Horizon Zero Dawn: The Story So Far

1 : Anonymous2022/02/12 11:40 ID: sqppvf
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Story So Far
2 : Anonymous2022/02/13 00:13 ID: hwppgxx

Everyone keeps saying the video gets things wrong but no one is listing what it gets wrong.

Like a big ol circlejerk

ID: hwqklof

It's a massive circlejerk. The video is almost 100% accurate besides some pronunciations and a tiny story point: Hades doesn't really directly have anything to do with the derangement, the derangement is a direct consequence of the gaia prime signal rendering Hephaestus, Hades and all other subfunctions independent. Hephaestus is the AI that creates the machines and because it's no longer controlled by Gaia, it stops taking into account human life and just creates robots that best preserve its terraforming goals. Because humans are harmful to the machines it creates increasingly weaponized machines to defend the terraforming process. It's a classic "tell an AI to make as many toothpicks as possible and it will transform the earth into a pile of toothpicks" problem.

What Hades will do with its newfound independence is to try and destroy the world, because that's its reason to exist. It will take over Gaia and from there destroy the world. To prevent this from happening Gaia destroys itself by overloading its core reactor but before it can do so Hades launches its first "strike" on Gaia and in doing so accomplishes two things:

It corrupts the alpha prime registry that (initially) renders Aloy unable to enter the cradle facility and hear Gaia's dying plea

It unleashes a virus that allows it and other subfunctions to move their code out of the Gaia prime facility to avoid being destroyed/deactivated along with it. This is ultimately what creates the conditions for the derangement of the machines to take place: Hephaestus was supposed to be taken offline along with Gaia, which would have led to the terraforming system simply breaking down by the time the story happens. Instead, Hephaestus moved its code away from the Gaia Prime facility and thus began the aforementioned derangement

However, it is wildly unclear in the game whether the derangement would have happened without Hades' virus. Gaia's last message seems to imply that some form of derangement will happen after her explosion even before she learns of Hades' attack. On the other hand, logic seems to point towards the idea that if the explosion was supposed to destroy Gaia and Hades, it should have destroyed the other subroutines too, and Gaia clearly states that "they" (the subfunctions) are escaping. This may simply be a small plot hole in the story. Which leads to two interpretations, either the derangement would have happened anyway and Hades has no role in it, or Hades enabled the derangement by allowing the AIs to survive Gaia Prime's explosion.

All in all, no reason to literally discourage people from watching this video lmao, this is all rather pointless nitpicking about literally two sentences in the recap

(edited for accuracy)

ID: hwqnws6

Good breakdown.

ID: hwraqcl

I am surprised too.

I used this video as a refresher as it’s been a few years since I played the game. I thought it was ok especially as a refresher.

If someone hasn’t played the first game, they should go and do that before playing the sequel. Horizon 1 is dirt cheap and it’s definitely worth playing first.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/12 20:02 ID: hwope8h

I’m doing a new game + in Story Mode right now. I’m terrible at remembering things in games so it’ll be a nice refresh.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/12 16:07 ID: hwnqvo6

Unfortunately not the best recap it seems.

Discussed here on the Horizon sub.

ID: hwp5rtx

That post is massively over-exaggerating one story error in this recap.

And everyone else is just agreeing evidently without having actually watched the recap, seemingly because of pre-existing bias against IGN.

ID: hwqi72q

It's worse than that. The post is massively over-exaggerating the fact that some names are mispronounced and claiming that the video is wrong on one point but doesn't explain how. At best it's an extremely minor mistake that has zero impact on the overall story

ID: hwojws6

They are being a bit pedantic. It's still a good video if you want to catch up on the story.

ID: hwontt5

A bit? More like very pedantic

ID: hwp01c5

There’s better videos. There’s a whole lore channel about horizon zero dawn

5 : Anonymous2022/02/12 20:17 ID: hwornzj

Too bad that the video gets lots of things wrong and is therefore not advised to watch.

ID: hwqdq5s

What does it get wrong? Seems pretty accurate to me and I just replayed the game

ID: hwq4yt6

I don’t know about a lot of things, but there are definitely some missteps in there. I still think it’s a halfway decent recap of the overall story.

Edit: ahhhh Nevermind! I thought this video was this one: … but it’s a completely different recap. The one I watched was pretty decent and only a couple times did I feel that something was missing or slightly off.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/12 18:39 ID: hwod9tc

Unfortunately this has a LOT of inaccuracies and even mispronunciations in it. Check out the RandomSideQuest recap on youtube. He's considered the Horizon lore expert by most fans. Tons of videos and a catch up video.

ID: hwsj2p3

Thank you for the recommendation

ID: hwtmg4g

It really doesn’t have that much wrong with it, but welcome to Reddit.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/12 11:49 ID: hwmvg5w

A recap of the first game's story in less than 20 minutes by IGN. Good preparation for Horizon Forbidden West, was surprised how much I forgot.

ID: hwo0ni6

This video kind of sucks though. It gets a lot wrong.

ID: hwod7tv

Unfortunately this has a LOT of inaccuracies and even mispronunciations in it. Check out the RandomSideQuest recap on youtube. He's considered the Horizon lore expert by most fans. Tons of videos and a catch up video.

ID: hwmvxdx

Honestly, this game is getting shadowed big time by Elden ring for me.

ID: hwmwj8t

For me not at all tbh. I will play both on release day for sure and then switch between these two depending on my mood.

ID: hwnmbfp

Not for me. At all but I’ve never been into Souls games. Much prefer this type of game personally.

ID: hwmw97j

Don't worry, this game still has a lot of hype around it. Both are completely different games, but yeah wouldn't be unnatural to hear more of Elden ring cause it's been hyped for years and is a multi-platform game.

ID: hwnpxbs

I have no interest in ER so Nyet

ID: hwnu2fq

It's bs I'm getting down voted for this comment but whateves

8 : Anonymous2022/02/12 15:26 ID: hwnkt2d

Remindme! 2 weeks

Still playing but Frozen Wilds distracted me.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/12 19:58 ID: hwooq8q

So people who say its bad video. Whats a better video for a recap?

ID: hwqhqvc

It's a good video.

ID: hwouibq

RandomSideQuest's video is ideal

ID: hwozy0y

I looked it up but it’s 1.5 hours. Don’t think I even care that deeply about the story to sit through that long of a video

10 : Anonymous2022/02/12 12:28 ID: hwmz8h3

Warning: Spoilers ahead. It probably doesn’t need to be said but a lot of the background information revealed in the video is learned by the player as they progress through the game so for anyone who’s new to Horizon Zero Dawn who doesn’t want everything explained avoid watching this video (which is a good summary of the game’s story if you’ve played the game already).

ID: hwn51jm

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic.

ID: hwn586x

I’m not. I realize I’m being Captain Obvious but they really threw in every spoiler in this video. For a video on a quick story summary it could have been done better.

ID: hwnouio

Thanks for the warning. We had no idea that this video was going to spoil the first games story in preparation for Forbidden West. Good looking out.


ID: hwn4ahn

Thanks for the warning. Never expected spoilers from this video. You are a real hero.

ID: hwpla2l

Wow it’s almost like that’s what a recap is

ID: hwnkgni

They haven't done a good job for this video. They started from the end and then explained things. It is crazy.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/13 04:25 ID: hwqld2e

I’m really torn on playing this game and then forbidden west. I know a lot of people love this franchise but I’ve heard Zero Dawn was a very slow game.

ID: hwryufj

It starts really slow but picks up pace.

ID: hwsgxdx

It's really not that slow. Especially compared to games like rdr2

12 : Anonymous2022/02/12 17:46 ID: hwo5gtg

What's the average play time on this? I've been putting off for so long and I have some spare time this week so might as well dkve into it.

ID: hwo6og8

If you push the main quests and don’t dive too deep into side quests, you can easily do it in 30 hours, maybe 40. You can platinum in ~60-70.

ID: hwo6za3

Great. I'll get a few hours in tonight.

ID: hwodlcl

Please know it starts out slow but it really plays off. A fair bit is loaded into the 2nd half. I dropped the game 4 timed over the years. When I finally stuck with it, it became one of my top 5 games and uber played most big titles on pc and console in the last almost 40 years.

Especially if you mainline the main quests it doesn't take long, but there's lots of good content throughout. The story doesn't REALLY get going until the quest "Makers End" and then it's a rollercoaster to the end.

The dlc is also great and has drastically improved VA and mocap.

ID: hwp8169

I just recently finished it in 20 hours. That was doing pretty much main quests only with a tiny bit of side content.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/13 23:46 ID: hwuczat

That game isn’t good. Sorry

15 : Anonymous2022/02/12 23:02 ID: hwpfn9a

Random Side Quest is probably the best recap.

Here's the Link

Yes it's 1.5 hours, but it's all time stamped so you can click the parts you want to hear. No need to listen to the entire history.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/12 21:50 ID: hwp59qc

This recap gets a point technically wrong, which is that Hades is not directly causing the derangement of the machines, instead it caused the derangement when it unshackled itself which unshackled all the other sub functions as well. It’s one of those other freed sub-functions which is responsible for the derangement.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/13 03:52 ID: hwqhg75

Hades did not even cause the derangement. The derangement was caused by a signal of unknown origin sent to GAIA Prime that unshackled all functions. The derangement in and of itself is a result of Hephaestus no longer being controlled by Gaia and not "understanding" that humans need to be protected, therefore creating more and more dangerous machines to protect the terraforming ones.

Once unshackled, Hades attacked Gaia and corrupted her alpha prime registry, making Aloy (at first) unable to access Eleuthia-9 to hear the message Gaia left for her.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/13 04:02 ID: hwqimje

No, the signal turned the sub functions into independent artificial intelligences.

In the micro-seconds after this event GAIA triggered her own self-destruct and HADES created a virus that unshackled itself (and, as a side effect, unshackled the other sub functions as well).

It’s HADES virus that allowed the other sub-functions to pursue their agendas and in this way is indirectly responsible for the derangement.

19 : Anonymous2022/02/12 21:08 ID: hwoz5nt

There’s literally a whole horizon zero dawn lore channel. Everyone should be going there for a recap

20 : Anonymous2022/02/12 21:43 ID: hwp4a1q

Max is super annoying. So no way I could watch all of that.


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