- Raspberry Pi arcade we made with plywood and called it the PlyStation. I heard there were some who’d enjoy this here.
Sorry for the grubby table, it’s my kids former art table.
ID: grayk6pID: grb362iKeepin it retro yeah!
Amazing. I have wanted to do this for years but every tutorial or guide I find gets to the controller portions and it is magically put together. I am not handy enough. Good for you on making it. Hope you enjoy for years to come. Also are you using an older pi or a newer pi4?
ID: gran6pwYes! It was hard finding the tutorials for all of them and kind of had to make it up, it’s the pi4 so we can still go in and change things up and add to it without having to loaded a USB to it. When my kids are older and can understand how to play I think it’ll be a hit for a long time.
That is sick. What games?
ID: grao068There are so many but we mainly got the ones we remember playing, I’m still looking for cosmos cosmic adventure for it (I have it on steam though) but we got sim city, mortal kombat, pac-man, ski free, super Mario world. There’s tones of others to.
ID: grao6vgThe original GTA?
Nice. What's the game list?
ID: gramn2oWe’re still loading games but we have a few ms-dos games and snes so far. But the main ones are what we remember like ski free, sim city 2000, leisure suit Larry, mortal kombat, demolition derby and it goes on. I can take a picture of it if you’d like. I got hooked on Alfred the chicken (I think that’s what it was called) which is now my new favourite game. But there’s so many we found and haven’t played before so when the kids go to bed we’re trying to pack in as many as we can. Some still have to be configured but we have a keyboard that slides out and can connect game controllers to.
That’s awesome.
Pretty bad ass!
It adds.