Sim racing is under attack – Recently, @SimRacing604 has come under attack from copyright strikes, sent by nefarious members of the sim racing community. We explore why, and what we can do to help.

1 : Anonymous2021/03/07 19:37 ID: lzxvq9
Sim racing is under attack - Recently, @SimRacing604 has come under attack from copyright strikes, sent by nefarious members of the sim racing community. We explore why, and what we can do to help.
2 : Anonymous2021/03/07 22:30 ID: gq5c7vz

A team of modders called "SimDream Development" is allegedly ripping off other people and game's content and pitching it as their own work, when they got called out by SimRacing604 on youtube they copystriked him.

It's worth noting that Sim Dream has been known to be rippers for like 4 years, so it's kind of crazy they're doing it now.

3 : Anonymous2021/03/08 01:01 ID: gq5t64a

It's Youtube, so no there's nothing you can do to help. Either they fix it, or as usual give zero fucks and carry on.

ID: gq6o6xu

No, it's sim racing games that content is being illegitimately sold. They can copyright strike as many vids was they want, as long as there are posts like this to spread knowledge about the scammers then people can make change.

4 : Anonymous2021/03/08 02:41 ID: gq63zyx

And why havent they filed a counter claim against the false copyright claims so that YT can reinstate them?

Its not like these sim racing community trolls would or even could take them to court, would they?

ID: gq6o27s

Surely they would have ? That shit takes months to sort if your youtube is small.

5 : Anonymous2021/03/08 06:16 ID: gq6nzwh

Thanks for posting this here, I play iracing and assetto weekly, but didn't know about these scumbags!

This is a bad youtube title though. It should be something like "SimDream Development - Scammers, Do Not Purchase" etc . If I saw that video without watching, like lots of people will, i'd think that Sim Racing as a whole was underattack by 604 or something

6 : Anonymous2021/03/07 19:45 ID: gq4oimm


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