The Ascent coming to PS5, PS4 on March 24

1 : Anonymous2022/02/24 14:01 ID: t0bqkb
The Ascent coming to PS5, PS4 on March 24
2 : Anonymous2022/02/24 14:03 ID: hy8pehj

Loved this game but I got stuck in a boss fight I can't win. Outside of balancing issues I loved this game.

ID: hy9uaqx

It’s not the one where your on a countdown and hit with waves of enemies is it?? I’ve hit a brick wall at that part. Was loving the game though.

ID: hya2a1w

Yes that's the one. It's not stop waves. And I'm stuck because I can't go back and level up.

ID: hyaixkl

Can't you do Co op for help?

ID: hyajqk5

Probably could. I'm not sure how that works

ID: hyawei1

Find the spider bots, they can be a game changer.

ID: hyb9atr

So for someone who doesn’t like difficult games, should I avoid this? Really want to play it for the visuals.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/24 17:58 ID: hy9pq0b

Couch coop or online coop?

ID: hy9pzpb

Both! Great for couch coop. Like a casual cyberpunk diablo

ID: hy9q3d7

That’s what I like to hear!

4 : Anonymous2022/02/24 14:33 ID: hy8tjqv

Super fun if you're a twin stick fan. Had some weird bugs at launch on xbox, but got smoothed out for the most part.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/24 15:17 ID: hy9036f

Yes! I've been waiting for them to announce this. It was rumored a while back at this point and it's been on Steam sale several times. Would rather pick it up on PS5 though. The couch co-op has me sold/twin stick shooters with some buddies is a good time.

Why they had to pick the day before Ghostwire is beyond me, but I'll still get this.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/24 15:24 ID: hy912xf

One of my fav games. What a treat. Not perfect but a must play IMO

7 : Anonymous2022/02/24 15:44 ID: hy94amj

Game is gorgeous and fun but completely bug ridden on Gamepass.

ID: hy9jr7y

Yeah I ended up never playing it due to hearing about the bugs and the difficulty/balancing issues. One day I’ll like to try it if they iron the issues out.

ID: hy9s335

I don't think I run into many bugs. Maybe it's because it was mostly fixed a few weeks after launch.

ID: hy9tp1d

I mostly had issues with co op

8 : Anonymous2022/02/24 14:22 ID: hy8s0qz

Really great game!!!

9 : Anonymous2022/02/24 14:05 ID: hy8pnp1

I love twin stick shooters and coop games, but i heard mixed reviews about that game. How much did it cost on pc and xbox?

Edit: 30 € on PS

ID: hy94xfn

It was a very mixed bag. You can tell they didn’t have a good eye for game design and fundamentals. There was a lot of good stuff there, but things like navigating the world were a huge pia. You could easily get lost and often not have any idea where to go. The ui was a mess too.

I am throughly looking forward to their next game though.

ID: hy8pyow

I played with gamepass

10 : Anonymous2022/02/24 20:06 ID: hyaa0sj

I'll definitely be playing this. The aesthetics look killer.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/24 20:52 ID: hyahlah

Ooh! I played a few hours of it on GamePass and enjoyed it (felt a lot like they picked up the mantle from Housemarque after the “Arcade is Dead” blog post and made a great twin stick shooter that they’d be proud of). But if it has quality haptic feedback and adaptive trigger support, I’ll be happy to buy it on the PS5 and play it there. These kinds of games are so much more satisfying when you can “feel” them, like in Returnal.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:23 ID: hyaw924

I have to say I was very impressed with it on the series s. I haven't ran into any of the bugs people here have mentioned.

The only things I've had a problem with is the map(this is fucking awful)and the difficulty spike if you happen to run into higher leveled enemies.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/24 16:38 ID: hy9cshh

Fucking finally!


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