Hey, active players!

1 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:26 ID: smm48z

Hello, friends.

We again decided to collect centralized player feedback here on reddit. The point is that you write what annoys and bothers you in the game at the moment. Please write about what is really in the game right now, vote for the messages of other players to increase visibility.

I will also write a short development status.

Now we are busy with patches with fixes and we are working on the accumulated technical debt. In addition, the most active development of the remaining major features, the Streets of Tarkov and the Arena, is underway.

After some time, we will again make TarkovTV live, where we will tell you in more detail what we do and what our nearest plans are.

I would also like to note that due to covid, about a quarter of the company members got ill, but people are recovering fast, so it's fine.

Be careful and thank you very much for the feedback and attention!

Your BSG team

2 : Anonymous2022/02/07 11:15 ID: hvxkeon

The laser beam no recoil aim of the rogues and scav bosses/guards is not fun and not engaging mechanic and just force players to cheese them

ID: hw0z1w9

Literally have mostly been able to kill rogues/bosses by glitching their ai.

ID: hw2fp9n

And them combining that with wallhacks apparently. Good luck if you bump into Glukhar or Shturman without perfect cover or getting the drop on them. They'll just instantly laser beam you around a corner and keep full autoing the wall you're at until you're dead or you somehow get them to run with a nade or something. It's almost impossible without sniping them from super far or getting within 3 feet and spraying them down before they can spin and kill you.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:40 ID: hvxdahx

Audio, both vertically, and range need a major rework IMO.

Many times I hear a scav shouting down my ear like he's right next to me only to find he's intact no where near me. And the vertical audio, (mostly in dorms) is absolutely non existent and sometimes hard to distinguish, sometimes jt sounds like he's running around right next to me only to peak a door and find he's above or below.

Edit; thanks for the up votes and awards, I'm glad such a huge number agree with me... hopefully BSG take this on board and start working on some fixes!

ID: hvxlamu

Absolutely. People sometimes have no audio even on escalators in interchange. Most stairs are audio deadzones

ID: hvxkdew

This should be 100% top priority focus. The game relies on sound so much and right now, it's completely broken.

ID: hvxmaus

And being able to hear someone swallow a drink through 5 walls 50 meters away from you

ID: hvxlbbb

The audio is especially concerning when streets is coming and much of the size of streets is also vertical.

ID: hvxju6a

It also feels like the vertical audio, particularly in the tunnels or office, in factory is broken

ID: hvxtiga

Fight in a stair well or around one and you quickly realize how broken it is.

ID: hvxmgo8

The sound cuts when someone shoots are a big issue as well,you can't identify the gun,distance or direction.

ID: hvxhhgo

Yes audio is super important.
On saturday I spawned on the south beach on Lighthouse.
I ran towards the mountain with the dead tree.
On the beach there was a super geared dude with a thermal.
First I thought he was already dead, so I ran to him. He moved looking left and right a little bit. I killed him.
100% he thought I was in the trees in front of him, not behind him. There's no way you can tell the difference in most situations with turning left to right all the time.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/07 10:25 ID: hvxgm57

Inertia on Scavs, Scav Bosses and Raiders. Getting head eyes while they're still drop shotting feels terrible along with the running 1 taps

ID: hvywqul

I want the AI to have the same limitations we as players have. This includes things like inertia, suffering from broken or blacked out limbs, reduced accuracy at range on the move, being unable to fire while sprinting, reloading, or changing between prone and standing, et cetera.

ID: hvyhfiz

Trying to time cultist headshot while they are spamming prone is miserable lol

ID: hvzik14

They also need to respect foliage cover way more. Getting sniped by a boss guard while I’m prone in a bush is beyond stupid. Actually them having wall hacks when they aggro is pretty busted too.

ID: hvyo7ye

Also the instand crouching/standing.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:35 ID: hvxcxr0

There are a lot of audio glitches in the game. I’ll be walking along and hear a scav shout or a grenade or gunshot sound like it’s literally right next to me when it’s nowhere near me.

Edit: Also, for love of god, increase the brightness of level 3 illumination. Especially in the shooting range. And please let me crouch and prone in the shooting range without shooting the table. And clear the targets.

Apparently there are some issues with the game being unable to run on Linux (because the battle eye Anticheat does not allow it)

ID: hvxe9cu

Definetly this. I hate when a scav that is 50 meters away shouts into my ear.

ID: hvxlgwi

Not to mention the key unlock sound that some times can be heard from the other side of the map

6 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:31 ID: hvxcl9a

Audio bugs and positional audio in regards to verticality are the main issues for me.

ID: hvxcyph

Vertical audio is non existent 80% of the time.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:52 ID: hvxe5js

investigating people selling 100+ GPUs on the flea and such would do a lot. other than that, audio is super bugged. cant tell up from down in buildings.

Edit: I'm editing this at 2.8k updoots with another gripe. If I'm playing as a scav and another player scav attacks and injures me, and I kill them, I'm now marked as hostile by other scavs AND still get a penalty for killing not only subsequent scavs but also the 'bad' scav. This isn't working as intended, since you shouldn't get a penalty for killing a pscav that attacked you first. And it just doesn't make sense, why should all other scavs attack me for defending myself?

Edit 2: I misconstrued some logic

ID: hvxmayh

Yes I have to agree its very disheartening not finding loot, then there's these players with 100+ flea rep with insane listings. Should be flagged immediately imo

8 : Anonymous2022/02/07 11:54 ID: hvxnntl

Scope visibility. The scopes often get a fog debuff that is worse than the visible range of the naked eye.

Thanks for continuing to take feedback from players and update the game.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:43 ID: hvxdj2e

Scavs need some form of inertia as well. Getting drop shotted by a scav with an SVD after he quick peeked me was something mind blowing to see

Edit: very glad to see I’m not the only one upset about having deaths due to the greatest shots ever from faze scavs

ID: hvxmnzc

And not only inertia, but also things like broken bones and such

ID: hvxnqgu

Yes please! Sometimes, not too often, I’ll be shooting a scav, I’m talking rip ammo to the legs, precise shots or even like m61 to the leg or arm, and he’ll run out of my view. Mind you, I’m not talking just a single shot, maybe 2-4 shots. If you shoot a scav that many times and he’s still alive, it’s really annoying. It’s even worse when said scav runs away unfazed and can accurately shoot you back in the process, usually resulting in a blacked out or bleeding out arm. I’d love to see them limping or their arm shaking when they get hit. If you don’t headshot a scav he’s either gonna run away or be cracked outta this world

ID: hvxwmcj

to add, scavs with spidey senses from you ADSing at them is complete bs and shouldnt be a mechanic at all.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:40 ID: hvxdbqj

Maybe a tweak on camera recoil. Thus kind of recoil would not bother me when playing a scav but when I play with my pmc ( supposed to be a trained soldier) I don't why his arm act like soft cheese. Pistol are nearly useless with this, the character won't ads properly and after the first bullet it's impossible to group shots

ID: hvxpls2

Agree on this. I like that guns have more recoil in general now but the camera recoil really is reducing my enjoyment of many of the guns. They no longer feel good to use because its so hard to track players while shooting because both your gun and your head goes flying.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:30 ID: hvxckqa


ID: hvxd338

This is definitely the biggest issue for me as well

Even with good headsets (irl and in game) the positional audio is constantly misleading and very inconsistent. Sometimes I’ll hear a scav line that starts really loud then is suddenly really far. Sometimes I’ll hear footsteps behind me from someone in front of me. Sometimes I’ll hear someone on my floor, who’s actually 2-3 floors above me.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/07 13:26 ID: hvxx3jh

To summarise some points people have been highlighting.

Audio currently is inaccurate, unspecific and in certain scenarios very glitched. It is especially noticeable in vertical areas like dorms where audio on stairs sometimes does not register or audio sounds like it is close but is actually one or two floors below. Additionally there is a current glitch where a grenade pin sounds or something similar can be heard coming from nowhere, it is very confusing well known by now.

Scav inertia, current scavs are able to do unrealistic movements like drop shot, 90 degree turns while full sprinting and are not affected but stamina, broken legs, and finally stamina drains from hits to the stomach. All of this is not possible for a player to achieve but scavs regularly highlight the unrealistic and quite comical behaviour.

Camera recoil in its current form can make certain guns seems unusable, but in actuality it is only the camera recoil making the recoil seem more severe than it is. Realistically when firing of course there will be some level or recoil for a persons head but in this game it is exaggerated for certain guns. An example would be modded m4s are not as useable as previous wipes due to this issue. It needs to be adjusted to allow guns to have a more even playing field as it is just not realistic.

Lastly, trader global limits need to be adjusted. In theory the global limits sound like a cool feature which creates a super dynamic economy like the flea market. But in reality it creates a hostile trading experience which favours player luck on trader resets. I feel like utilising personal buy limits every reset like a lot of ammo’s is a much more viable option as opposed to global trader limits as it promotes the actual use of the traders. Otherwise if you do not try and buy some things as they immediately reset then they will sell out, which also wouldn’t be as bad but the exact point of which the reset occurs is not exact at all and can actually be high as 3 minutes between player in the same region or high with players over different regions.

With this update some ammo’s like AP 6.3 have been neglected due to their unavailability. While ammo’s like .45 AP which are trader purchasable are being over used and have a high chance of being completely bought out due to the global limit. To make 9mm more competitive and fair, it would make sense to add a trader purchase with the same personal purchase limit as the .45 AP, so 100 rounds. This should also apply various other early to mid game rounds which are also lacking a way to obtain them, even having them quest locked like m856a1 is a good idea.

This highlights the main points I would like to see adjusted and I also believe these suggestions cover over 95 percent of all suggestions listed here. Let me know if anything is not clear so I can rewrite it:) Thanks Nikita 🙂

Edit: edited the wording so it was not so over exaggerated.

ID: hvz9uhr

Some love for 9x19 AP 6.3 would be nice. Currently there is no trade or buy option while the "meta" of UMP can be purchased quite quickly and there is a trade for the best .45 ammo and craft in the hideout. A limit per trader reset could be put upon 9x19 AP 6.3 as well just like other high pen ammunitions.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:45 ID: hvxdnv3

AI opponents not having inertia and not being affected when shooting them in the legs

ID: hvxpskq

Yeah the leg thing is something I haven't seen many complain about but if you shoot an AI in the leg it should definitely have the same affect it does on a player.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:41 ID: hvxddey

Audio is number one for me.

This is the only game where i can't tell when i get shot from ahead or behind. Even if its an unsuppressed weapon, within 10 meters. I have to turn sideways to be able to tell the direction or get lucky to see a muzzle flash and if the shooter is somewhat competent with his shots, its too late already.. Unless the playe

is obviously visible.

Second is scav players, either dont see me from 5 meters away or shoot me through fog/bush/anything while they are effectively invisible for me.

I do love the challenge, rpg elements and overall uniqueness of the game tho.

EDIT: correcting my autocorrect

15 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:32 ID: hvxcqc9

The audio is the biggest gripe I have with the game currently.

The dynamic range is too high and the sound system needs a rework, far too often it is impossible to pinpoint where a sound is coming from, that's aside from the 'ghost sounds' like doors unlocking, grenade pins, VoIP snippets, and scav shouts sounding like they are directly next to you

16 : Anonymous2022/02/07 13:26 ID: hvxx1dk

Hey BSG I think it would be a neat idea to be able to sort the quests in the character screen by location, percent complete or by trader!

ID: hvyl4bg

Quests by location would be such a nice addition.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:41 ID: hvxdeaw

Audio is a massive issue for me personally. Can hear people in West wing of resort when in Admin without a headset, but can't hear people right next to me in East wing with a headset. Also regular scavs are on crack or something this wipe. They spot you from absurd ranges. Raiders, guards and rogues sure yeah, but regular scavs shouldn't be just as effective in combat as the others.

That's just my personal take from this wipe anyway, the scav thing might just be me, but I know for sure others have experienced a ton of audio issues.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:42 ID: hvxdel9

IMHO the audio is the most important thing to fix right now. There are still moments when I can't tell where the sound is coming from, especially in vertical space.

I would like also a rework/update to the global stocks of traders. Some quests are a nightmare right now, you need a lot of luck to buy some needed items.

And of course, the spawning system, having big maps but dying in the first 2 minutes is not fun at all.


Also, the scavs with aimbot 1 taping head eyes/jaw from 100+ meters are a huge issue in this wipe. Scav Island on Shoreline is a "no go" zone for me for example. It would be also great if the AI would have inertia because as of now they are able to do some inhuman moves.

19 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:35 ID: hvxcx4k

I hate how we have to click ok after trying to buy an item that has been sold on the flea. You fixed it for a while. And let me hit enter after I put in a price to list items.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:29 ID: hvxcij8

I really wish that when selling to traders, we were able to open a container and sell the contents inside instead of having to unpack it into an open slot in the stash. We can do it with the flea market, but not with traders.

21 : Anonymous2022/02/07 12:50 ID: hvxt0om

Lighthouse: The map doesn't seem to be as well optimised as other maps. Even with large sight lines Shoreline and Woods do not seem to experience such FPS drop, as such I believe it's putting a lot of players off what could otherwise be an interesting map.

Audio: This has been for a long time a key issue in the game. I understand it might be quite challenging to get this right, but I feel like this should be a very high priority item. Especially focused on vertical audio within buildings. Eg if someone is charging up the stairs in dorms, given it's an open stairway I should hear them from 3rd floor on 1st floor and vice versa. They shouldn't just suddenly appear on the landing inbetween floors before making sound to me.

Gun balance in general: Feels in a good state to me, seeing a good variety of weapons. I don't see any immediate changes needed here.

Ammo: Ammo rarity is a bit of an issue. Some slightly baffling decisions in terms of flea restrictions. PST GZH for example? Also AP 6.3 being hugely unavailable while similar quality ammo is available easily on other calibres. A review of what can/cannot be sold on Flea for ammo seems relevant and fairly pressing.

Solar power: Please my guy, please, I grinded and sunk a fortune into this. Please.

Armour: Feels okay, interesting decisions that some tier 4 rigs aren't sellable on flea while some are. Unsure what reasoning is here as the rigs are all of fairly similar quality.

AI: Rogues are a bit cracked. AI scavs not having inertia allows them to perform very odd feats indeed. These have always been an issue but now that we are limited by inertia it exacerbates the issue with the AI not having it.

Server issues: Definitely a lot better now, can be improved but I'd probably slot this behind audio

In terms of importance

1: Audio work

2: Server stability

Solar Power





22 : Anonymous2022/02/07 15:31 ID: hvydmqm

Last I checked, rampant cheating was the biggest complaint and why I refuse to log in.

23 : Anonymous2022/02/07 15:17 ID: hvybn4j

battleye support for Linux nikita, would be simple to implement all that is required is an email to battleye. the community already has tarkov running just needs anticheat support

24 : Anonymous2022/02/07 10:12 ID: hvxfmsl
Audio Scav and Rogue AI - as they are right now, it is one of the most non-immersive feelings ever Cheaters Desync QoL features in the UI
25 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:40 ID: hvxda39

Hey, first of all, thank you!

The biggest problem for me right now is the Audio.

I wish you all the best.

28 : Anonymous2022/02/07 09:42 ID: hvxdfeh

Audio and Desync, everything else is beautiful, great job sir.


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