Who hopes that the patch notes today reads that backing out of pubs will count as a death and not an abandonment penalty

1 : Anonymous2022/02/07 15:48 ID: smtaa9
Who hopes that the patch notes today reads that backing out of pubs will count as a death and not an abandonment penalty
2 : Anonymous2022/02/07 17:29 ID: hvyvgbw

Wait, you're telling me my K/d could have been positive if I simply backed out of lobbies lime a puss puss.

ID: hvz7bd1

Yup. That's how a lot of these scrubs get high k/d ratings.

ID: hvz99zh

And then try to talk shit about their KD on Reddit. I wish there was a stat tracker for games quit

ID: hvzcwy6

It's still pretty obvious from their stat screen. Your deaths should roughly be around # of games - # of wins. There will be disconnects, and games were you got respawned that throw that off, but for these clowns the difference in these numbers is in the hundreds or thousands.

ID: hw09pq1

Pub KD dont matter and it still wont matter if they change this..Ranked is the only KD that will ever matter.

ID: hvz0l2x

we liming puss puss now

ID: hvzibjx

It puts the lime in the coconut...

ID: hvz1068

shit and it's too late lol

3 : Anonymous2022/02/07 15:49 ID: hvyg8tk

/comments/ql3w1n/_/hj37u23/?context=1" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://reddit.com//comments/ql3w1n/_/hj37u23/?context=1

ID: hvyos6g

He also hinted it again in another post recently

4 : Anonymous2022/02/07 17:15 ID: hvyt6pu

I always thought it counted as a death

ID: hvywam5

If you don't become a box its only counted as a game played , no death on stats

5 : Anonymous2022/02/07 16:18 ID: hvykq76

I seriously hope it just adds a death. That'll stop a lot of the insta-leavers while not making it a chore when you actually want to leave, because your teammates are toxic, utter garbage, both, or one of the other thousand reasons you might want to leave a video game.

ID: hvyyj5m

I’ve been advocating for knocked leavers to count as deaths since the stat page came out (season 2). The amount of discord LFGs that have 3+ k/d requirements when they have inflated their k/D’s by leaving is so rampant. Took awhile for this change, but it’s better late than never.

ID: hvzkksa

if i see turd behavior or dumb shit i will 100% leave. I dont want to be penalized for it.

ID: hvzkuwt


I was trying to do something in settings earlier and some douchenozzle Mirage is just standing there repeatedly punching me. I ask him to stop in chat, but obviously that just makes it even more fun for this child.

I just left the match, and I'm really glad I could do it before now being penalised for it.

ID: hvywvnr

I can guarantee it won't change a thing if leaving when you get downed counts as a death. People leave because it's often faster to just leave and requeue. Giving early leavers a 10 minute ban like arenas is the only thing that will have any significant effect.

ID: hvyy90k

Lol I've had so many enemies duck behind a closed door and quit. That's not because it's faster.

ID: hvzvo8e

And because of that we have afk players all the god damn time in arena.

ID: hw0537c

Even better - leaver penalties doesn't prevent you from queueing but it does increase the chance of getting worse teammates the next match. Oh you insta-leave a bunch? Out of the 60 players you get the bottom seeds of players on your team.

ID: hvz91e7

Even just a 2-5 minute temp ban (maybe escalating over time and resetting with the new dailies?) would probably help.

A lot of the people who insta-leave say that it's faster to get into a new game (which I argue isn't always the case, I see plenty who quit when we're winning the fight and like 20 feet from a beacon). 2 minutes plus finding a lobby (instant to a minute or two), loading screens, legend select, dropship countdown, etc.

Even a small tweak in the delay before they're back in the game could shift is substantially.

Hell, just make it the same timer as the one as being stuck in a player's pocket in ranked. I think it's 2 or 2.5 minutes and you can abandon freely even if they've gotten your banner.

If someone really needs to go, then a 2 min timer shouldn't matter. If they're just salty that they didn't crush a whole squad on their own, well they can either give it a sec while we get them back on their feet, or they can take a couple of minutes as a break to think about what they've prioritized (their own play time over the team who is now down a member).

And yeah, there's always someone in the comments who is all "Man I only get like 45 minutes a week to play, I ain't waitin' for nuttin'". Which, sorry man, but I don't see why your fun should take priority over the 1-2 other people whose experience is being impacted. It's a team game, and just because the other player(s) are randoms doesn't mean they should have to suffer for it.

ID: hvyzg9q

If it has a 10 minute penalty it'll just kill a sizeable chunk of the player base. I don't insta-leave games but I will 100% leave a game when I've given a teammate a minute or two to respawn/revive me and they're still looting MY deathbox to take all my shit.

The thought of having to spend 5minutes watching these players run around and play loot simulator or go Rambo 1v3 when they should be respawning is just not really on the cards when I have a couple of hours a day to play. I want to actually be playing the game as do most other people.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/07 17:29 ID: hvyvd4p

I leave when I know I can’t/won’t be picked up. That’s it. Or if my teammates are toxic. It should definitely count as a death but I’m not leaving because of my k/d. it should not be an abandonment penalty in pubs.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/07 18:37 ID: hvz603d

Apex players when there randoms don’t watch them run around the map for 10 minutes just to die to a team any 4 squads left

8 : Anonymous2022/02/07 19:24 ID: hvzd7ra

Unpopular opinion as a leaver: this wont have the meaningful effect people want. Most people, myself included arent quiting for their KD, they're quiting bc its just plain faster to queue into a new game with a fresh start. Unless they implement a time ban like in ranked nothing will change.

ID: hvzyz0s

Agreed. I'd rather leave and immediately find a new match than sit there and watch my teammates run around the map for 10 minutes only to die to the first squad they see.

ID: hw04079

Cmon man have faith in your teammates, combined level of 72.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/07 17:55 ID: hvyzkh3

I was shocked to learn it doesn't count as death. Makes no sense.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/07 16:03 ID: hvyigbq

There should be an abandonment penalty for repeated offenses. I can understand someone quitting once, but twice or three times consecutively? That's just being a little bitch.

ID: hvzpl8g

Behavioural score, like Dota2. I would take two lower rank teammates with good behave any day than a diamond that throw the game and keep pinging and screaming at anything you do.

ID: hw02qnl

Apex desperately needs that sort of system. Or some kind of reputation system that allows you to Thumbs-Up your teammates if they deserve it, no Thumbs-down because people will abuse it.

ID: hvyksbs

That'll weed out the majority of Wraith players really quickly.

ID: hvyyt5d

Half the time I leave early its because team mates dropped DIRECTLY on top of another team, got knocked in 30 seconds and are in no position to be rescued, or if people completely disregard my advice, steal from me, or speak ill of me.

I'll leave and start a new game. I don't have time for that shit.

ID: hvzd71c

Then this wouldn't effect you. A habitual quitter ban would just target people who drop hot and quit after getting knocked repeatedly in the same play session. Not those who quit out of an occasional toxic match.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/07 18:34 ID: hvz5j7e

It's not? Like that's an invitation for people to abandon the match. Freaking whraits bro

12 : Anonymous2022/02/07 20:27 ID: hvzmvze

thank god the bots in this subreddit arent devs

13 : Anonymous2022/02/07 17:53 ID: hvyz89p

ITS PUBS WHO CARES IF SOMEONE INSTANT LEAVE. ITS pubs not ranked wtf why add an abandonment penalty or any penalty for leaving pubs

14 : Anonymous2022/02/07 17:43 ID: hvyxjxq

How is that going to change anything?

15 : Anonymous2022/02/07 17:15 ID: hvytat2

When the patch note drop?

ID: hvyu28x

About 40 minutes

16 : Anonymous2022/02/07 18:32 ID: hvz5518

Ngl I always thought it did count as a death

17 : Anonymous2022/02/07 18:59 ID: hvz9fvh

Well you’re in good luck

18 : Anonymous2022/02/07 19:00 ID: hvz9ji5

It did!

19 : Anonymous2022/02/07 19:44 ID: hvzg8lo

KD doesn’t mean anything in a skill based matchmaking system. Rank and cooperation is what I look for in my teammates.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/07 20:31 ID: hvznj90

Omg yes i had a triple triple going on revenant (previous main was octane and i had triple triple on him) and i had 2 full team knocks and it was final team and when I knocked 2 and beamed the other guy he left before i could down him and it didn’t give me the badge I’m still furious about this

21 : Anonymous2022/02/07 20:43 ID: hvzpia6

I don’t get a penalty for leave pubs. I’ve only seen the message on ranked/arenas

Edit: that’s not to say I leave when downed cuz I don’t but if I did hit the button to back out it doesn’t threaten a penalty. It just asks if I’m sure cuz I can still be respawned

22 : Anonymous2022/02/07 21:45 ID: hvzz3ij

i have a 0.18 kd, the small price to pay for some fun.

23 : Anonymous2022/02/07 22:40 ID: hw07b4i

but i love becoming a box and getting tbagged , why would i ever want to skip that part ?

24 : Anonymous2022/02/07 18:35 ID: hvz5lkj

Fucking finally!

25 : Anonymous2022/02/07 18:00 ID: hvz0bgd

An abandon penalty for pubs won’t make sense. Why should ppl be punished for leaving a casual game?


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