- Low_effort_shitpost.exe
You call this shit post low effort and yet you have a whole pilot suit
ID: gq79q3pID: gq8bm9yAs it turn out I just put the music over the video, the vid is from yt
When you hear BT Morse code in your helmet after the campaign.
ID: gq6wu63Yeah
ID: gq8pu07What, when, what does he say?
EA after releasing fortnite dances for TF3 battle royale
ID: gq7fv3vShit, don't give them any more ideas ,next think you know we will all be mining bitcoin to play TF3
low effort possibly but great
Cry all you want bitch, it wont un-steal your battery
Ah of course its Persona music, not complaining thought.
I remember seeing this post here but with diff music
Go ahead, cry about my choice of weapon
you can't un-spitfire your corpse
ID: gq761baView link
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Dude dat cosplay tho
Low effort possibly, sexy as hell DEFINITELY!!
ngl that's definitely me after i executed a spitfire camper
What Frontier Friday should have been
When you first sauntered out, I thought this was a recreation of the Frontier Defense drop. I was waiting for that move with the hack knife, but got smooth dance moves instead.
Kraber mains after beating a Spitfire camper to death with another Spitfire camper.
When they call your mom fat so you call them an ambulance
Ok this perfectly fit the song I was listening to lmao
What song is this?
ID: gq82w1gspecialist by ATLUS Sound Team (0:10/4:03)
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I should say this now because I just woke up, but the original video is here
God damn, you got a whole ass pilot suit. That’s dope.
And moves. I would have to practice for a week straight to do that.