two guys stuck in a room and let them talk their way out, made them tell us their names blah blah blah, they had to walk out backwards and just bust ass in the other direction and hope we don't shoot them in the back. No idea if they extracted or not.

ID: hship14

I do not use voice chat in games I play solo. Just rarely have interest into talking to randoms. Tarkov however my ass has my mic on and ready cause I'm loving situations like what you wrote. Negotiations and people skills is now suddenly a needed skill in Tarkov lol

ID: hsgfli2

The road to that hell is paved with gpu's tho.....

ID: hsgmqnx

Gpus are meaningless, bro scavs are eternal

12 : Anonymous2022/01/13 07:18 ID: hsgkn66

A wise man once said

"Ask them their age. If they're under 24, shoot them in the face without question. Never trust someone under 24. They're all lying shitters."

ID: hsh8xus


ID: hshr6uv

I am 21, and can confirm I still get the urge to betray people for no reason

13 : Anonymous2022/01/13 05:13 ID: hsg8prt

I never trust people. I'll only allow them to live if they call a truth and go the opposite way of me. Come to close and you get shot

ID: hsgkajv

same. if someone asks if i am friendly, i just voip back "just stay away from me and you're good"

ID: hsh06dd

You know the rules cocks gun and so do I

ID: hsh6saa

“You friendly?”

“I am until I see you”

ID: hshouve

call a truth

ID: hsh5jrv

I had a situation like that in kiba. Some player was in there eating all the loot and I was scavving. I asked him if he was friendly, he said if I left the mall and extracted he'd let me live. I didn't like the way he spoke to me and my FIR impact made got me lots of neat Killa loot and his tag!

14 : Anonymous2022/01/13 04:16 ID: hsg25dm

If they speak, they die

ID: hsg2f2a

Like I don't like the idea of my first thought upon hearing a child speak is "kill the child" but man....this gun costs money

ID: hsgar7w


ID: hsgt3fp

I was pinned behind a turned over car by a Rogue on a .50 on Lighthouse. Like "glass is flying everywhere" kinda pinned.

Out of nowhere, a non-aggro'd scav player casually walks up next to me and asks "are you having fun?" before leaving just as causally.

That guy? I wish him the best. 10/10 VOIP encounter and I wouldn't hurt a hair on him.

15 : Anonymous2022/01/13 05:39 ID: hsgbjrf

I don’t trust anyone.

16 : Anonymous2022/01/13 05:45 ID: hsgc5h1

How were you stuck? I was in resort my last raid and I was stuck and couldn’t move until I restarted my game.

ID: hsgc8gn

Yknow seaside resort quest for therapist, I got stuck between the window and the bed and just couldn't get out....pain in the ass tbh

17 : Anonymous2022/01/13 12:59 ID: hshc250

As a PMC I always shoot everybody anyways. I might have a chitchat but I always let them know I'm not here to make friends. Most of the time I ask them if they want to 1v1 corners and then fight them after the countdown.
Whenever there is a slight interaction with someone I might not fight I never EVER put myself in their direct line of fire. I always speak around corners and if they want to leave because of a quest or sthing I let them as long as they go the other direction. I also let everybody know. I'm cool until you come up to me. "If I see you near me I'll kill you"

AS a Scav I never shoot anyone anyways they are the ones losing karma not me.


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