10 things to know before starting Elden Ring, out tomorrow

1 : Anonymous2022/02/24 16:45 ID: t0ffoj
10 things to know before starting Elden Ring, out tomorrow
2 : Anonymous2022/02/24 17:09 ID: hy9hpqi

Man, I haven’t played any “souls” games, but am tempted to try this.

Edit: just pre-ordered it.

ID: hya6x3i

This is arguably the easiest and most accessible souls game ever made.

Being a large open world game, there are many ways to bypass issues and roadblocks that the previous games suffered from due to linearity.

Not to say you’ll breeze through the game but…

Stealth and long range combat are totally viable. You can run around lots of enemies and completely bypass encounters. Magic is powerful. Co-op is pretty usable in almost all areas. Summons are a powerful new tool to summon AI to help you that do really well in combat.

And with a huge open world stuffed with dungeons and bosses and side stuff, there’s lots of places to go if you get stuck to level up and get better gear.

Also the game is… kinda easier? Enemies don’t hit as hard. And many side bosses die faster (likely cause there’s just so many bosses that it’s better to have them be quicker fights). There’s also more check points and fast travel.

It’s still a hard game but it’s much easier if you want to make it easier.

ID: hyazsis

A ranger build is possible or am i stuck with a sword

ID: hy9kk01

same, i think imma play bloodborne a lil bit and if i enjoy that i can pull the trigger on this one

ID: hy9nyq6

Just a heads up though... You probably won't enjoy it after playing it for just a little bit and will get the wrong first impression. These games have a learning curve and usually take time to grasp the mechanics.

ID: hy9yv4a

FYI Bloodborne and Elden Ring are very different. I would suggest Dark Souls 3 and if you like that one then you'll likely like Elden Ring

ID: hyam5ss

Bloodborne is the most difficult of the FS games imo, it's punishingly hard at points. Plus it's frame pacing and anti-alaising are both terrible.

Phenomenal game, but it's really not a good jumping off point, Dark Souls 3 would be a better shout and it's pretty cheap.

ID: hy9mb88

I loooove Bloodborne. The rest of the soulslikes are just okay to me. Mostly it’s the story that unfolds. You’d have to play for 6-10 hours to get an idea of where it’s going, though.

It’s also considered one of the most difficult.

ID: hy9vdo9

you should try it. everyone should try a "souls" game.

I fully believe they make you a better gamer overall.

ID: hyadpmt

That’s how I went into Bloodborne, a great friend convinced me to buy it on launch and I was hooked

ID: hyapquj

Praise the Sun.

ID: hy9qexq

I’ve played Bloodborne, Dark Souls and Demon Souls. More so than any other game I felt like i accomplished something after beating a hard boss. The adrenaline rush after trying 2 hours is unlike any other game.

ID: hy9rjfa

If you get into it, they are some of the best games ever made!

Definitely worth a shot at least!

ID: hy9hsep

Do it and youll become addicted

ID: hy9t9op

You will most likely not enjoy it for the first 10 to 20 hours. KEEP WITH IT. I remember when dark souls 1 came out I played like 5 hours and was very frustrated and confused. Put it down for over a year before I tried again...and finally got it to click. Favorite games of all time now.

The worst part as a newbie was the way your character moves and responds. FromSoftware has a very unique way that characters move. You are not fast. You have to figure out how to utilize dodge, roll and parry effectively with your play style. You will die. A lot. You might even cry at some point. Also don't expect for the story to make any sense at all on your firat play through (you undoubtadly will have many). But be prepared to deep dive into all sorts of theories online and get very engrossed in the lore.

BUT if you stick with it...eventually you will have that light bulb moment and embrace and understand the meaning of the tarnished. And love/hate every second of it.

ID: hy9uh82

Definitely try it, you never know when you’ll find your new favorite game. A lot of places let you do returns within 30 days anyway, just don’t get a digital copy

3 : Anonymous2022/02/24 17:32 ID: hy9ljqe

What is the most suitable class for a total beginner to Souls games? I need a class that will benefit me early on so I don’t get discouraged and stop playing

ID: hy9oj8a

I would go Confessor if you want to a mix of melee and magic, or Vagabond if you want to go straight melee. Starting class doesn't matter that much though, to be honest. More important than starting class is how you spend your initial levels into stats.

I would start off investing into Vigor (health stat) until it's at least like 25 or so, so you don't die too fast. Also Endurance since you'll likely be blocking and rolling more than you need to while you learn the mechanics. Then start leveling up your preferred offensive stats (Strength for stronger slow melee or Dexterity for faster weak melee [or both equally for a Quality build], and Intelligence for offensive magic or Faith for defensive buffs + some offensive magic).

If you want my advice: I would recommend a Quality build with Faith (either Confessor or Vagabond are a good starting point for this). Essentially, after leveling up Vigor and Endurance to a point where your comfortable, level Strength and Dexterity equally and choose a weapon with similar scaling in both, like a longsword (look up weapon scaling to become familiar with what I mean). Early game I'd level Strength and Dexterity mostly since stronger spells won't come til later game. But eventually start leveling up Faith also and you can use some nice defensive buffs like big heals. I'd get Strength and Dexterity both to about 20 before going too much into Faith, unless you find a Faith spell early on that has a certain stat requirement you're close to (for example if you have 12 Faith, and find a healing spell that requires 15 Faith to use then by all means level Faith to 15 right away).

Have fun!

ID: hya2aed

I heard that most of the really good Faith based magic isn't available until the latter half of the game so Confessor probably isn't the best build for someone wanting an advantage early on - would make for a potentially weak melee build in the opening dozen or more hours. I heard this on the Skill Up video review and a few other forum threads

ID: hy9vctv

Honestly, your best bet will probably be Vagabond. It has the highest starting health of all the classes, good strength and dex stats, and it starts with a long sword and shield. It’ll make for a good quality build (leveling up strength and dex) or a build that’ll be easy to pivot towards more magic like intelligence since that works well with dex.

ID: hy9yzo3

Astrologist, reviewers have said magic is great in this game. Magic is generally very friendly to new players

ID: hy9mxrh

Some kind of battle mage. Medium armour with attack spells. Its easier to dodge and throw fireballs than parrying

ID: hy9oak0

Astrologer if you want to use magic and kill things from far away. Otherwise, vagabond seems a like a decent starter also. They have high starting HP and a shield that have 100% block.

ID: hy9uiep

Classes don't matter unless you're min/maxing, which you shouldn't really do on your first ever playthrough of a souls game

Just pick whichever one looks coolest to yo

the coolest weapon

ID: hy9zpsp

Vagabond probably. Highest health and can pretty much use any weapon bc it has both strength and dexterity

ID: hy9uksj

Starting class really doesn't matter too much at all in these types of games. You can always level whatever stats fit the playstyle you fall into or the weapons/spells you'd like to use

4 : Anonymous2022/02/24 20:14 ID: hyabdqo

Demon’s Souls is the only “Souls” game I’ve played. Does this have that “play-in-spirit” form aspect? (I.e. being open to invasion and turning the world darker if I die while “alive”).

ID: hyagx6j

It does not. That stuff changed each game and invasions are only if you are co-op. No soul form or tendency in this game (thank goodness)

ID: hyahocl

Thanks (yeah, I didn’t like worrying about tendency)

5 : Anonymous2022/02/24 18:34 ID: hy9vh8p

How do I quickly put my year of birth in on the PS Blog verification pop up without clicking back each month a million times?

ID: hy9xcm4

Click the year at the top of the calendar. It doesn't appear like its a click able feature but it is.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/24 20:33 ID: hyaefbm

I am trash at these games so I’m watching a walkthrough on YouTube, it looks damn good but I know I’ll never be able to get anywhere near the end so I’ll just watch other people play it.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/24 19:34 ID: hya52bp

I keep seeing conflicting messages about this being a New IP or a Souls game. Will I have to have played Souls to understand what’s going on with the story, or is the combat system just similar to Souls/Bloodborne?

ID: hya5yxg

You do not need to have played any of the previous games for this one. The Soulsborne series is primarily grouped together by similar mechanics and gameplay. Outside of direct sequels, there's not continuation of stories/environments. And even then....it's still not really required.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/24 18:08 ID: hy9r827
Your father will disown you. Your mom will no longer love you. Your wife will leave you. Your kid will sleep hungry. Your job will fire you. Your friends will forget about you. World will move on without you. When you die no one will remember you. Your dog will leave you. You will never have sex again. But you will have elden ring and that is enough.
9 : Anonymous2022/02/24 18:10 ID: hy9rjk8

I can tell you the one main point you need to know: play how you like want feel is working for you screw all these click bait you need to know things.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/24 17:07 ID: hy9hed1

Tomorrow? Im playing now

ID: hy9hid5

How lucky. Pre load doesn't open for another 12 hours for me.

ID: hy9hlkk

First time I get a preorder from bestbuy earlier than release

ID: hy9himy

Is it out already in the US?

ID: hy9k8f8

No. tomorrow or midnight today

11 : Anonymous2022/02/24 19:00 ID: hy9zjex

Lol these fuckin click bait headlines are the worst.

You don’t need to know shit, the game isn’t out yet, there isn’t a certain way to play it. Trash ass “news”

12 : Anonymous2022/02/24 17:09 ID: hy9hsyj
Download PS4 version on the PS5 if you care about 60fps
ID: hy9jir7

Playing it now. No issues so far. If there have been dips they’re unnoticeable.

ID: hy9iwc5

The PS5, while not fully sustaining 60 - is still pretty darn consistent at 55-60.

That still far outweighs the resolution drop/load times of past-gen versions.

ID: hy9knh9


ID: hy9udfp

The frame rate is not going to be fixed unfortunately

13 : Anonymous2022/02/24 19:40 ID: hya5vpv

I just want to know if you can climb in this game.. if it's anything like BOTW.

ID: hya630t

It's open but not climb anything open.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/24 17:11 ID: hy9i45g

thanks for the share!

16 : Anonymous2022/02/24 21:07 ID: hyak1fc

For this game specially I rather know nothing.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/24 21:31 ID: hyanvd5

I've pre ordered because launch edition looks awesome. But I'm not playing until I 100% Horizon, which so far is fantastic. I'm biased since I love those type of games but even non biased, it's worth playing just to walk around in. Even though I finished Dying Light 2 right before, I'm not getting tired of the open world at all

18 : Anonymous2022/02/24 21:32 ID: hyao16y

This website is cancer on mobile

19 : Anonymous2022/02/24 21:57 ID: hyas4wm

I don’t know if I should get this game. I hated Bloodborne but loved Sekiro. Lol

20 : Anonymous2022/02/24 23:49 ID: hyb8z4u

Hated…Bloodborne…uhh that does not compute uhh you’re under arrest

21 : Anonymous2022/02/24 20:37 ID: hyaf23u

I'm very tempted to read this, watch YouTube videos and read other articles but I want to go in completely blind tomorrow!


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