My Resident Evil Fan Cast.

1 : Anonymous2021/03/17 03:38 ID: m6rabt
My Resident Evil Fan Cast.
2 : Anonymous2021/03/17 05:31 ID: gr7j65c

David harbour is the perfect Barry.

ID: gr7le72

Agreed! Thought that since Stranger Things season 1.

ID: gr82gq4

He even has a similar personality.

ID: gr83yav

I met him and had a brief chat with him whilst I was working at a certain UK film studio (he was filming scenes for Black Widow at the time).

He certainly has that sort of presence and, oddly enough, I always felt he'd make a perfect Barry ever since.

ID: gr8ilbz

Oh my god yes

ID: gr8letn

He fits well, I always think Peter Stormare or Jeff Daniels though

3 : Anonymous2021/03/17 05:56 ID: gr7l01d

David Harbour and Anthony Starr are absolute best-case-scenario choices!

ID: gr7zv6n

Came here to say this.. almost like Starr was born to play Wesker

ID: gr86rf7

To me my perfect Wesker cast was always young Val Kilmer (I mean come on).

However, Starr would be great.

4 : Anonymous2021/03/17 06:06 ID: gr7ln83

Lauren Cohan as Jill is not something I thought of and I now stan the idea.

5 : Anonymous2021/03/17 08:18 ID: gr7u2yd

Homelander as wesker is so fitting.

ID: gr82nqw

"I can do whatever the fuck I want".

ID: gr85eff

"In five minutes we will reach optimal altitude for missile deployment Ensuring full, global saturation"

ID: gr85o9y

I can hear it with Anthony's voice

6 : Anonymous2021/03/17 08:34 ID: gr7uxy6

Someone did a photoshop of Antony Starr as Wesker and it was perfect. Seeing Homelander with glowing eyes and slightly messed up hair just screams Angry Wesker. David Harbour as Barry is perfect, because he has played the reluctant hero father and the dirty/corrupt cop so damn well. (I know Barry was actually being blackmailed, but still it fits the meme). Kelian Lutz as RE5 Chris would make so much damn sense. just huge for no reason.

ID: gr87nzn

The guy they had playing wesker in one of the movies was absolutely terrible as Wesker. The one with the dogs that split open & they’re on a tanker fighting. He should have been cast as Chris, he’s have been perfect. Far better than Wentworth who was half the size & like 7” shorter.

ID: gr8cke6

Wentworth as in Wentworth Miller? I haven’t seen the movies and I probably won’t but Wentworth as Chris Redfield is a ... creative casting choice. I think he’s better at villains lol

ID: gr8i76z

He was better than the Wesker they used in the 3rd movie.

They didn't even try WTF is this?

7 : Anonymous2021/03/17 08:10 ID: gr7tm1n

Anthony Starr as wesker is good, I wouldn’t have thought of that

8 : Anonymous2021/03/17 07:55 ID: gr7spp9

Mary Elizabeth Winston owns me so... yes

ID: gr87uc2

See, she’s soooooo much older than Claire, so her and Jamie are the least suitable to me. Though MEW is pretty awesome.

9 : Anonymous2021/03/17 08:51 ID: gr7vxge

Definitely agree on Barry, Carlos and Wesker. Jill’s ok too. I’m not sure if I agree on Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Claire. The others, I’m not familiar with.

10 : Anonymous2021/03/17 11:12 ID: gr84bn8

Lmao I never would have realized how much we need David Harbour doing that Jill Sandwich line.

11 : Anonymous2021/03/17 14:40 ID: gr8oztv

David Harbour would be an awesome Barry. But no love for Rebecca? Come on man! Best girl needs representation lol

12 : Anonymous2021/03/17 09:07 ID: gr7wu75

My only gripe with this list is that Chris would look younger than Leon

13 : Anonymous2021/03/17 04:50 ID: gr7fzkr

Tom Payne as Leon would've been perfect though I think the only one I disagree with is Claire manly cause I think Kaya scodelario who's set to play her is the best casting that movie has done

ID: gr81n40

When I first saw her as Ted Bundy's girlfriend in the Zac Efron movie, it never occurred to me that very actress would play Claire someday, it just goes to show how unpredictable acting careers can take you.

ID: gr81s5j

I remembered her best from the movie Crawl (even though I knew her from the maze runner beforehand) which blew me away with her performance. If you haven't seen it go see it.

14 : Anonymous2021/03/17 09:20 ID: gr7xjuk

I like all these choices, but David Harbour and Anthony Star are perfect choices in my opinion.

15 : Anonymous2021/03/17 08:47 ID: gr7vo75

Only if David Castenada grows that same head of beautiful hair.

ID: gr7w2a7

He basically did in season 2 of Umbrella Academy.

ID: gr8a630

Bruh he literally look like Carlos in that season. He just needs to get jacked.

16 : Anonymous2021/03/17 08:38 ID: gr7v6j4

Lauren Cohen as Jill is probably my favorite casting here

17 : Anonymous2021/03/17 09:37 ID: gr7yhhp

A few of the actors are too “old” for their game counterparts but I don’t care. This is actually really good.

18 : Anonymous2021/03/17 10:01 ID: gr7zvv5

But...but....but what about Steeeeeeeeve?!

19 : Anonymous2021/03/17 10:45 ID: gr82krw

100% perfect. In fact, I bookmarked this page. Directors, take note.

20 : Anonymous2021/03/17 11:34 ID: gr85zts

Younger Johnny Messner is basically RE5 Chris.

21 : Anonymous2021/03/17 11:45 ID: gr86tyb

Yo, good call. Still not happy about the Do You Even Chris model, but whatever. Shit like this gets me pissed off all over again that the show's just more CGI. We've seen it. And it always feels like a two-hour, unskipable cut scene. Weak.

22 : Anonymous2021/03/17 12:11 ID: gr88wsx

I love this cast, but I think Robert Pattison would be the perfect leon.

23 : Anonymous2021/03/17 12:28 ID: gr8afuv

If Netflix or Disney casts and direct, the entire casts are going to be black or not red head. It won't be Claire Redfield, but Claire BLACK-field.

24 : Anonymous2021/03/17 12:58 ID: gr8dcwt

Lauren Cohan would be a perfect Jill Valentine

25 : Anonymous2021/03/17 09:17 ID: gr7xdh1

The fuck happen to Ada?!

26 : Anonymous2021/03/17 09:50 ID: gr7z88e

Tom Payne as Leon, yes please

27 : Anonymous2021/03/17 10:00 ID: gr7zt5r

Not bad, I like it, I like it!

28 : Anonymous2021/03/17 10:01 ID: gr7zuvd

Tom Payne as Leon...hell yeah!

29 : Anonymous2021/03/17 10:11 ID: gr80hrk


30 : Anonymous2021/03/17 10:13 ID: gr80lk8

i reckon this is pretty good

31 : Anonymous2021/03/17 10:24 ID: gr819it

Eyy MEW! good choice man!

32 : Anonymous2021/03/17 10:32 ID: gr81qx7


33 : Anonymous2021/03/17 10:49 ID: gr82u5t

Carlos, Wesker and Barry are the only ones who make sense. The others need to be younger imo.


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