“Drop the marked key or ill dome you bitch”

1 : Anonymous2022/02/08 16:53 ID: snoulr

I'm trying to do pun pt4 on shoreline and I find a marked key in the svetily village jackets. I take off towards cottages and before I make it to the dumpster stash I hear "Drop the marked key or I'll dome you bitch." Scared the shit out of me so I stopped and he said "Chadmartigan can you hear me? Drop the marked key bitch. I've got sights on you. I'll let you live if you Drop it." I go "okay i will" and then press tab to get the key. I untab after sitting there and press my middle finger keybind then go "kill me and I'll launcher report your name with the raid ID. Idgaf about this untar kit and I got my marked key." He sat there a second (idk where he was probably over me" and went "plllfffttt" and that was that. I extracted like 2mins later at lighthouse path considering that guy was still out there presumably lol.

2 : Anonymous2022/02/08 16:56 ID: hw3p4eq

Never worth giving the hackers what they want , don’t give them their fun

ID: hw3xp9b

We don't negotiate with terrorists. Bahaha

ID: hw42jfz

I genuinely see cheaters on the same level as terrorists, absolute scum

ID: hw4f0j2

It‘s so stupid. If they kill you, you just report them and also keep the key in your butthole. I don‘t give a damn about FIR I just use the key then…

ID: hw4dget

The few times I've had this happen I antagonize them to kill me so I can report them.

ID: hw4ff9j

Do it because they know you are recoding at that point, and they are giving you want you “want” over what they want. It probably pisses them off more than anything else you could do.

ID: hw5drmj

Honestly the biggest reason to not do it is because they are going to kill you or not either way. Of all the people I would trust in Tarkov, someone who is literally cheating is at the absolute bottom.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/08 17:14 ID: hw3s42o

Makes you wonder if anyone has actually dropped a marked key. That would be the dumbest thing you could do

ID: hw4ichl

They could threaten me when I’m wearing my slick and altyn and I’d still tell them to fuck off. Having them rage is so much better than keeping my kit

ID: hw4tlqc

I had one tell me to drop a Lab's Entry Key Card.

Said "Fuck you, bud." In a really stereotypical Minnesotan accent, he giggled and gave me a head/eyes.

ID: hw4cjf5

I've found 1 customs marked key this wipe. It was a non FIR full charges key on a level 6 player. I was playing with 2 friends that are fairly new to Tarkov. We engage another 3 man and lost 1 while killing their 3. I let my new friend loot while I hide our fallens gear and cover. He asked if a marked key was worth anything because one of the dead guys had one in his pockets. Thought he was trolling, told him to plug it because it's worth a few million. (2 weeks ago-ish) I was giving them all the loot and helping with quests so he said I could have it. After denying he said he left it in the guys pockets so I go to loot it I notice it isn't FIR lol. Poor guys.

ID: hw4mgb6

I always leave my documents case with all my keys in it inside my secure container. Terrified of losing my keys to some hacker

ID: hw41l5m

Never underestimate a panicked Timmy

ID: hw4el69

There are or were enough clips here on reddit where people dropped the gear to the hacker just so they can live....

ID: hw4hc5b

Gear maybe, because hey you gotta quest item you’ve been grinding to do, he’s killing you anyway. But a marked key? If you run that key you could potentially pay for 30 kits if not more.

ID: hw5286c

Why would you drop the gear? Cheaters have zero morals or inclination to do the right thing, and you are trusting them not to kill you just because they say they won't ? They are there to ruin your gaming experience so once you drop what they want it'll be instant (head, eyes) for you.

The only option available is to secure the gear in your safe container, flip them off and get killed so you can report them.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/08 17:17 ID: hw3snxt

you can report voip next time

ID: hw3y0ej

How do you report voip?

ID: hw3zrcs

Go to the gesture menu and it should be towards the bottom right of the icons. I think the default for this is to double tap "y"

ID: hw3yzec

hold Y and look for it in that menu

ID: hw49r3n

note that also mutes their VOIP, so they will know if you did it (not that it matters)

5 : Anonymous2022/02/08 17:55 ID: hw3ywb8

I would say, “come here and I’ll drop it”. If he comes you get a chance for a kill. If he doesn’t, you get to report anyway.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/08 17:17 ID: hw3sl44

I pray for the day a hacker does this to me and I can flip them the fuck off.

ID: hw4220q

I really like to think it looked like when someone reaches into their pocket and pulls out a middle finger lol. Glad I remembered I bound it

ID: hw4gfs1

I'm binding mine today just to do that, thanks haha

7 : Anonymous2022/02/08 17:05 ID: hw3qmx7

Next time don't even say you'll report. Honestly just keep the key and give him shit, report him if he does kill you and you get the name.

ID: hw43dt0

Report VOIP, tell them to suck a dick and report again if they kill you.

ID: hw42qy6

I realized if you give them shit 80% of the time they won't kill you. Kinda funny

ID: hw480h6

Ya I just like the idea of getting the chance to report them. The loss of the kit is worth it to me for losers like that

ID: hw4txrn

They know they get reported if they kill you. They are losing their psychological upper hand.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/08 18:02 ID: hw4029y

"all right I'm recording, proceed bitch"

ID: hw42xk7

“This call is monitored and recorded for quality assurance purposes.”

ID: hw486q8

Ah yes, "quality assurance"

9 : Anonymous2022/02/08 17:55 ID: hw3z1i9

Honestly next time just tell him to shove it up his ass and report without telling him what you’re doing.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/08 19:11 ID: hw4bng9

"If you dome me I'll be looting marked room sooner, bitch."

11 : Anonymous2022/02/08 18:36 ID: hw45vsu

If someone tries to "extort" over voicechat, double tap y and report voip. Bsg track thingsnin great detail and reporting voip will send all the voip coms and from who for a set time. Hopefully that will get em flagged streight up and they will eventually get whats coming

ID: hw496p5

Didn’t know about this, thanks

12 : Anonymous2022/02/08 17:54 ID: hw3yq4g

If they already know you have a specific key and that it's in your safe container (otherwise he would have just killed him) then they will know its still there when you drop a fake key.

Would be funny but unlikely to work.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/08 17:40 ID: hw3wgtg

Ran into a hacker last night on interchange. Four of us unloaded on him. Then he mention that he is hacking and went along his business and didn't bother us.

There is an off chance he wasn't hacking, but said that so we wouldn't kill him. He did just survive getting hit with M61, M80, and 7.62 BP so we believed him.

ID: hw48jtr

Ran into one in the bunker on reserves. Tagged him as he ran across the middle room, blood splats and everything were painted across the wall. I stand up and back out to reload. “You missed all your shots hahahaha” is all I hear from him. I say “there’s literally blood on the wall” and peak out to look - there was.

He says “haha nope you’re bad.”

“If you’re so sure, push us then.”

He proceeds to run into the room, I’m running a Mutant with BP and my friend is running a UMP with AP. I tag him at the end of game report with 10 shots, my buddy tagged him with 12 shots. No other fights. All shots were aimed at the thorax, though my first shot as he ran across was a headshot, and the blood splatter was at head level

ID: hw446yb

Yeah he probably was. Yesterday I ran into a hacker who survived an entire 25 round magazine of .45 AP to the thorax. What I don’t get is why only half hack? Why not just go full balls to the wall, make yourself invisible, and teleport everywhere? The people who just turn on God mod and then run the raid as normal are even bigger pussies than the rest tbh

ID: hw471bc

Break more rules and you'll be easier to punish. Just using TGM is "breaking one rule" basically.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/08 19:38 ID: hw4g0qv

You should still report and give them that raid ID

15 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:20 ID: hw4mvp3

Voip report him when he replies so he can't do it again

16 : Anonymous2022/02/08 18:21 ID: hw43cjq

Saw a video on YouTube of a streamer reporting the voip interaction of a cheater and the guy got banned live. Always worth a shot if you guys run into those types of scenarios. Glad you made it out though OP!!!

17 : Anonymous2022/02/08 19:01 ID: hw49zzw

Actually Id prefer he shoot my guy and I get to report him. Id aggravate him as much as possible.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:02 ID: hw4jvc7

Just put it in your butt and tell him "you can dig it out of my dead ass" followed by the finger

19 : Anonymous2022/02/08 22:05 ID: hw53z6q

even if a cheater promised me wealth and power i wouldnt oblige just to piss him off

20 : Anonymous2022/02/08 18:23 ID: hw43lrm

Lighthouse is loaded with hackers man. One time I spawned in as a scav, still 35 minutes left in the raid. I spawned in the very back of the rogue camp, by the train extract. I found a ton of shit in the warehouses within the first 2 minutes of spawning, my stash value was easily one mil at least. Then all of a sudden I hear sprinting that is way too fast to be legit. I hide in a corner and watch the ONLY entrance to the building. I suddenly die head eyes even though nobody was there. No negotiations or anything. Buncha fuckin losers.

ID: hw4dmgl

If you were a scav, there was no point in negotiating. You couldn't hide anything in secure container.


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